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(Future spells to consider)
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[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] ya gabe, that's what i was thinking with terrifying visage above as a disturbing image that messes with their mind.  was considering some kind of illusionary terrain entangle, but not sure it fits with the character concept.  My conception of illusions are that they are in essence intangible, and i have tried to keep the powers in tune with that.
[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] ya gabe, that's what i was thinking with terrifying visage above as a disturbing image that messes with their mind.  was considering some kind of illusionary terrain entangle, but not sure it fits with the character concept.  My conception of illusions are that they are in essence intangible, and i have tried to keep the powers in tune with that.
[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] Aefra is impossible to hit if she flies by HTH combattants.  ranged folks or any spellcaster or any flying creature will have no problem hitting her with her crap DCV.  we just haven't seen an archer yet.  not that i'm requesting one.
== Aefra's Plans ==
== Aefra's Plans ==
Wow!  And Wow!  That was the most excitement and fun I've ever had!  And that little Philip was so cute!  I hope that Galen was able to find Danny and figure out if she was poisoned or not, how horrible!  I've got to find Aeten and maybe together we can figure out what happened and reunite with our auspice bonded friends!  This is all so incredible!  We'll have to find a cure for Danny somehow, she's like a big sister to me!  That deer i made was awesome!  And that was, like, just off the top of my head n stuff!  Oh man, maybe I can do something great with myself!
Wow!  And Wow!  That was the most excitement and fun I've ever had!  And that little Philip was so cute!  I hope that Galen was able to find Danny and figure out if she was poisoned or not, how horrible!  I've got to find Aeten and maybe together we can figure out what happened and reunite with our auspice bonded friends!  This is all so incredible!  We'll have to find a cure for Danny somehow, she's like a big sister to me!  That deer i made was awesome!  And that was, like, just off the top of my head n stuff!  Oh man, maybe I can do something great with myself!

Revision as of 00:46, 13 October 2008

Born to nobility, the 13th daughter of a mucky muck. as a child showed incredible potential in magic skills, but failed to develop them, instead spent time painting and sculpting and singing to self (considered material attachement to activities best done by magic). Exhiled from the Fae to go make something of herself in the world. Only when they told stories of her heroism and deeds would she regain her families respect and re-entrance into Fae high society.

Group role: Facewoman, persuasive. befuddling enemies and providing entertainment for all. will eventually have a familiar that will have sneaky properties.

Character Sheet

Racial character maxima

Specific Fae Char Maxima
Stat Char Pts Value
STR (-)2 18
DEX 3 21
CON (-)4 18
INT 3 23
PRE 3 23
COM 4 28
Leap 3 8


Æfra Lastrangele'i Mai'enha La Eisenhei
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
8 STR (-)2 11- Lift 75.8kg; 1 1/2d6 HTH damage [2]
11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
8 CON (-)4 11-
10 BODY 0 11-
23 INT 13 14- PER Roll 14-
14 EGO 2 12- ECV: 5
12 PRE 2 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
24 COM 7 14-
2 PD 0 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)
2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 9 Phases: 4, 8, 12
4 REC 0
16 END 0
18 STUN 0
6" Run 0
2" Swim 0
4.5" Leap 3


Cost Powers END

Fae Racial Attributes
5 Magesight: Detect A Class Of Things 13- (Mystic Group) 0
5 Wings: Flight 4" (8 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2) 1END
5 Blessed birthright: Luck 1d6
5 Nightvision

Illusion Spells - Innate
10 Innate Illusions: Sight and Hearing Group Images 1" radius, Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), +/- 3 to per rolls (30 Active Points); Only to create images less than 1 foot in diameter Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1), Requires A Magic Roll (-1/2), Spell (-1/2), 3END

  • GM Note: this spell has Costs END only to activate and has no incatations or gestures, thus one small illusion can be held for long periods of time. also i think it requires a magic skill roll whenever i want it to do something different.

Illusion Spells - Beginner
9 Blinding Light: Sight Group Flash 3d6, Area of Effect 1 Hex (+1/2) (22 Active Points); Requires A Magic Roll (-1/2), Spell (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) 2END

Illusion Spells - Advanced
18 Advanced Illusions: Sight and Hearing http://benscondo.wiki-rpg.com/skins/common/images/button_nowiki.pngGroups Images, Increased Size 2" radius (+1/4), +/-7 PER roll (45 Active Points); Requires A Magic Roll (-1/2), Spell (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) 4END

Illusion Spells - Expert
7 Frightful Appraition: Drain PRE 1d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), Ranged (+1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1), Range Modifiers Apply (-1/4) (25 Active Points); Spell (-1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Visible (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Normal Range (-1/4) 2END

4 Blur: +2 with DCV (10 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Visible (-1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 1END


Free: Daenerys-forged Dagger: (Total: 27 Active Cost, 10 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6-1, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 6 (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) (Real Cost: 5) plus Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6-1 (10 Active Points); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), OAF (-1), Range Based On Strength (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) (Real Cost: 3) plus +1 with HTH or Ranged OCV (real Cost: 2)


5 Bag o many things
1 Reputation to Fae and those with High Society 14-: Daddy is a Duke
27 Follower (Shao Long Eila Du Felisima, 137 point character)
2 DNPC Disad: Sappho (earned xp for Sappho involvement: 1)


3 Power skill: True Magic (base is INT roll)
8 Advanced Power skill: True Magic +2 (roll now 16-)
0 Climbing 8-
0 Conversation 8-
3 Persuasion 11-
0 Trading 8-
0 Deduction 8-
0 Paramedics 8-
0 Shadowing 8-
0 Streetwise 8-
0 Survival (Marine, Urban) 8-
3 High Society 11-
2 PS: Painting 11-
0 PS: Sculpting 8-
2 PS: Singing 11-
0 Language (human, fairy)
2 Literate in both Fairy and Common
2 KS: Fae Society11-


5 Distinctive Features: wings, legs that are jointed as feline (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses), not distinctive in some cultures
10 Distinctive Features: Startling yet unnatural beauty (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
5 Reputation: As Fae nobility, known to be a failure and outcast, 141 (Known Only To A Small Group (Fae folk)
10 Social Limitation: Fae culture (Frequently, Minor)
5 Psychological Limitation: Flighty (Uncommon, Moderate)
10 Susceptibility: Utter Darkness, 1d6 damage per Phase only while conscious (Uncommon)
5 Psychological Limitation: Afraid of the dark, Panics in Utter Darkness (Uncommon, Moderate)
5 Money (poor, ie can afford to buy food and minor stuff, but no large purchases)
5 DNPC: Sappho (8- slightly less powerful than PC)

XP / modifications in the works

75 Base character (25 + 50 disads)
92 XP earned
92 XP spent
0 XP unspent
167 total character points

Future spells to consider


Up the drain PRE to 2d6, then 3d6

Up the Blur spell to +4 DCV

Buy penalty skill levels vs range

increase magic skill roll.

4 Invisibility to Sight Group (20 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Requires A Magic Roll (-1/2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Bright Fringe (-1/4) ((later buy off extra time and bright fringe; buy reduced END or END only to activate))

4 Morph Form: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing and Touch Groups), Imitation (26 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (Requires both hands; Complex; -1 1/2), Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; Complex; -1), Requires A Magic Roll (-1/2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2) ((later buy down extra time; add variety of shapes = 4, then limited, then any; reduced END or END only to shift; add smell group

Detect Illusion

Images to Detect Illusion

Dispel Illusions


Entangle linked to Images (ie images of vines so real that they entangle you unless disbelieved or cut through)

Transform (cosmetic)

Multiple images of self to distract foes, i think this was another kind of images in the girmoire. essentially a chance they attack the wrong image.

BEN: you can't succor DCV I don't think: it's not a characteristic. If you CAN, DCV costs 5 pts/level, so for every full 5 pts. you roll on the dice, you raise DCV by 1 point.

Edmiao i knew about the 5 for 1 thing. i liked the idea of bending light away from where she actually is, but 2 DCV is nearly useless for her, especially at that cost, she could just buy 2 DCV straight up for less.

GABE: Hey Ed, I had a few other ideas too (cuz I seem to be able to come up with spells for others while I can't come up with new potions...). What about just a stright Entangle? Like you mess with their mind? Same affect as an illusion but a little more reliable? Or like Ben said, a beam of light, just give it AOE.

Also I was thinking of like an ego attack, where you create an illusion so disturbing to one person, it can't help but warp their mind, ala the stun. Just some ideas!

BEN: you can have the "blur" thing as the effect of your +2 DCV. visible is even like a -1/4 or -1/2 disad. HOWEVER, I don't want people loading up on + to DCV as a defense mechanism. +2 DCV is fine for your character, although your character is already almost impossible to hit, since she flies. I'd like you to take "costs END" for it though, every phase.

Edmiao wiki blocked editing my own character. brutal. i was going to buy the blur spell above, costs end to activate. that turns a persistent power into a activatable power. if i must buy it with cost END every phase, then i will delete it cus i have too much of an END problem.

Edmiao ya gabe, that's what i was thinking with terrifying visage above as a disturbing image that messes with their mind. was considering some kind of illusionary terrain entangle, but not sure it fits with the character concept. My conception of illusions are that they are in essence intangible, and i have tried to keep the powers in tune with that.

Edmiao Aefra is impossible to hit if she flies by HTH combattants. ranged folks or any spellcaster or any flying creature will have no problem hitting her with her crap DCV. we just haven't seen an archer yet. not that i'm requesting one.

Aefra's Plans

Wow! And Wow! That was the most excitement and fun I've ever had! And that little Philip was so cute! I hope that Galen was able to find Danny and figure out if she was poisoned or not, how horrible! I've got to find Aeten and maybe together we can figure out what happened and reunite with our auspice bonded friends! This is all so incredible! We'll have to find a cure for Danny somehow, she's like a big sister to me! That deer i made was awesome! And that was, like, just off the top of my head n stuff! Oh man, maybe I can do something great with myself!