Talk:Ben's Gaming Maniphilosophesto

Revision as of 17:56, 28 October 2009 by (Talk)

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--Gdaze 15:10, 28 October 2009 (MST) You are very trusting of players.

Edmiao in that you think the players will try to deliberately derail the game, or inadventently will derail the game?

BEN: since tone of voice is not transmitted on the wiki, I'm assuming Gabe is being sarcastic...? And that Ed is seconding that opinion...?
I would hope players wouldn't deliberately derail the's essentially impossible to prevent and you might as well just play a series of one shots or switch games if they do do it. as far as inadvertently...I guess I would answer that as long as everyone has the story as their central concern, a derail should be largely impossible, since if the players are acting consistently then they are just making their contribution to the story.
I would say that in champions I was not trusting of players at all. I was very controlling. I would also say, however, that I have been very trusting of players in OAAAA: but perhaps you disagree?