Star Sector 3: The Azuriach Imperium

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The Azuriach Imperium

An Address to the Grand Assembly of the Federation by Kraig Robert St. Vincent; Fleet Admiral, Ret'd., Representative of Britannia, Sol-arian StarSector, September 22nd 2583. Federation Journal of the Assembly, 2583.-09.22.A4.

Mr. Speaker:

It is an ancient and honored adage of military science that a solider would be wise to know his enemy well. As an old solider, I have corn to know one of the enemies of the Federation very well indeed.

In the 373 years of its existence, the Azuriach Imperium has been in a state of continuous and unremitting war against its neighbors. By its own reckoning, the Imperium has annihilated the populations of 243 worlds and has reduced to virtual slavery the peoples of more than 1000 others! The Imperium itself is a nation organized for war. The Inver/um social order is highly regimented throughout, with all 'civilian' agencies, institutions, and enterprises serving as auxiliaries for the vast military establishment which is, for all intents and purposes, the Imperium itself. The Imperium leadership is very ambitious but also dangerously competent. The citizenry are disciplined and loyal ad-herents of the Auzriach Supremacy Party and are prepared to make great sacifices to establish the galactic hegemony of the Imperium and its so-called 'Master Race.' The Subjugated peoples of the Imperium are fearful and obedient. Few having the courage to show active rebellion in the face of Auzriach rule by terror. The Armed Forces are among the finest in the known galaxy, with excellent training, equipment, and morale. The Imperium cannot be discounted as an adversary, and its record is filled with illustrious examples of the bravery of its troops and the superlative tactical skill of its officers.

That is the face of the Enemy. Make no mistake The Imperials are committed to no less than the total subjugation of all worlds and all people everywhere. Their ambition knows no bounds. And the Imper¬ials have long recognized that the greatest obstacle to their plans for galactic conquest has been and always will be the Federation. Who in this assembly doubts that Imperial policies have always aimed at the destruction of the Federation? All present here know full well that the fall of the Federation would mark the beginning of the Darkest Age in the histories of all our races.

A clear and present danger now exists that the Federation and all its allies will soon be engaged in a bitter war with the imperium. It will be all-out war 'to the knife,' a conflict so vast in its destrutiveness and scale of operations that it will dwarf any interstellar conflict fought in the rememberance of any of our races. The fate of the known galaxy will be at stake. The ghosts of a hundred billion victims of ferocious Imperial aggression and genocide bear mute witness to the bloody fate that awaits us if the Federation should be defeated.

Here in this Assembly are represented the member races of the Feder-ation. We have been nutured under the Covenant to hold mutual under-standing and tolerance to be among the highest civic virtues. Under the Covenant and the Character of Federation, we respect and defend the inalienable rights of all intelligent beings to enjoy life, freedom, and equality of opportunity and treatment. Since its founding, the Feder-ation has never forcibly annexed any world against the will of its people. Never has a world withdrawn from the Federation. We have come together freely in a mutual desire far peace and general pros¬perity in an atmosphere of universal brotherhood that will not admit any form of discrimination based upon race, form, creed, or cultural difference. We stand together, with room and a voice for all.

Such sentiments are regarded with contempt in the Imperium, as signs of our inherent weakness and degeneracy. In their blind and unremit--ting worship of power, the Imperials have denounced Terra for betray-ing mankind everywhere when it dissolved the old Union to extend citizenship to all galactic races. The Imperials have, themselves, pursued a fanatical policy of racial domination over 'lesser breeds" of humanity and other gala tic races, convinced that they are a cthosen people,' the predestined masters of the known universe.

To this I answer that the Imperials mistake completely the nature and resolve of those who form this glorious association of races. The Federation is not Terra. The Federation is 496 member worlds and 3977 colonies and protectorates with 600 billion sentient beings and 512 races. We have come together in peace, but we are not weak. I am proud to admit that Terra was weak when my race stood alone. I am proud to proclaim that the strongest and finest thing my race ever did was to create the Federation, which has become our collective strength to resist such abominations as the Azuriach Imperium. And that Federation has proved that it is anything but weak. We have been beset by enemies; we have always prevailed over them. That we do not chose to employ force except in self-defense and in defense of worlds which have placed themselves under our protection should not be interpeted as anything except a resolute and unfailing determination to live by those rights and freedoms and principles upon which our association of races is founded. This the Imperials cannot understand. It shall fall upon the Armed Forces of the Federation to teach them a hard lesson.

The Imperium must be destroyed! Over the years in this august Assembly I have earned the nickname of "Cato" St. Vincent. But I know the Enemy and, like Cato of old who rose daily and ended every speech on whatever subject with a demand that the Roman Senate act to destroy the Carthaginian foe, I also serve the nation and will not rest until the peril to the Federation is elimated. The Imperium must be destroyed. The Federation will not be the one to initiate that war, but by all the Powers that be in this vast universe, the Federation will finish it once and for all time. The Imperium must be destroyed, and the time for debate is over.

Excerpts from THE AZURIACH IMPERIUM: PROFILE OF MILITARY STATE; edted by Alisair K. Valasareon, Fleet Captain, BRINT Office of Strategic Studies; BRINT Briefing Manual BBM/OSS 1792. A14.O, edition of 2583.


The Extent Of The Imperium

The Imperium is concentrated in a block of 12 starsectors which center upon Deneb: NN. 16. +800 and +1000, NN.17.- +800 and +1000, NN18. +800 and +1000, MM.16. +800 and +1000, MM/i. +800 and +1000, and MM.18. +800 and #1000. Within this volume of some 96,000,000 cubic light years the Imperium is unchallenged and maintaining total control over all known inhabited worlds. The 12 Imperial Provinces contain an average of 52 inhabited planets each, for a total of 624 worlds with a population of 165 billions, of which 14% human stock. Most humans are converted to the doctrine of Human Supremacy and should be regarded as basically loyal to and supportive of the Imperium and all for which it stands.

There are also 17 StarSectors classed as Imperial Military Prefectures, in which the Imperials are either consolidating their power or are heavily engaged in campaigns to extend the frontiers of the Imperium. The Marches of the Wolf are the farthest removed from Terra and are adjacent to the frontiers of the Confederated Rauwoof Republics centered on Helix Nebula in NCG 7293 and surrounding StarSectors. The Marches of the Wolf include 00.17.+1000 and +1200, 00.18. +1000 and +1200, 00. 1&#1000 and +1200, and 00.19.#1200. The Ranan Marches include MM 15.+1200, MM.16.+1000 and +1200, NM 15+1200, and NN.16.+1000 and +1200. The first three sectors of this group are still hotly contested, there being a strong Ranan presence in the region. Finally, there are the "Western" or "Red" Marches, which border upon G.P.R. space: NN.14.+1000, NN.15.+1000, 00.13. +1000 and +1200, 00.14+1000, and 00.15.+1000. There are an average of 37 inhabited worlds in each of the above sectors, of which an average of 26 are Imperial planets. There 442 Imperial worlds in the Prefectures, with a total population of 85 billions, of which 11% are of human stock. The total popualtion of the StarSectors is estimated to be about 145 billions. In addition to these concentrations, an Imperial presence exists on 431 worlds in 49 other StarSectors, The majority of these lie on the outer boundaries of the Imperial Provinces and Prefectures outlined above, but some are far-distant outposts up to 2000 light years from the Azuriach heartland in the Deneb. The total population of these Imperial worlds is around 90 billions, 16% of which is human.

In summary, the Imperium projects a strong presence into 29 Star-Sectors and cannot be discounted in 49 others. At currant date, there are a grand total of 1497 Imperial worlds, with 340 billion inhabitants. Some 53 billion are human, and nearly 45% are supportive of or at least sympathetic to Imperial notions of "Master Race."

The Imperial Economy

The economy of the Azuriach Imperium is a blend of staterun and private enterprises. Most business and enterprises of any size and importance are owned by Imperial citizens, particulary by the aris-tocratic Leader Class. Smaller businesses are operated by "cooperative" human subjects not qualifying for Imperial citizenship. The non-human populations and "intransigent' human subjects (an Imperial euphemism for those humans who are resist the dogmas of Human Supremacy) are virtually stripped of all rights and provide slave labor for the State and the private enierprises looked upon with favor by the Imperial regime. The average per capita annual productivity of Imperial citizens and favored human subjects is high--over CR 10,000. That of subjugated races is significantly less, about CR 2500 per capita. The total annual productivity of the Imperium is approximately MCP 1,275.000,000. About MCR 500,000,000 is available to the Imperial State and is acquired through income from Imperial monopolies, customs and excise, and other forms of taxation. The vast burden of taxation falls upon the subject races, Imperial citizens enjoying a total rate which rarely exceeds 20% of gross income. The result is that the Imperial citizen has a very substancial disposable income and can look forward to a comfortable style of life. "Cooperative' human subject also enjoy a preferential position and rarely pay more than 30% in total taxes. Both groups also have the advantage of being able to draw upon the labor and services of the -slave' classes at very low cost--the average annual disposable income of the enslaved subject being under CR 1000 per capita.

A complex system of Imperial grants of monopoly charaterizes the way the Imperials do business. These monopolies effectively limit competetion in various enterprises or, more commonly, force others wishing to do business in the area covered by a grant of monopoly to deal with the holders of the grant. The effect of all this is not too dissimilar, in some respects, to the basic requirement that one obtain the permission of a holder of a patent or copyright before one can use the item or process. Only, in the case of the Imperial monopolies, the holder of the grant has the sole right to do business in the defined areas. This means vast profits for those holding Imperial monopolies-and also very considerable revenues to the Imperium, which charges stiff fees for such grants.

The Imperium also employs a very large pool of slave labor, which is often "leased" out tp private enterprise. This greatly reduces pro-duction costs and maximizes profits. The Imperial monopoly system operates here as well, with grants sometimes being given to individuals and to companies to 'oversee the "allocatiorf ' of forced labor in a particular region of a planet, or even planet-wide. A good proportion of this slave labor is employed in primary industry, construction, and agriculture. A substantial number are also employed as domestic menials by the rank-and-file citizenry. This might seem anomaly, con¬sidering the generally high level of technology in the Imperium, but the presence of living servant-slaves seems to satisfy the need of the citi¬zenry to exercise their "superioritar in a way that a cyberneticised system cannot. The Imperium practises a two-tier policy with respect to technological development. Briefly, all subjugated populations are restricted to Tech/7 levels or worse in virtually all areas. At the same time, the Imp¬erials themselves enjoy the benefits of the highest levels of techno¬logical development and education available. This has given the Imp¬erials a massive advantage over the more than 300 billions who are enslaved and has prevented rebellion from being successful. All highly technical and professional work is conducted by Imperial citizens and trusted human subjects. In any case, where a subject population is "suspect," let alone rebellious, the technological levels are deliberatly reduced below Tech/7 and rigidly surpressed at that level.

It has been pointed out that such a policy has severly restricted the overall productivity of the Imperium. The Imperials feel, however, that internal security thus won is worth the price. Of course, it has worked a grievous hardship on the subject races, but that is of little concern to the Imperials.

The Early History Of The Azuriach Colonies

The origins of the Azuriach Imperium, like those of many human-inhabited worlds, can be traced back to the complex situation existing on Terra in the last half of the 20th century and in the 21st century. Until unification under the United Planets Government, Terra was a world fragmented into more than 200 nations competing for economic, military, and ideological dominance. The "Wet FireCracker War' of 2008 brought an end to that chaos.

Universal peace and world government altered humanity's prospects overnight. Billions could be diverted from deference budgets and idling industries found full employment in the concerted drive to reorganize and rebuild the Soy World and also to develop the poor nations of Terra. Immense prosperity followed in North America, Japan, and Europe--¬prosperity beyond anything known before.

By 2025, the benefits of space exploration and colonization became apparent to even the blindest men. In that year the EuroConfederacy was born, completing the economic and political union begun in the 20th century with the Common Market. The enormous cost and effort needed to undertake the vast terraforming projects underway on Terra, to construct L-5 cities, and to colonize the near planets were more than any one European nation could bear. Thus full union was brought about to prevent Europe from falling behind. The success of the NorthAm PathFinder mission in 2056 caused European aspirations to turn to interstellar space. Colonization vessels were built and outfitted to carry European colonists to the OutWorlds discovered beyond the Solarian System. Though most of the European effort was concentrated within several hundred light years of Terra, one expedition explored the superb Terran-type worlds of the Azuriach cluster in the Deneb.So promising were these premium planets that the EuroConfederacy laid ambitious plans to develop them, despite their more than 900 LY distance from Terra.

By the late 2060 s,Ithe economic and agricultural development of many of Terre s poorer nations were beginning to fail as their burgeoning populations outstripped all efforts to keep pace with development of new farmlands and industry. The problem intensified dangerously despite the irrigation of millions of hectares of land in the Sahara and the opening up of other hitherto unproductive regions. The importation of food from the Solarian OutWorlds was also insufficient to meet the needs of the exploding population. The raw resources of the planet were being depleted at a frightening rate, and the best efforts of the OutWorlds to make up the huge shortages were falling behind demand. "Third World" demands for an even greater share of Terra's food and resources became bitter and strident, since many of these nations had undergone just enough development in the preceeding half-century to qualify for full voting status in the LIP Assembly, and since they con¬tained almost 85% of the Terran population, they had the political power to enforce many of their increasingly irrational demands.

This was, of course, the time of the detestible Pure Earth Movement. Some of the strongest opposition to Pure Earthianism was voiced in Europe. That the movement would soon gain global dominance was clear to the European leadership. The concensus was voiced by Konrad Hoeffner, Secretary of Space Exploration and Colonization, in a tense meeting of the European High Council in 2066:

It is clear that a new barbarism, a new Dark Age, is now decending upon us. There will soon be a time more terrible than humanity has seen at any period in its history. Here we are on a tiny world, its limited resources almost exhausted by 13 billion people, and that rising steadily by more than 300 millions per year. Yet the Pure Earth-Ian maniacs would deprive us of the means to develop and exploit our vital offworld projects. They would divert our dimishing resources to purely immediate and short-term needs on this planet. They refuse to limit the population growth in the undeveloped nations, terming all our urgings to do so as a racist plat to commit genocide on non-White races. They blindly ignore the drain on our resources, refuse to slow the accelerating demand by limiting population, and scoff at the need for massive off-world support. This is all sheer lunacy! We have no choice but to act now. We must send out our best young men and women to secure the New Europe in the OutWorlds. We cannot risk delay, because the Pure Earthians may soon be in position to deny entirely the possibility of future off-world development. If we suceed, perhaps one day the New Europe will save our Old Europe from the worst ravages of the darkness that is coming. If not, well at Feast we will have the satisfaction of knowing that those barbarians have not destroyed everything we value.

This urgency was also felt in other developed nations, and over the remainder of the 21st century many ambitious programs of deep space colonization planted hundreds of colonies beyond the Solar System. In the last years, Pure Earthian opposition to the "criminal exportation of resources vital to the well being of Earth i s Poor and needy" became so severe that Terran support to the distant OutWorlds dwindled to a trickle. Yet emigration was not halted, as the Pure Earth regime saw It as a convenient means of ridding itself of unwanted dissident and non-conformist elements.

Being among the farthest removed of all the OutWorlds, the European colonies' of the Azuriach were virtually cut off from Terra by 2125. After that date, only a few starships plied the 900 LY between Terran and the Deneb. Colonists still arrive right up to the sociodynamic collapse of Terra, carried out in ColdSleep and bearing with them only a few personal belongings permitted off planet by the Pure Earth regime. Most of these colonists fled Terra with a deep bitterness toward the Pure Earthians who had oppressed Europe and bled away its hard won prosperity. This hatred was colored by racism born out of the simple fact thet many officals of the UP Government were "Third World" citizens. This racism would smoulder beneath Azuriach society for a century, finding its final, explosively violent expression in the militarism of the Imperium and the doctrines of racial superiority preached by Richard Ower and his followers.

The Azuriach worlds were themselves quite fertile and also rich in natural resources. The first colonists were well equipped to develop the new planets, and by the 22nd century, the Azuriach Colonies had largely developed self-sufficiency. Indeed, they were well able to maintain technologies in no way inferior to that of Terra. By 2100 the first starships were being launched by the new yards on Beowulf, alibeit of modest size and in relatively few numbers. Within a gener¬ation, the Azuriach merchant marine was considerable, and the colonies even had a small but efficient navy.

The populations of the colonies expanded at a rapid rate, the colonies tending towards large families which they found easy to support with their abundant produce and rapidly expanding industries. In 2137, five years after the Great Rebellion and the founding of the Soladen High Republic, the independent colonies of the Azuriach combined into a loose confederation, the Azuriach Common Market of Worlds. The ACM renounced all allegiance and loyalty to Terra, except for a vestigel concern for the "Old Country" back in Europe. Contact with other human worlds became attenuated over the next few decades, finally ceasing entirely. Azuriach culture therefore took an increasingly divergent course, marked by Insular attitudes and deep distrust of anyone or anything "unAzuriach."

Paradoxically, relations with the non-human races in the Deneb were rather congenial at this time. There was brisk trade between the star-faring races of the sector, which included the canine Rau'aarlu who were also colonizing the region, the avian Kreeee of Sif, and the feline MekPurr of iduna. Of these races, the Rau'aarlu were clearly the most powerful, with a number of well developed planets and a population of almost three billions. They were also a most friendly race, and the Azurlach Worlds benefited greatly from the association. In the first years of human colonization in the Deneb, The Rau'aarlu provided much of the naval protection in the sector. Thus it was that the Rau'aarlu "discovered" the Azuriach colonists in 2079 through its routine patrols. A form of military alliance already existed in the Deneb to suppress space piracy and to guard against the "barbarian worlds" of the Korrak, just beyond the Deneb. The Azuriach colonists were invited to join, and Rau'aalu assistance was instrumental in the development of an Azuriach capacity naval and commercial starcraft of their own.

The first interstellar conflict in the Deneb since the arrival of the human colonists broke out in 2134 and lasted twenty-six years. The Korraki Worlds, some 18 planets inhabited by a humanoid race, were located at the periphery of the Deneb and had routinely preyed upon the shipping and colonial outposts of its neighbors. The threat was effectively contained until the Warlord Dorarl Kul united all of the Korraki worlds and directed their combined efforts to establish colonies and military bases in the Deneb. The result was all-out war. The Korraki Worlds were ultimately reduced to the stone age, and Azuriach Navy and ground forces emerged as a powerful and experienced fighting establishment. The Imperial preference for extensive employment of high technology on the battlefield emerged during the Korraki Wars. Though the popul¬ation of the Azuriach had expanded rapidly, manpower was always a problem. This the ACM compensated for by depending heavily upon mechanized forces and power armored troops. These were very effec¬tive against the Korraki, who were more lightly armed and depended upon weight of numbers to overwhelm their enemies. As the Azuriach forces savaged the Korraki in battle after battle, they confirmed the intrinsic "rightness" of reliance upon amored and mobile forces sup-prated by powerful artillery.

A second and far more sinister trait emerged which would, again, find its ultaimate expression in the policies of the Imperium . The Korraki humanoids closely resembled one of the non-White races of Terra which had especially "oppressed" the Europeans once Pure Earthianism had swept the planet. The racism of the Azuriach colonists erupted in an orgy of frightened atrocities against the civilian populations of defeated Korraki planets. The non-human allies were shacked at the punitive reprisals and genocidal savagery of the Azuriach occupation forces. Relations cooled perceptibly between them. Indeed, the highly honorable MekPurrs were scarcely restrained by the Rau'aarlu from declaring war on the ACM for its "lowborn disregard of all the noble rules of warfare," The Azuriach colorists were seen as a threat to them all, and at the conclusion of the Korraki War a new conflict was loom-ing..

In 2266, the sudden appearance of the Bugs in the Deneb postponed the inevitable conflict. By the standards of the First Bug War (221E¬2227) fought in the Terran sector and the Pleiades, the Bug "raid 'On the Deneb was a minor affair. To the inhabitants of the Deneb, it was a massive invasion of gargantuan proportions.

It is to the credit of the Azuriach forces that they took the brunt of the initial onslaught, suffering a terrible mauling as they shattered the first scouting forces. But the plain fact is that the Rail aarlu carried the main weight of the defense of the Deneb. Their naval establishment was larger than those of all their allies combined, and it is clear that more Rail aarlu died in the direct denfense of Azuriach worlds than did Azuriach fighting men.

These facts are mentioned because they put the lie to the later Imperial myth that the Azuriachs often fought alone and unsupported by their allies, that they were repeatedly abandoned to fend for themselvesb The Azuriach Worlds would certainly have been overwhelmed and their populations exterminated by the Bugs had not the Rail aa'riu sent massive support. In doing so, they often left their own worlds danger¬ously undefended. It should be remembered that the Azuriach Navy at this time was modern and powerful, but nontheless tiny by true inter¬stellar standards. It had only a few battle starships and fleet cruisers, depending upon lighter warships and converted merchant cruisers for the most part. Without a strong Rau'aarlu presence, the naval strength of the ACM could have been annihilated in several battles with the far more numerous Bugs.

With the withdrawal of the Bugs from the Deneb in 2186, the stage was set for a terrible trial of strength between the Azuriach colonists and the non-human races of the sector.

Richard Ower: Evil Genius Of Empire

Richard Oliver was born on Bewulf on February 9, 2141, the son of colonists of British stock who had fled Pure Earthian Terra in 2127. Ower's farther had been a minor office' in the European bureaucracy until dismissed for "recalcitrant reactionary attitudes" in 2120. Forced to scratch out a meager living as an unclassified laborer, he harbored intense hatreds of the Pure Earth regime and the non-Whites of human¬ity whom he held responsible for his personal disaster. These he passed on to his youngest son in full measure.

Richard Ower was born in the later years of his father's life, and he was doted upon by the aged exile. A strikingly handsome youth, Richard possessed a brilliant wit, an orator's skill with words, and a charming manner. His indulgent father spared no expenses in securing him the best education possible, and Richard graduated from Lamarck Univer¬sity with a Master's degree in StarShip Engineering at the age of 17. He joined the Azuriach Naval Defense Forces the same year as an cadet-officer and saw action as a StarFighter pilot in the last days of the Korraki Wars.

Discharged in 2160 during the general demobilization at the con-clusion of the Korraki Wars, Ower joined the ultra radical Human Supremacy Party, a tiny splinter group led by Josef Martens, a non-descript merchant who was xenophobe. Ower made an instant impres¬sion on Martens, and he quickly rose in the Party to become Martens' chief lieutenant and heir anoarent.

The appearance of the Bugs in 2166 led to Ower's recall to duty. He distinguished himself as a StarFighter pilot in the earliest battles and became a squadron leader in 2168. Two years later, Ower had risen to Commander rank and held the bridge of a new destroyer. His exploits against Bug scouting groups became legendary, and he was commanding a destroyer flotilla by 2172.

There can be no denying that Ower was a brilliant tactician. His mete-oric rise did not go unnoticed, and he won a patron In Admiral J.R.F. Kinnard, commander of the Azuriach 2nd BattleFleet. In 21 73 Ower held a full Captaincy and command of a heavy cruiser. Fourteen months later that Commodore commanding the 3rd Battle Squadron. He had received eleven decorations In this period, including the Star of Deneb, the highest honor of the ACM'. Ower was popularly regarded as the Nelson of the Azuriach Navy by this time, ever prepared to take calculated risks and disturbingly willing to modify or even ignore the orders of his superiors whenever he felt 'he could improve on their tactics. This increasingly became a source of irritation to the Rau'aarlu "allies" of the ACM, for Ower's unit usually operated in a combined fleet under the command of a canine Asmiral. His open contempt for the "Dogs" might had led him into 'serious difficulties with the Azuriach High Command. However, he was preeminently successful commander and a national hero lionized throughout the Azuriach. Even then, relations between the Rau'aarlu and the ACM were so strained that only the most strenuous efforts of Admiral Kinnard and his powerful friends in the government pre-vented Ower's courtmartial on a number of occasions.

Ower was "punished" indirectly, passed over for promotion to high rank to molify the outraged Rau'aarlu. He was also seconded to the Naval Academy on Bewulf to languish there 2178 and 2182 as an instructor. However, he greatly impressed a considerable number of young officer cadets with his tactical genius and personal charisma, and many of them later became his staunchest supporters. In late 2182, Admiral Kinnard became C-in-C of all Azuriach naval forces, and Ower was posted Vice Admiral and second deputy commander of the Battle Starship Force of the 1st BattleFleet.

Ower wasted no time re-establishing his credentials as a dashing comm¬ander reckless of danger. His moment for "everlasting glory' as he later put it, came at the very end of the Bug incursions in the Third Battle of Deneb l2185). The circumstances of the battle are these. The Azuriach 2nd Fleet was part of a combined force under a Rau'aarlu commander. Its mission was to cover the landing of an Azuriach assualt force on Deneb IX, an Azuriach colony now occupied by the Bugs. When a powerful Bug Fleet appeared, the Rau'aarlu Admiral ordered a general retirement to regroup for probing attacks against the Bug screening forces. Rau'aarlu battle tactics demanded hit and run opera¬tions against greatly superior forces. They had realixed early in the campaign that the Bugs were simply too numerous to risk all-out battle at any time. Above all else, the defense of the Deneb demanded that the allies maintain a Fleet in being at all costs.

At the moment the retirement was ordered, the Azuriach flagship Fafnir was hit, and Ower stewed his own Bewulf out of line to order full speed toward the Bug battle squadrons. His squadron followed, and the remainder of the Azuriach battle squadrons conformed to the maneuvers of Ower's unit. This was the famous Death Ride of the Sec¬ond. Ower cleaved through the light screening units to engage the Bug heavies in hull-to-hull gun and torpedo action. There is no denying that he handled the battle with sheer genius, his vastly outnumbered force inflicting devastating losses on the Bugs. The cost was devastating, too, with some 64% of the entire 2nd Fleet destroyed and many of the suviving vessels grievously damaged and renered useless as combat units for a long time afterward. At a stroke, Ower had reduced the total fighting strength of the Azuriach Navy by a third' The Azuriach force would have been utterly annihilated if the Rad - aarlu Fleet had not returned to support their hard-pressed allies. The now throughly disorganized Bugs broke off the action and withdrew at high speed before the Rau'aarlu could effectively engage. This made it possible for Ower to later claim that Azuriach had won the battle single-handed.

Ower tried to obscure his own insubordination and misjudgement of the tactical situation by accusing the Rau'aarlu of cowardice in the face of the enemy. He was assisted in his claims that he had "saved the entire sector" by the general withdrawl of the Bugs frorn the whole sector only a few months later. In fact, the Bugs had already decided to terminate their probe of the region and were pulling beck every¬where. Ower, who was no fool, may have deduced this and attempted to capitalize on it. His superiors were not at all convinced, and Admiral Kinnard was powerless to prevent his courtmartial. He was found guilty and was dismissed from the service with loss of all honors and pensions. Ower was outraged and vowed vengence against his "political" enemies who had become the willing dupes of the "cowardly Dogs." Returning to private life, he picked up his political career and began reorganizing the Human Supremacy Party. By 2190 the Party was making inroads in Bewulf politics and had elected Ower and 17 supporters to the Grand Assembly of the ACM. Many believed his account of what had really happened at Deneb, and membership in the Party began to grow dramatically as Ower's warnings about the treachery of the Rau'aariu seemed to be born out by the tensions between the ACM and its non-human neighbors.

In 2192 war broke out between the ACM and the Rau'aarlu. The other starfaring races of the Deneb joined the canines and the result was that the nine-year conflict ended in a stalemate. During that time, the Human Supremacy Party consolidated its hold on Bewulf and had spread to every other Azuriach world. It held 31% of the seats in the national Assembly and was the ruling party on 5 Azuriach planets when the peace was declared in 2201. The beginning of the 23rd century was auspicious for Ower, now a distinguished 60 years old. However, the elections of 2201 did not bring him to power, and Ower felt that drastic action was necessary. He tried to organize the armed overthrow of the government. The coup was betrayed, and Ower and the ring¬leaders were arrested for treason. Sentenced to ten years imprisonment, Ower began to formalize his philosophy of humanity as the Master Race and unleashed forces that would shake the Quadrant with Azur-iach militarism.

The Doctrine Of Human Supremacy

The concept of Master Pace is not unique to the Azuriach Imperium. Many races have found the opportunity at some time in their histories to give expression to the notion of racial superiority. Such ideas are invaribly shrouded in a mystical belief in the intrinsic superiority of one group or another. Usually, such "superiority" is not born out in prac¬tise because it is supported by nothing except an ethnocentric arro¬gance that denies the possibility that others might equal or surpass the competence and accomplishments of one's own race or nation.

What is unique about the Imperium is that it has succeeded in becoming one of the two most powerful nations in the Terran Quadrant. It has done so because the Imperium has concentrated upon the establishment of a geniune meritocracy of leadership. The Imperials are not the arrogantly vain, goose-stepping robots that some wishful thinkers have made them out to be. The Imperial Leader Class is anything except stupid. High rank in the Imperium is based upon actual ability and the quality of performance evidenced by the individual. The Imperial leadership possesses high intelligence, an extensive general education, an excellent specialist education, Spartan discipline, unswerving loyalty to the Imperial State, and driving personal ambition and utter ruthlessness that will not admit of failure. Further, the Imperia? Leaders can call upon a well trained and highly disciplined body of committed followers to carry out their plans and projects with dedicated efficiency.

Some commentators have seriously erred in comparing the Imperial State to the ancient regime of Nazi Germany on Terra in the 20th century. Nowhere does there exist a better refutation of this simplistic notion than in the words of Richard Ower's grandson, Jonathan Ower, who succeeded to the First Leadership of the Imperium in 2259: To those who liken Supremacists philosophy and practises to those of Nazi Germany on Terra I can only answer with derisive contempt. We bear no resemblance to that pack of bumbling losers! Hitler was a drug-soaked megalomaniac, an egotistical incompetent surrounded by a crew of corrupt, self-serving syncophants. There wasn't a Leader in the whole rotten lot! The Nazis never understood Power. They lusted for dominion over all of Terra, but where were their programs for the reorganization of Humanity into a true Race of Masters? They spoke effusively of racial purity, but they sank to the worst depths of depr-avity by granting rank and privilege to weaklings who talked a fine game and proved themselves to be intellectually and morally bankrupt when It came down to the Test by Fire and Iron. They made mere accident of birth the sole measure of superiority or inferiority. They ignored the real strength of their enemies and inflated the magnitude of their own powers and abilities. We of the Azuriach spit on such delu-sions of "Superiority.' The fools deserved to fail, and fail they did!

We Supremacists, on the other hand, believe that Good Blood must prove and prove and prove again its superior quality in the ultimate and only test of the Master—superior performance. No one in auth¬ority should count himself safe by virtue of his own rank. Those Leaders who fail the test of performance should be cast down. Even the First Leader Is not exempt from this most fundamental of Supremacist commandments, and should he show any weakness of the Will, any serious flaw in character or judgement, he must be torn from the seat of Supreme Power before he can Infect the nation with his failure. The First Leader is the embodiment of the divine strength of the Azuriach nation, from whom all True Men draw strength and purpose That sacred office cannot be held by any man who is not the greatest among us.

Nor will the sons and daughters of undoubted Leaders be allowed to bask in the light of their illustrious parents. They stand alone, to be judge alone on their own merits. If they fail in the tests of Leadership, they will be allowed to sink into the faceless oblivion of the masses. In like manner, the citizen who fails to demonstrate his worthiness to stand in the ranks of the Master Race will be consigned to the Half. cast as one of questionable value to the Imperial State, useful perhaps as a tool but never to be given any real responsibility and authority. As for the subject who fails in his total obedience or performs his duties carelessly, he shall be cast down and punished for his derelection, So it shall be from the highest to the lowest in the Imperium State. None shall escape the inexorable and unremitting test of performance.

The converse is always true. Those of the lower orders of Humanity shall rise in the Imperial State by virtue of their demonstrable superiority and worthiness and their unquestioning loyalty to the Imperium and the great principles of Human Supremacy. For it is always possible

that, in the course of human evolution, one may cast off the remnants of his bestial origins to conquer the Beast Within, rising purified as one destined to be a Master_ We aim at the perfection of all Mankind and welcome into our midst all who evidence the mark of the Master Race. (THE WILL TO SUPREMACY, Jonathan Ower), Imperial notions of Master Race are at once mystical and yet appre-ciative of the inescapable fact that superiority must be hard won and then ruthlessly maintained. It is not enough to believe that one is the best. One must truly be superior in order to justify the claim to total dominion over all planets and peoples everywhere. The sole justification for dominion is the ability to impose and maintain it. Superiority is evidenced only in the degree of success achieved. Such superiority, the Imperials believe, is the product of a savage and merciless process of competitive selection waged between races and individuals within races. It is never assured by mere accident of birth into some "chosen race."

The philosophy of Human Supremacy is starkly enunciated in Richard Ower's most influential and seminal work OF HUMAN DESTINY: MANKIND'S WILL TO POWER, the "Bible" of the Imperial State:

True superiority is the perfection of the individual and the species in the naturally ordained arena of violent and mortal competition for supremacy. In its primaeval beginnings, our race was numbered among the Beasts, Mankind was weak, mere half-men and half-apes who were the prey of other beasts strong in fang and claw and sinew. Our bestial forebearers were little more then scavangers......But among the Man-Beasts were born those strong in the Will to Power. Leaders arose...... to overawe their inferior, beastial fellows. These Leaders were.,, the great civilizers.

Strong in Mind and Will, they conquered their own Beast Within and knew themselves to be Masters. Then they turned their unquenchable Wills to the task of shackling the Beast Within their inferior compan-ions, This was a long and bitter struggle, requiring many millenia....... Thus it was that Man eventually arose from the foul Pit of the Beast to stand erect as Lords of Terra, conquering their environment under the firm guidance of Leaders able to dominate their followers, Leaders supremely strong in Will to enforce their dreams and plans and projects upon the inferior masses.

All the accomplishments of Mankind began with the emergence of the superior Mind and Will of the Leader, and it has been so ever since the dawn of time. The greatest of our primeaval forebears recognized the profound truth underlying all existence: The strong in Will must al-ways come to dominate the weak, end the weak must always submit to the strong or perish et the Will of the strong! This is the highest and the most uncompromising of all the laws of nature....So it was that even the earliest Leaders caused their half-beast followers to make war on others of their kind to bring them under guidance of the Leaders Will. Out of war, the most enduring, the most ruthless and inventive, the strongest, the very best emerged as the purist and fittest specimens of the Race of Man.

By violent competition and by violent competition alone did the Race perfect itself, rising to dominate all animals and then, in turn, ail lesser breeds of mankind still infected by the Mark of the Beast Within. Violence also established the superior men among all other men. Not only in the Holy Crucible of War did Mankind find its most perfect specimens, but also in.... the daily struggle for power and status which each member of the tribe or nation must wage against his fellows. It is in the natural order of things..., that those superior in Mind and Will must rise above those who are less perfectly endowed. Leadership cannot be shared with inferiors. Only those refined and tempered in the fires of mortal struggle for dominance will know the secrets of true Power and be able to apply them. (OF HUMAN DESTINY, Chapter 1.)

The Supremacist view of evolution holds that all lifeforms are locked in unending combat between species to determine which is fittest to dominate all others in the environment. This is true at the levels of the beasts, and no less true at the level of sentient races. One race must be superior over all others, and among intelligent races this means one must be a Master Race, and all the others slaves to the Masters. An equally savage contest is waged within every species to decide who are fittest to dominate as leaders, and who shall follow. Violence in all forms is seen as essential to the process of "refining" and "tempering" the Masters to perfection. For the violence of unrestrained competition for dominance is believed to teach the Leader to stifle all qualities of mercy and compassion, tolerance, and love, and other virtues which the Imperials hold to be fatal flaws in the character of a true Leader. In Richard Ower's own words:

The indomitable Will to Power is absolute It admits of no compromise, no half-measures. It demands ruthless competition for supremacy against all rivals. it demands total obedience from all inferiors. The true Leader....can be known only in the Times of Testing, only by his ability to prevail, to dominate those around bring his plans to full friction. This alone singles out the Leaders destined to rule his fellows.... This alone singles out the Masters who shall rule the many slave races of the universe. Mere accident of birth will not make a Master. No guarantee exists that the Beast Within all of us will not break its bonds to emerge and weaken the Will to Power. Thus I say to you.... Be vigilant. Find and cull Out all inferiors among you. Isolate them from the Pure in Blood. Des-troy them if they threaten to pollute the Master Race with their beast-tainted blood, for the Lords of Creation would otherwise be fatally infected with beastial weakness and shall degenerate into the servile brothers of the beasts from which they rose with so much sacrifice.... Cast out all thoughts of pity and mercy towards inferiors. These encou-rage weakness of the Will. ..hesitation to grasp and weild power... Know that to hesitate to use the full force of ones Power is inexcusable failure of Will, the mark of one who is himself of the inferior slave breed, an instinctive recognition of... kinship with the fell Beast. (OF HUMAN DESTINY, Chapter III.)

These are the precepts of which the whole of Azuriach culture rests. The Leaders emerge by force of "Will," their driving desire and pre¬eminent ability to gain and weild power in all its forms. Power can be shared with inferiors. Anyone who harbors egalitarian notions is bran¬ded as a degenerate. As Richard Ower once thundered at a Party rally in 2217: All the democrats are polluted by slave-blood! They are Half—Men, throw-backs to the servile Man-Beasts our illustrious ancestors had to drag down from the trees and teach to be proper Men! Democracy is corrupted to the core by the Beast's fear of the Master. Like all Beasts, the democrats fear the true Leader and will try to pull him down and destroy him by submerging him in the inferior masses of the slave-mob.

Those who would lead in the democracies fear the real competition of true Leaders. They know their inferiority for whet it is, and so they understand that they cannot hold the obedience of the slavery-breed by sheer force of Supreme Will. No, these inferiors3these failed leaders prefer to pander to the beastial appetites and animal lusts and perver-sions of the slave-mob to win their momentary approval. These non-leaders yeild to the chaotic mindlessness and undisciplined sloth and unrestrained greed of the salve-breed. They even go so far as to flatter the slave-masses by telling them that they are all "equal" to their clearly demostrable betters) And the slaves believe it and demand it. What colossal folly! What damnable evil! To share Power with slaves! As if the divine Will to Power could be comprehended by the lower breeds or the lofty visions of greatness could be dreamed by the scum in a cesspool/ Democracy is the antithesis of true Leadership, a degen-erate slide back into the chaos 9f the Jungle and the moronic wander-ings of the easily distracted "will" of the stupid and the ignorant who do not know their own minds and are ruled only by the passions of the Beast Within. I spit on the democrats and mark them down for extinction.

The Beast is everywhere. Thus the Master must always be on guard. Remember that not all men are perfected in Will. This the democrats forget... There are many who wear the form of Man but who are hope-lessly corrupted by the brutish blood of our Beast—ancestors. These Half-Men are fit only to be the servants and slaves of Masters, but never, never, never can they be allowed to aspire to stand equal to the Race of Masters.

Beware the many slave breeds of Mankind, for the Beast Within is strong and ever conspires to resist the Will of the Master with cunning animal stealth and treachery.... Trust the slave breed at your peril! Learn to crush all fellow-feeling for the lesser breeds, for your concern for those who only wear the apperaence of Humanity but are not fully human will surely weaken your resolve to be pitiless in the face of their inevitable insubordination and rebellious envy (OF HUMAN DESTINY, Chapter VII).

The unreasoning fear and hatred of the Imperials for democracy Is scarcely surpassed by its loathing of all non-human independent of Imperial control. The concept of the "Galactic Beast Conspiracy" dominates a good portion of Imperial thought and policy. The unin¬formed regard this Idea as a form of mass xenophobia or perhaps paranoia. To the contrary, the Imperials have much more than an irra¬tional fear of sentient non-humans, Their feelings arise from a largely philosophic concept which is at the heart of the doctrine of Human Supremacy. This becomes clear in Ower's account of human evolution:

Our ancestors fought and tamed and enslaved the Beasts among us, for they needed followers. Merely living with and obeying the Leaders taught the Half-Men to become more Human and outwardly to re-semble the Leaders in attitude and conduct. But deep within the mass of the slave breeds still lurks the Beast. It rages in the chains placed upon it by the civilizing influence of the Leaders. Always the Beast lusts to break free to destroy the works of the Masters, to corrupt and befoul the Master Race with its stinking Inferior seed, to return the Race of Man to the jungles of bestiality (OF HUMAN DESTINY, Chapter I).

The "Galactic Beast Conspiracy" is clearly regarded in the light of the above. The "Beast Conspiracy" is not seen by the Imperials as some vast and sinister alliance of the Imperium's many non-human foes. Rather, it is understood to be an intutive recognition by all of the "slave breeds" that they will be forever subordinate to the Masters" unless they can cast the dominate race down. In the Imperial view of things, this impulse exists within the human race and is characterized as the "Beast Within" the "lower orders" of humanity. It also exists in all other competing races, who instinctively recognize the "Master Race" as a threat to their own opportunities to achieve total domin¬ance. Ower and the Supremacists are concerned with the sources and nature of Power. Nature is conceived as marked by unrestrained competition for dominance within species and between species. All intelligent non¬human races are therefore seen to constitute an eternal danger to human supremacy in the universe. Therefore, the "Beasts of Space" cannot be trusted. The Leaders among them,..for ambition...will Inevitably seek to establish their own racial supremacy by casting down humanity and its Leaders. The Azuriach concept of Supremacy assumes a mystical and religious tone. There is buried within each sentient creature a perverse weakness, the vestige! "Beast' level of one's racial origins. The "Beast Within" must be recognized and conquered by a Spartan regime of self--disci¬pline and devotion to coldly rational pragmatism in one's unswerving pursuit of absolute power and the competence to wield it effectively, Dominance is squired through a process of refining the "Will to Power" until all lesser beings must, as a matter of course, yeild to their Masters. In Ower's words:

Eye to eye I have faced down the Beast, and the Beast ever fails in Will and cannot smite the death blow because I Willed it should not fail. The slave breeds always fail in the Time of Testing. Know, and never forget, that the Master Race must never peke its faith and trust in weak men to lead them- to victory and absolute power. Weakness In the highest authority will assuredly down the Master Race, and others will rise in its place to grasp the Power to themselves. Know the true Leader and follow only himl The strength of the Leader is the Strength of the Imperium, for the Warrior Spirit of Man is strongest in him and flows into the Race like an irresistable torrent. ( OF HUMAN DESTINY, Chapter X) Every individual and every race is "tested" by the Universal Spirit which, the Imperials believe, is the very fabric of the universe itself, the ultimate expression of the purest form of Power. Those In whom the "Warrior Spirit" is strong will be "chosen" by the Universal Spirit to be masters of the universe, the living proxies of God, which is Pure Will, Mind, and Power. The First Leader of the Imperium is therefore seen as a messianic figure in whom the power of God resides in order to consciously direct His Chosen People as they govern the universe and all who are in it. So long as the Master Race continues to be strong and ruthless, it will continue to be infused with the Will to Power as mani¬fested in the First Leader. Should the Master Race fail in its resolution, the mantle of Power will pass to another more worthy race. And this the Imperials are determined shall never happen.

The Rise Of The Imperium

Ower's followers and political allies managed to obtain his early release from prison in 2205. His great work, OF HUMAN DESTINY, had already been smuggled out of prison and published, becoming an instant bestseller throughout the ACM. Ower now appeared to be the very Leader of which he had written. There can be no denying that he had undergone a dramatic change during his incarceration, emerging with a vibrant intensity and power of personality that instantly enthralled many who subsequently cmae into contact with him. Of course, little was known at that time about psionic talents, and every Indication is that Ower had become a psionic adept able to project his emotional states upon others. There is also little doubt that Ower was insane, a megalomaniacal psychopath but with brilliance of a true genius.

Within weeks of his release, the ACM was again at war with the Rau'aarlu. Only this time the Canines achieved a few quick, decisive vic-tories which shattered the weakened Azuriach Fleet, still not recovered from the previous struggle. By 2007, the ACM was forced to sue for peace, which the Rau'aarlu granted after wringing many very humil¬iating concessions from the Azuriach Worlds.

Ower went on a rampage of his own, calling for the indictment of the government leaders for incompetence, cowardice, and outright treason. He accused them of betraying the Azuriach people and proferred forged "proofs" that they had secretly accepted bribes from the Ratfaariu to sabotagisi the war effort. In the uproar that followed, the government fell. The Human Supremacy Party formed the new minority govern¬ment, in coalition with the Anti-Communist League, the Azuriach Independence Party, and several other splinter fractions.

Ower began the reorganization and rebuilding of the armed forces, incorporating all of the concepts of warfare that he had long mulled over during his imprisonment. He also courted the conservative indus¬trialists and entrepeneurs of the ACM to gain their material support, The Human Supremacy Party meanwhile waged a blatant campaign of intimidation and terror against Ower's political opponents. The mass media were "nationalized" and used to spread Supremacist propaganda throughout the Azuriach Worlds, all opposing views stifled and denied any coverage. Finally, with public support growing, Ower made his bid for power. Declaring a national emergency, he invoked martial law and ordered the arrest of his political rivals in July of 2209. Three months later, all political parties were declared illegal except for the Human Supremacy Party, and the Party was given sweeping powers and pero-gatives in the New Order that Ower was establishing. Finally, on Janu¬ary 1, 2210, Ower compelled all members of the government, the judiciary, the military, and all civil servants to swear personal allegiance to him under the infamous Leader Oath. The Constitution of the Azuriach Common Market of Worlds was suspended, and the Azuriach Imperial State was declared.

The Imperium remained at peace with its apprehensive neighbors for more than a decade, Ower being most preoccupied with the total reorganization of Azuriach society. The MakPurr urged preemptive attack before the Imperials gathered their strength, but the other non¬human allies demeured and the opportunity to crush the Supremacists passed, Then, in March of 2220 the imperial war machine was set into motion. Within 20 years, all opposition to the Imperium was crushed in the Deneb, and the Imperial drive for galactic supremacy was plain for all to see.

Ower withdrew from public view in 2226, and he is believed to have become incapacitated by mental illness. However, the fiction of his continuing leadership was maintained, and actual government of the nation was conducted by his son, Mark. Ower died in 2235, and Mark Ower succeeded to the First Leadership. Under his rule, the Imperium carried its campaign beyond the Deneb to attack the Ranai and the G.P.R. However, the great period of Imperial expansion really began wtih the succession of Jonathan Ower to the First Leadership in 2258. This grandson of Richard Ower appears to have Inherited the psionic talents of his grandfather in good measure, along with intellectual brilliance and a natural talent for military leadership. Under his long government (2258-2312), the Imperium acheived many successes and expanded to include over 200 worlds, Jonathan Ower also instituted many rf the Imperial trappings now associated with the office of First Leader and may be regarded as the first "Emperor" of the Azuriach nation.

By the 25th century, the Imperium actually rivalled the Terran Union in size and power, and these two giants vied for dominance over much of the century. Neither gained a sure advantage over the other until the declaration of the Federation of Planets in 2501. In one brilliant move, Terra swept more than 600 eorlds into her orbit as the small interstellar groupings caught in the middle of the titanic conflict raging around them saw an opportunity to maintain their identities while sharing in the protection of the Terran led organization. Even so, the Imperium had become so large that its defeat is anything except sure.

Imperial Citizenship

Full citizenship is granted to any human Azuriach subect born of parents of certifible racial purity. This means that one must be able to trace direct decent back to European ancestors of the White race who had left Terra prior to the sociodyamic collapse under the mismanagement of the Pure Earth Movement. Furthermore, the family record must display "consistent and proven loyalty to the Imperium and the principles of Human Supremacy' for at least eight generations. The "Eight Generation Rule" may be set aside by First Leader Direc¬tive in cases where an individual has been deemed to have earned full citizenship through meritorious service to the Imperial State.

Associate citizenship is granted to any human being born in the Imperium of "mixed or unproven blood" and evidencing demonstrable loyalty to the Imperium and the principles of Human Supremacy through three generations of family history. Associate citizenry enjoys many of the privileges of full citizenship but are much more restricted in the opportunties open to them for advancement in the Imperial State. They form the" Beta' class.

Imperial Subjects are essentially conquered peoples of questionable loyalty. Conquered human subjects are granted status of Imperial subject for the first three generations, after which those born in the fourth generation can qualify for associate citizenship---again, provided that their family histories demonstrate loyalty to the Imperium. Non¬human subjects are totally barred from attaining citizenship. There are several classes of Imperial citizenship and subject status, each donating the degree of freedom and power enjoyed in the Imperial State. These can be readily identified, as all citizens and subjects must wear a computerized identity card on the left breast, over the heart. The cards are coded as follows:

Leader Class Alpha Prime

Black cards edged and printed in gold; this group forms the highest ranking members of the elite leader¬ship group in the Alpha class.

Leader Class Alpha Star

Black card edged and printed in silver; this group forms the "middle management" level in the Imperial State.

Alpha Class

Black card edged and printed in white; this group forms the ordinary citizenry of the Imperium.

Beta Class

White card edged and printed in black; this group forms the bulk of the human population who have accepted Imperial rule and the doctrines of Human Supremacy---the associate citizens of the Imperium, The "Betas" are sometimes referred to as the "Half-castes."

Gamma Class

Green card edged and printed in white; this group is of somewhat questionable loyalty and ethusiasm for Imperial rule and Supremacist philosophy but are generally "tractable" subjects.

Delta Class

Red card edged and printed in white; this group is "intractable and resistant" to Imperial rule and Supremacist thought. All newly conquered human populations are automatically classes as "Deltas," pending individual classification by the Imperial security agencies and occupation authorities.

Epsilon Class

Grey card edged and printed in white; this group includes all non-humans who have to be obedient to Azuriach "Will."

Tau Class

Grey card edged and printed in blood red; this group includes all newly conquered non-humans, convicted felons serving sentences, and rebellious human populations actively resisting Imperial authority.

Foreign Visitor

Blue card edged and printed in white; all foreig-ners must register with Imperial authorities for identification and cert¬ification. Officals of foreign government are issued with gold edged/ printed cards denoting their diplomatic status. Failure to register is punishable by severe penalties. Loss of identity cards should be re-ported immediately. Each group outlined above will be described in more detail below.

All citizens and subjects are expected to carry full documentation at all times. The basic I.D. is, of cause, the identity card. This plastic card Is embossed with the Imperial Seal and displays a front-view picture of the individual. The computer chip contains a variety of data about the card-holder, and it can be read out and compared to central files. Though the cards can be counterfeited without excessive difficulty by high technology culture, the file data cannot be readily accessed for editing and insertion of false information. Federation practise has therefore been to acquire genuine identity cards, relying upon surgical alteration of the facial features and fingerprints of agents to render them physically in accord with the data in the card profile. Retinal patterns remain a problem, however, and a retinagram taken at police or security headquarters will generally expose imposters. Agents are therefore cautioned to take every precaution against arrest unless fitted with KMOR /75G retinal modification, which has a 90% chance of defeating a retinagram.

Other forms of documentation will also be required in most instances, including internal passports, permission to be on Imperial property, etc.

The Leader Class

The Leader Class is the ruling elite of the Imperium. With Leader rank comes high status, privilege, and numerous perogatives and rights as befit the "proven superior man," Entry into the Leader Class is based strictly upon personal merit and efficiency of performance of one's duties. No high ranking offical of the Irriperium would think of pro¬moting anyone not deserving of the honor. That would, in itself, be a serious failure of duty to the Imperial State and the precepts of Human Supremacy. Failure is regarded with disapproval at all times, and it is inexcusable to promote an undeserving subordinate who might later fail because of obvious shortcomings or weakness in leadership traits. Nepotism thus has little place in the lmperium, and "vvhb you know" is of no value to anyone unless he has genuine ability as well.

The Leader Class itself splits into two groups. The "Alpha Prime" or Imperial Leader class consists of those Leaders which such talent and drive that they have risen to the highest positions in the Imperial government and private sector. Imperial Leaders are the "aristocracy" of the Imperial totalitarian meritocracy. They are permitted to main¬tain personal retinues---staffers and bodyguards directly loyal to them, even though they are paid by the State or by the private coroporations employing them. Imperial Leaders have great power and prestige in Imperial society, and the holder of a glit—edged card expects to be treated with all the deference due to a great lord.

The "Alpha Star" or Leaders are the lower and middle management of the Imperial government and business, Some are up-and-coming Imper¬ial Leaders of the future, characterized by definite touches of brilliance, superlative preparation and skill, and a burning ambition to reach the pinnicles of power. Others are less capable or ambitious Leaders who have more limited prospects open to them, However, all are anxious to be invited to join the personal staff of an Imperial Leader, for that is the way to the best opportunties to demonstrate superior skill and so win promotion and the eventual conversion of their silver-edged cards to the gold of an "Alpha Prime."

There is considerable cutthroat competition between equals and near-equals in the Leader Class who are clear rivals for the next position up the ladder. Though the competition is fiercely intense, it normally excludes any activity which might directly threaten the security of the Imperium itself. Thus one cannot commit outright sabotage of a rival's activities in his proper sphere of responsibility. Rather, the competition consists of trying to outdo a rival, to score a "coup" by performing one's own duties with unmistakable brilliance and flair, and perhaps simultaneously showing up the shortcomings or failures of one's rivals.

If the Imperium has a chink in its armor, it is in this rivalry between equals vying for advancement. In the interests of scoring personal coups, competing Leaders will often withhold vital information or discoveries which might assist their rivals in establishing their own credentials as superlative leaders. Cooperation and coordination of efforts are often lacking if any justification can be found for holding back. And plain "dirty tricks" are employed. These include planting of false or misleading information in the camp of a rival; employment of spies to uncover embarrassing secrets which might be used to black¬mail or intimidate; and sometimes even convert sabotage and assasin-ation. However, such tactics are seriously frowned upon. A Leader caught using them can expect a grave backlash from his superiors, who will seize upon the slightest pretext to initiate an investigation for possible treason against the Imperial State. However, this does not stop such practises, They are somewhat exceptional, though, and competi¬tion typically follows prescribed lines.

Coordination and cooperation between rival government agencies are similarly compromised, In general, few would knowingly and deliber¬ately endanger the State by refusing to work with agencies on a matter of genuine importance to the Imperium. But the net result of both personal end departmental rivalries is that the Imperium suffers from the innumerable power struggles being waged at every level of the Imperial hierarchy. Security measures are intense, often cripplingly so, not only to deny vital intelligence to external enemies, but also to deny it to political competitors who might capitalize on it to effect their own rise to dominance.

A second weakness of the Imperial Leader system is that real innova¬tion must be innitiated from the top. Power cannot be shared, only delegated. Those in subordinate positions are not encouraged to exer¬cise too much personal initiative in sensitive areas without receiving approval from higher authority. The Leader is held responsible for the failure of his subordinates when he might have intervened, and thus he Is unwilling to risk censure by his superiors for actions he has not had a chance to review. One can be assured that any subordinate who takes too much upon himself will receive in triple measure whatever displeasure his superior suffers if there is failure.

Yet, a Leader cannot be everywhere at once, Thus almost every facet of the Imperial system has been reduced to a standard operational routine in the absence of higher directive. Imperial responses to certain situ¬ations can therefore be predictable to a significant degree.

The vital quality of the personal staff of an Imperial Leader is its ability to model itself around the personality and policies of the Leader. In effect, the staffers are expected to become extensions of their Laeder, proxies who can anticipate his decisions. The staffers should be able to react quickly and surely in a system that otherwise would lapse into the "safe" response of approval procedure when unorehadox and dynamic action is demanded. It can be said that Imperial success or failure in an emeregncy is based upon the ability of the leadership to exercise "hands on" control, either by the Leader personally, or through a staffer with delegated authority and a clear understanding of his Leader's desires.

The personal retinues of the Imperial Leaders are therefore recognized as essential to the smooth functioning of the Imperium. Leaders can take their staffs with them when they are transferred to new postings, Their personal loyalties to their Leaders are encouraged by the Imperial regime because it encourages efficiency, and liberal rewards are made available for dispensing by the leadership for loyal service. Strong personal bonds often develop between Leaders and their staffers as well. When the stakes are high, all share in the castastropic effects of failure--for are not the staffers identified totally with their Leaders? At the same time, nothing succeeds in the imperiurn like success. When a Leader rises in the power structure, he takes his followers with him. They bask in his glory and enjoy excellent prospects of promotion themselves.

The personal staffs contain not only members of the Leader Class, but also those drawn from the ranks of the common citizenry (the ' "Alphas") and the half-caste (the "Betas' j,i These staffers do not spare themselves in the service of their Leaders, for they have little chance for greatness in their own right. But they can enjoy status and privi¬lege far beyond their due as executive assistants, bodyguards, and trusted servants of the mighty.

The lifestyle of the Leader Class can only be described as privileged. They have virtually unrestricted right of movement and will be treated respectfully at all times. They possess the right of summary punish¬ment---meaning that they can order the nerve whipping of any subject below "Alpha" status for any "offence against supremacy. They also possess the right of capital punishment when dealing with offenders in the "Gamma--Tau" classes. They are entitled to personal staffs comm¬ensurate with their rank, and their households are essentially supported by the State on their corporate organizations. Even junior Leaders of the lowest ranks of "Alpha Star" have several staffers--usually ordinary citizens and "half-castes." If they are clearly promising young men on what apperas to be a meteoric career, they will attract other young Leaders to them who hope to rise with him and serve in senior staff positions when he reaches high authority.

The Alpha Class

Those Imperial citizens who fail to qualify for Leader status still enjoy many rights and privileges denied to the lower orders. The typical citizen is much more limited in his political education than the Leader Class. Many do acquire considerable knowledge and expertise in their vocations, however_ The bulk of the citizenry serve in the lower levels of the Imperial gavernment, military, and the skilled areas of the private sector. They can hope to attain Leader status in later life through loyal and distinguished service, though few really do outside of the staffers in the personal retinues of Imperial Leaders. But the Imperial system never closes the door on the chance of advancement. There is always the possibility of latent merit not detected in the early years of citizen. Also, the general morale is well served by such a prospect, and the rank-and-file are encouraged to exert themselves to the limit because of it.

Politically, ordinary "Alphas" have far less weight than do members of the Leader Class. The Imperial Francise is pluralistic, the number of "votes" in Imperial referenda being based upon one's rank in Imperial society. As a rule of thumb, the Leader Class has about 20 times the voting power per capita than does the citizenry. With 50 citizens per Leader, this seems to give the "Alphas" some influence. In fact, the Leader Class is infinitely more sophisticated in its political awareness and its ability to manipulate public "opinion" among the "Alphas." The ordinary citizens, on the other hand, are prone to follow a part¬icular ideological faction quite blindly. Since the Human Supremacy Party, to which every citizen belongs, is dominated by the Leader Class, the ordinary citizen is important only as a warm body to be counted to back up the political maneuvering of the leaders of the ideological factions as they compete for precidence in the Imperium.

The Imperial "franchise" is effectively only a form of opinion poll con-ductkl by the First Leader to guage the mood of the citizenry at large. It has no real weight in law. Yet the right to vote in Imperial referenda is regarded as a very important perogative by the common citizens, a symbol of their status as ones able to provide input into Imperial decision-making. The fiction is carefully maintained by the leader¬ship, who recognize that the' losers" need some consolation to keep them happy and loyal.

All Imperial citizens of the "Alpha class have the right to bear arms in the defense of the State. Most have received milita training, if they are not serving outright in one of the armed branches of government. For the Imperial State is organized in a way reminiscient of the ancient Spartan state on Terra, every citizen being a "solider of the Imperium." With only about 20% of the total human population of the Imperium being enfranchized, the chance of rebellion is rather high, considering the huge numbers of non-humans and subjugated hurnans. An armed citizenry greatly reduces the chance of a successful uprising.

The "Alphas" themselves are unshakably loyal. Their political indoc-trination begins in early childhood and is reinforced throughout their lives, so that they are indelibly imprinted with the dogmas of Human Supremacy, As a group, the ordinary citizens can be described as highly disciplined, obedient to higher authority, generally very competent in their areas of specialization, and fanatic in their determine to main¬tain the Imperial system and the special status which they believe they have over all others.

The citizenry appears to quite oblivious to the fact that their Imperial overlords regard them as dependable cannon fodder to be expended judiciously, as needed, in the deference of the Imperium and the expansion of Azuriach "supremacy" to include the known galaxy. Indeed, the citizens regard it as a high honor to "fall" in the service of the Imperial State. This, again, is a measure of the effectiveness of Imperial indoctrination and propaganda.

The common citizen is a bit insufferable from the point of view of his social inferiors and outsiders. They take arrogant pride in their member¬ship in the "Master Race." At the same time, they are closed off from real power, and they know it. Frustrated, many take special pains to demonstrate their "superiority" by inflicting innumerable petty indig¬nities and humiliations on the subject peoples. They particularly delight in over-officious and pompous exercise of their duties in the State whenever dealing with their social inferiors in an official capa¬city. As a rule, the lower the rank of the citizen-official, the more likely he will be prone to "lording it " over those below him, The lifestyle of the typical "Alpha' is quite comfortable. The full range of technological conveniences is available, and the average income of a family---in which both spouses usually work---is not inconsiderable. Special benefits, such as free medical care, good educational oppor¬tunities, low rates of taxation, and availability of very cheap servants (from the lower classes), etc., all make for generally desirable stand¬ard of living. Freedom of movement is somewhat restricted in that internal and Imperial passports are required for travel outside one's residence district. But these are usually aquired after the most super¬ficial of formalities in most instances.

Beta Class Citizens

Humans who willingly collaborate with their Imperial overlords and demonstrate an unmistakable loyalty to the Imperium are regarded as potential candidates for Imperial citizenship. Those evidencing "merit' by performing steadfast and efficient service to the Imperium may be granted full citizenship through a process known as "adlection." Adlection (nomination) by a member of the Leader Class is a high honor and is much sought after by the "Betas."

The "Betas" are regarded as sufficiently trustworthy that they are liable to military draft. Upon completion of 20 years' service "in the traditions of the Imperial Armed Forces," a veteran will generally receive full citizenship and "Alpha" status by First Leader Decree, unless his commanding officers set down some impendiment in his military record which would disqualify him. A wilder might also be awarded full citizenship for outstanding bravery--on the order of a high decoration. The Armed Forces are therefore quite popular among the "Betas" as a means up the social ladder. This is, of course, no accident. For the Imperium has a chronic need of manpower to maintain its almost continous military adventurism.

Commonly referred to as "half-castes" by the ordinary "Alphas," who resent the almost equal status of a group they regard as subjects rather than "real" citizens—the "Betas" enjoy most of the freedoms and privileges of full citizenship. They may own property, go into business for themselves, and have the protection of the Imperial High Courts (reserved for citizens). They lack the Imperial Franchise--but that is more a symbolic than real benefit. They also do not receive as high a rate of pay as a citizen, their rates being set at about 75% of a citizen's income. They also pay higher taxes, but not significantly so. Their standard of living is generally lower, too, but again it is quite "comfortable" by Imperial standards, And, like the "Alphas," they may engage lower class servants.

The Imperial leadership recognized early in the days following the establishment of the Imperium that the "half-castes" had a unique value. They comprise about 30% of the human population of the Imperium, enough to pose a serious threat if they were supressed overly much. So they were accorded "special status" to bind them to their Imperial masters, The "half-castes" stand firmly between the Imperial citizenry and the subjugated races, effectively isolated in Azuriach society. They are held in jealous contempt by the ordinary "Alpha," who regards himself as "superior." The subject classes all loathe and fear the "half-castes," for they often are the visible presence of Imperial authority in their lives.

The "Betas" depend utterly upon the protection of their Imperial masters, for their lives would be forfeit at the hands of the subjugated classes, They prove very dependable and are most useful as overseers and guards. They are also eager to serve in the Imperial Armed Forces, as noted above, and sometimes are among the best troops in the Imper¬ial legions as they strive to demonstrate their fitness to receive full citizenship. As police and security agents, they are most diligent in their pursuit of "slave plots," for they know what the fate of their class would be if an uprising were even temporarily successful. And as staffers in the personal factions of Imperial Leaders, the "Betas" exhibit a sublimely satisfying preparedness to perform whatever duties required of them by their Leader.

This group largely lives at a level comparable to that of the "working classes" in the Federation, although some are highly successful at business (usually through close connections with businessmen of the "Alpha" class) arid become very rich. Members of Imperial Leaders' staffs also enjoy an influence and prestige quite beyond the ordinary, for they stand in the reflected power and glory of their masters. They also may have his delegated authority to deal with matters of concern, and in such capacity they possess powers vastly greater than that enjoyed by the ordinary citizen. The opportunites open to the "Betas" are more limited than that avariable to full citizens. Education is more limited, although still adequate and up to date. But rarely will they be able to rise to posi-tions of much authority unless adlected to the "Alphas."

Gamma Class Subjects

About 25% of the humans living in the Imperium are classed as "Gam¬mas," subjects who evidence a woeful lack of enthusiam for the Imper¬ial regime. They cannot be trusted in sensitive areas. In short, using Azuriach terminology, the "Gammas ' are adjudged to be "infected" by the "polluted blood of the Beast this category should an Imperial citizen or offical see fit to record a complaint. Most occupied popul¬ations are classed "Gamma" after a conquered infrastructure has been put into place.

"Gammas" are kept under strict surveillance and control. A full battery of sophisticated documentation and spacial permissions are used to monitor and control the movements of this group people is regarded as seditious, except in the family group, unless special permission is granted for a larger assembly. Possessions of any weapon is punishable by summary execution, at the discretion of the Imperial authorities. Striking a citizen of the Imperium is also punishable by death. Speaking Out against the Imperium or any Imperial regulation or policy is punish¬able by demotion t9 "Delta" class and a sentence of 10 years to life in forced labor battalion.

On the other hand, those "Gammas" who show demonstrable "sub-mission to Azuriach supremacy" and cooperation with the Imperial authorities can be rated as "Gamma Plus" subjects, a designation which gives them special priveleges and preferred treatment. These are the "collaborators" who abandon the cause of their people and side with the Imperium largely for reasons of personal gain, They serve as "trustees" and minor officals in local administrations and are much hated by the general populace. In time, clearly loyal "Gamma Plus" subjects can hope for adlection to "Beta" status.

Delta Class Subjects

Humans who prove to be intractible and resistant to Imperial domination are classed as "Deltas." So are all members of human races not of European stock, a reflection of Azuriach hatreds of the non-white peoples of Pure Earthian Terra. Anyone with more than 1/64th non—European blood is automatically rated "Delta," as are all who come from the G.P.R. The "Deltas" are subjected to the strictest occupation discipline, and the general populace is held fully responsible for the illegal actions of any individual member against the Imperiurn. Reprisals are routinely carried out in retaliation for any acts of sabotage, treason, or violence directed against the Imperium and its citizens and "friends" (a euph¬emism for "collaborators."). The slightest "disrespect" to a citizen or Half-caste is punishable by a "touch" permitted to carry in their office! capacities, The murder of an Imperial offical (from private solider ori up) is punishable by the summary execution of an indeterminate num¬ber of "Deltas" rounded up at random, the serverity of the retaliation depending upon the offence and the rank of the victim.

"Delta" class worlds and subjects are restricted to Tech/7 levels at best. The risk of rebellion is simply too great to allow more sophis-ticated equipment, training, and skills in the hands of a populace smouldering with rebellion, Indeed, most aspects of "Delta" society are rated Tech/6, with more advanced skills provided by trustworthy "Alphas" and "Betas." Educational opportunities are limited, except for collaborators, who are regarded as potential "Gamma" end "Beta" candidates.

Of course, anyone so foolish as to collaborate with the Imperials would be wise to arrange protection first, meaning that there will be general reprisal if he is harmed by his fellows.' 'Delta Plus" collabor-tors and their families are invaribly "protected," complete to housing them in districts separate from those of the general population. They are valuable as trustees in the slave ranks--junior overseers and inform¬ants---and the Imperium always rewards and protects those who are of use to it. This group usually enjoys a moderately good standard of living compared to the ordinary "Deltas, 'Who are virtual slaves and live in appalling and impoverished conditions. Those of clear value and trustworthiness are often rated ' Gamma" and sometimes even "Beta," However, the "Quislingt ' 'are still watched carefully by the ever sus¬picious forces for any treacherous tendencies.

Epsilon Class Subjects

The "Eps" are non-humans who have submitted to Imperial authority and are relatively peaceful and submissive. As a "reward," they are accorded treatment somewhat in between that given "Gamma" and "Delta" class humans. However, they can never hope for higher levels in the Imperial social order and should be considered as virtual slaves. The technological levels of "Eps" societies are carefully restricted to Tech/6 or less.

Tau Class Slaves

All "Taus" are virtually unprotected by due process of Imperial law--"wormfood" in Imperial slang. All planets reduced to Imperial dom-inion by armed conquest are automatically classed "Tau" for an indef¬inite probationary period until the Imperial authorities are able to clas¬sify individual members of the population. During such a period, the Imperial occupation forces will crush any show of civil disobedience or rebellion with a frightful application of force and terror. Breach of Occupation Edicts is almost invariably punished by savage reprisals and crippling general fines against the population at large.

"Tau classification otherwise includes all criminals, known enemies of the Imperium, and a major proportion of non-humans. All "Taus" live under a suspended sentence of death which can be executed at any time by an Imperial citizen, "half-caste," or collaborator. Death is the Imperial answer to the slightest infraction or breach of discipline. Life for the "non-man" is a tragic and hopeless fate. The "Tau" is a slave, nothing more or less. His technical competence will be restricted, whereever possible, to Tech/5-6. He is subject to forced draft to labor battalions and will be given tasks considered too dangerous or deman¬ding for others. He is expected to obey all orders or die. His welfare is disregarded, and he receives little benefits from his Imperial masters except an almost starvation level allotment of rations and a crowded barracks that scarcely shields hire from the elements. He is constantly under the eye of armed guards and overseers, his every movement monitored. He is a prisoner at all times, accorded no freedoms and only a few privileges for good behavior---such as an extra ration portion for exceeding work quotas, etc.

Visitors To The Imperium

Entry to the Imperium requires that a prospective visitor obtain prior permission from an Imperial embassy or else by direct application through the mails to the Foreign Department of the Imperium. Full documentation has to be presented and verified before a Visitor's Visa and other papers will be processed and delivered into the applicant's hands. Preferential treatment will be accorded known "friends" of the lmperium and businessmen wishing to do serious and mutually profit¬able trade with Azuriach corporations. Visitors to the Imperium are accorded a special status, which amounts to a classification as a probable spy. However, the Imperials are very courteous about it and will take special pains to make the visit comfort¬able and enjoyable so long as the visitor obeys instructions and regul¬ations without much fuss.

To ensure good behavior and avoidance of some of the more subtle breaches in Imperial law and etiquette, the visitor will be assigned a guide from the Azuriach Visitors Bureau. The AVB is sensibly in the business of aiding tourists, but it is an agency attached to the Imperial security services. The "guides" are highly trustworthy members of the Young Supremacists, the youth wing of the Human Supremacy Party, and they are given some specialized anti-espionage training and a con¬tact in the security services--just in case the "visitor" turns out to be acting in a suspicious manner. Otherwise, the guide will be of genuine assistance, easing the lot of the visitor as he tours the Imperium or conducts his business there.

Visitors are warned upon entry to Imperial space that any attempt to evade the company of an AVB guide is an offence, Such actions are interpreted as prima facie evidence of hostile intentions against the Imperium and the visitor could find himself paying a stiff fine and facing immediate deportation, if not worse.

The cost of AVB tourist service is about CH 250 per day for deluxe class accomodations, food, planetary transportation, and guide; CR 175 for superior; and CR 125 for tourist. Interplanetary and interstellar flights within the Imperium are covered separately, but generally a good rate can be obtained, Guide service is provided only when one dis¬embarks on planetfall. This service is not only mandatory, but neces¬sary. The Imperium generally lacks the usual facilities for travellers, as few travel outside of offical business. Therefore, AVB accomodations and other services are indespensible. The visitor is expected to pay in advance for the number of days he expects to be on planet. For en add¬itional CR 10 per day, he may also purchase full medical coverage, which is a bargin in the event of illness. If, for any reason, the Imper-ium is responsible for any delays which extend the duration, the visitor will receive free food, accomodation, and guide service.

Anyone wishing to do business in the lmperium is required to purchase the necessary permits from the appropriate government agencies. Generally, a surcharge of 5% to 20% is charged against the value of imported goods, depending upon their nature. Import duties will also be charged against any goods in direct competition with those of Azuriach manufacture, These duties can range from 20% to 50%. However, consumer and luxury items are in very high demand, the Imperial production capacity being largely taken up with the manu¬facture of armaments and equipment for the military establishment and its perennial campaigns against one enemy or another. Thus a trader can expect to obtain +20Xd20% over and above normal trading values for his products. It's a long haul out to the Imperium, and the Imperials expect to pay heavily for desirable imports.

No one in the imperium is permitted to possess any offensive weapon unless he has the authority to beer arms. Generally, only Imperial citizens have this right, which is accorded under the Imperial Internal Defence Act and applies only to possession and use in the line of duty to bear arms only when the authorities are assured that their intentions are innocent end the situation in which the visitors will find themselves .are dangerous and appropriate to the carrying and use of weapons. This would be the case, for instance, if a visitor wished to do some hunting—again, under strict supervision. In some cases, Tech/5-6 firearms will be permitted for selfdefence in "troubled regions" (mean¬ing areas in which the populace is actively hostile to the Imperium and the visitor might not enjoy the full protection of the Imperial law enforcement agencies). Such permitted weapons must be of light calibre and incapable of automatic fire, and the licensed visitor is held fully accountable for it.

Trade in weapons is strictly forbidden in the Imperium, except for contracts to supply weapons directly to the military or some other armed branch of the government. Private sales are considered as evid¬ence of intent to froment armed rebellion and are dealt with severly.

Visitors should also realize that Imperial practise is to "grease the skids" with "gifts" to officals whom one wishes to expedite matters. The Imperial bureaucracy is not so much corrupt as slow-moving. A judicious bribe, properly offered, is generally guarenteed to get prompt attention to matters that would otherwise languish in bureaucratic limbo for an excessive period of time. The size of the bribe depends upon the rank of the offical and the nature of the services required. It should not be excessive, merely generous and appropriate to the status of the person one is dealing with--equivalent perhaps to a day's pay.

The method of handling over the bribe is very important. Money should never change hands directly. It may be found on the floor, and the inquiry made as to whether the officel had perhaps dropped it. Or it can be concealed inside a document, such as a passport, which the official has to examine. Genuine gifts may be handed over directly after the official has acted on the matter, but it will be displayed beforehand. A trader might say, for instance, that it was a "sample" and --yes--perhaps the official would like to have one? The Imperials enjoy true finesse at the bribery game, and a visitor is advised to put on a good performance.

Serious bribery is quite another matter. In that case, the visitor--or the Imperial subject for that matter--is taking a risk. As a rule of thumb, the chances of finding a corrupt official diminishes with his rank. "Alpha Primes" are virtually incorruptable (bribe chance . 1% to 6%). "Alpha Stars" are only slightly less so (6% to 10%). Rank-and-file "Alphas" and Betas" can be reached (10%), while the lower orders are very amenable to bribes (20% or more). The size of the bribe depends, again, on the rank of the official and the degree of danger involved. In most cases, it may only be a matter of looking the other way or overlooking a minor infraction or irregularity in documentation. However, any matter touching upon the security of the Imperium will be generally rebuffed by citizens, and those few who do commit "treason" by engaging in clearly suspect transactions will charge a very stiff fee. The lower orders of the Imperial society will be more willing, but again the price will be fairly high and commensurate with the risk. If the visitor should run afoul of the law, he is forewarned that Imperial justice is swift and implacable. His civil rights, such as they are, will be suspended on the moment of arrest. Imperial law holds that the accused is probably guilt,y until he can prove his innocence. (Imperial officials do not make mistakes!) An accused person can expect severe inter¬rogation in serious cases and may even face questioning under drugs or even the mind probe if more conventional techniques of "rigorous questioning" fail to elicit a confession. At the same time, the Imperials are devoted to seeing justice done. If they do find that a person is wrongly accused, they will apologize profusely and a monetary repar¬ation vvill be paid in compensation. The amount paid depends upon the importance of the accused and the severity of his treatment before he was finally exhonerated. Conviction of a minor offence will probably bring a fine. More serious breaches, if committed innocently through ignorance, will likely result in deportation from the lmperium and a warning not to return. Major offences will likely bring a term in the Imperial prisons or, worse, in the labor battalions of the "Tau" class.

The Azuriach Imperial State

The Azuriach lmperium is not a nation in the usual sense. Rather, it is more of an Armed Force occupying territroy and exercising totalitarian control over a vast subjugated population. All Imperial citizens are clefactomembers of the huge military establishment which is the Imperium, although many serve in what might be classed as civil service positions in other nations. Under the leadership of senior adminis¬trators of the "Alpha" class, "Beta" Class citizens are largely engaged in the production and business side of Imperial society, They provide for high tech needs and general logistical support of the military as it prosecutes the Imperial goal of galactic conquest. The lower classes ("Gamma" to —Tau") provide the food and a huge labor pool. Al¬though there are significant differences between them, the Imperium is reminiscient of Ancient Sparta with its solider-citizens and helot slaves.

The First Leader Of The Imperium

At the pinnicle of power and prestige in the Imperium is the First Leader. He is Secretary General of the Human Supremacy Party, Corn-mander-in-Chief of all the armed forces, and Head of State,"The lmperium is strong because it is the embodiment of the First Leader, who must be strongest of all," is the underlying dictum upon which the Azuriach Imperial State is founded. The First Leader is regarded as the repository of the Will of the Universal Spirit manifest in the universe, Therefore, the power of the First Leader is absolute in all things. His government is by Leader Decree or directives which have the force of law and cannot be disobeyed or disregarded. In the final analysis, the First Leadre alone bears responsibility for all matters of State, and all authority flows from him.

Typically, the First Leader is a pre-eminently capable and ruthless man who has claimed his way through a host of rivals to command the Imperial State, His term is for life. However, he will usually be replaced by a coup d'etat once his skill and judgement are seen to be failing. The First Leader is interpreted as meaning that the Universal Spirit has found him wanting as the sacred vessel of flesh from which It will govern the universe. The mantle of absolute power is then judged as waiting for whoever is strongest enough to seize it. However, the coup d'etat us always accomplished through palace revolution, never by civil war which would weaken the Imperium.

The Leader Oath

At the heart of Imperial authority and discipline is the Leader Oath, first instituted by Richard Ower upon the establishment of the Imperium in 2210:

"I, ,pledge my unfailing and irrevocable allegiance to my Leader, , as the living embodiment of the imperial State and Recognize him as my Supreme Commander in all things, withholding nothing in the performance of my duties and my unquestioning obedience to my Leader and the others of those he has placed in authority over me."

The Leader Oath is an uncompromising and total submission of the individual to higher authority, In the Imperium, it has served to take away all personal sense of moral responsibility for acts committed under superior orders, no matter how frightful such acts might be. The Leader Oath is the instrument by which the Imperium has short-circuted the consciences of its citizen--soliders execept for their duty to the Imperial State, its leadership, and the principles of Human Supremacy.

The Ministers—General Of The Imperium

Next in power to the First Leader are the Ministers General. They are all officers of the highest rank, corresponding to cabinet ministers without fixed portfolios. They are also the General Staff of the Imper-ium. Appointed by the First Leader, the Ministers-General hold the "Imperium"---the power to speak in the name of the First Leader, under his Directive, In many instances, the Ministers-General are faith¬ful lieutenants whom the First Leader had included in his personal faction over the years. They may also be powerful leaders in the various "ideological factions" within the Human Supremacy Party.

The Ministers-General do not have fixed duties and may wear several hats at once. Indeed, a Minister-General could hold command over several government departments and breaus at the same time, the extent of his portfolio reflecting his actual power in the State. Needless to say, there is fierce competition between the Ministers-General to maintain and enlarge their portfolios, which obviously must be accomp¬lished at the expanse of the others. So strenuous and often so bitter is this rivalry that it is rare that the Ministers-General can enter into even a temporary alliance strong enough to stage a coup d'etat to oust the First Leader. For his part, only a genuinely weak First Leader (an exceeding rarity) will be able to find sufficient among his cabinet officers to neutralize or even eliminate a subordinate who appears not only too ambitious, but is also doing something about it.

If the power of the First Leader is "absolute and undoubted," the powers and perogatives of the Ministers-General are not much less with¬in their own spheres. The benefits are immeasurable as well. The annual salary of CR 900,000 is mere pocket money compared to having the resources of government depatrments at one's disposal and almost unlimited power to use them.

The Imperial High Council

The High Council of the lmperium is the chief governing body of the Azuriach State. It is composed of the First Leader., the Ministers-Gen¬eral, and the Military Governors of the Imperial Provinces and Prefec¬tures. To this select group may be added, as required, the deputies and staff aids of the Councilors.

It has been reported that meetings of the Imperial High Council are r relatively informal, The First Leader usually initiates the discussion, and the Ministers-General and their deputies offer clarifications, sug¬gestions, and proposals, For the most part, it is a routine business meeting in which the affairs of the nation are dealt with and policies and directives are issued. However, meetings may also become the battleground upon which the leadership of the Imperium manuevers and intrigues for greater political power in the State.

It is in the Council that the Ministers-General attempt to score coups against their rivals, hoping to reduce their prestige in the eye of the First Leader and their colleagues. At the same time, the person attemp¬ting the coup must not appear to be disloyal or actively disrupting the unity and efficiency of the Council. A very fine line has to be walked in the Imperial power game, and a failed coup can boomerang against the instigator. One must never appear a fool.

The First Leader will himself use the meetings to berate Ministers-General and others he sees as remiss in their enthusiam for his policies or for delays in their execution. Such moments are sometimes marked by his flying into a seemingly uncontrolled rage---a style apparently begun by Richard Ower and continued as a matter of tradition. The performance has become a high art, with many subtle nuances of meaning contained in every gesture and intonation. The Seriousness of the situation can be guaged by all present from the length of the tirade and the key signal words and gestures incorporated into the outburst. Thus the' Leader rages" are observed very, very carefully indeed by everyone present. They provide invaluable clues concerning the currant status of the "victim," the First Leader's attitude toward and concerns about the problem, and the degree of urgency to be attached to the solution.

These performances can be most deceiving to the uninitiated. For example, a ten-minute harrangue might be seen as a scathing attack upon a Minister-General's competence. But close examination would reveal that the First Leader is actually quite pleased with the Minister-General's handling of the situation. Any difficulties encountered were clearly beyond his control, as several others present seem to have failed to provide sufficient support, perhaps not realizing that the project was of particular concern to the First Leader. In the future, closer cooperation had better be forthcoming. The entire episode is clearly bizarre to Federation ways of thinking, but it has to be remem¬bered that the Imperium is governed by constantly flowing currants of power. The "game' of power is everything to the Imperials, and it has its own highly complex set of rules and a logic unique to itself. Suffice it to say that the players all understand the game and function very efficiently within the framework of its conventions. The First Leader has the final authority and issues his decisions in the form of Leader Decrees. He is no fool, however, and listens very closely to the advice and proposals of his cabinet. In this way he assures that he has a good chance of alternatives and sufficient information upon which to base a sound decision. By involving his cabinet in the decision-making process and then delegating the responsibility for carrying out directives for action to one Minister-General or another, the First Leader can more easily deflect blame to them if things go wrong.

Understand that in the Imperium "mistakes" and "failures" are a sign of some "weakness" if they are serious in nature, and especially if they are made too frequently. Any perceived weakness is a clear signal for one's rivals to begin moving in for the kill, a reflexive turning against the weak one to destroy him, A First Leader cannot afford too many mistakes. That will frighten his Ministers-General more quickly than the appearence of an enemy BattleFleet overhead. They will quickly bury their differences, combine to eliminate the weak Leader, and then choose the strongest and most capable among them as a successor.

The Imperial "Shadow" Cabinets

The Imperial system starts every Leader at the bottom. He must work his way to the top of the power structure by force of personality and by pure skill, with large quantities of ruthless cunning thrown in for good measure. He may be very competent in his field, possessing flare and technocratic brilliance, but the system demands that high officals be able to administer a wide range of responsibilties for which they may well be unsuited because of their training.

As noted earlier, each Imperial Leader will gather about him a personal retinue or staff to assist him in his daily duties and also to effect his rise to power in the State, This staff consists of experts who can pre¬pare the Imperial Leader for command in any area. Their job is to know the standard operating procedure in the branch of government he might head. This prevents their Leader from being at the complete mercy of bureaucratic subordinates who might take advantage of his ignorance of the finer points of the operation and/or might even be secretly serving the interests of a rival.

The personal staff becomes, in effect, a shadow cabinet for the Minis¬ter-General. Similar "cabinets" are in operation for each Imperial Leader holding an office of lesser but still significant importance.

If the impression has been gained that the Imperial system duplicates effort at numerous levels, one would be completely correct. The intense competition between the Imperial Leaders and the total dis¬grace of serious failure demands a high level of personal efficiency, It also dissipates a portion of the human and other resources available. The consequence is that different branches of the government some¬times end up working at cross-purposes or, at least, in a spirit of such secrecy and non-cooperation that the progress of many programs will be impeded.

Federation intelligence agencies have learned of many Imperial research programs, for instance, that would add significantly to Azuriach mili¬tary capability. The applications were not readily apparent to the Minis¬ter-General and his personal staff responsible. But they withheld the data and discoveries for fear there might be some useful and prestigious application in another's area of control, hoping to find it themselves! In the Federation, this would be regarded as the height of lunacy. In the Imperium, it is considered "canny politics" and is often admired if the tactics can be used to embarrass a rival whose department should have made the breakthrough first. Such is the Imperial mind!

The Imperial Armed Forces

The armed forces of the Imperium are divided into several Ministries:

The Imperial Starfleet

The Imperial space navy has the same requirements for Astronauts, Science Officers, Techs, and Marines as in the Federation. The Imperial Marines have rank grades identical to those of the Imperial Combat Force (see below), but do not progress beyond rank grade/14 or Sky Marshal.

The Imperial Combat Forces

The ground forces of the Imperium include the army, attached areospace forces (starfighters and air-craft), planetary defence batteries, and militia reserves. The require¬ments for army personnel are the same as in the Federation.

Rivalry between the StarFleet and the Combat Forces is traditionally bitter. Reference is made to the situation existing between the naval and army factions in 20th century Imperial Japan for close comparison. The Combat Forces regard StarFleet as a transport/support organi¬zation for the army and little more. For its part, StarFleet evidences open contempt for the ground forces and resists every attempt of the army to dictate to it . It is amazing that there is any cooperation be¬tween them at all. Yet the Armed Forces seem to be able to get the job done, for the Enemy Without is hated even more than the rival services.

Refer to SPACE MARINES (by A. Mark Ratner, FGU publication, 1980) for details concerning Imperial uniforms, ranks, and insignia.

The Imperial Leader Guard

The Leader Guard is an elite force composed of powered armor and mechanized/armored units reinforced by integral areospace forces and also a BattleFleet of exceptional strength. The "Storm Troops" act directly under the authority of the First Leader. Personnel require¬ments are +1 above Federation prerequisites for enlistment. All ranks receive 150% of standard pay for equivalent SatrFleet and Combat Forces personnel, Leader Guard officers also enjoy a +2 rank grade status over all other personel in the Imperium.

The Leader Guard is unique in that all personnel begin at the bottom as non-commissioned personnel--rank grade/0! Futhersome, there are a good number of regiments in which "Beta" class citizens are permitted unlimited advancement, the only restriction being merit. Entrance requirements are very strict, the loyalty of the recruit being checked most carefully by the security service. The mission of the Leader Guard is ostensibly to protect the First Leader, but it has grown from a palace guard regiment to a major branch of the Imperial Armed Forces. Equipped with the most advanced weapons systems and equipment available, it provides the best shock troops in the Imperium. The Lea¬der Guard is also used to crush rebellion, its devotion to duty bringing a special "enthusiasm" to the task. Put bluntly, the Leader Guard is the Imperial "fire brigade," used whenever the fighting is heaviest and the stakes the highest.

Leader Guard dress uniforms are black with silver trim at the collar, shoulder straps, and trouser seams, Officers have black epauleetes trimed in white and showing rank by silver stars. Enlisted men show rank by silver hash marks on cuff of sleeve_ Garrison hats are black with silver trim for officers and men. Leader Guard insignia is worn on the hat, collar flaps, and a silver trimmed black armband: a twinned jagged thunderbolt of silver superimposed over the initials "L.S.H.F. : (for the Guard motto, "Leader, Supremacy, Honor, and the Fatherland").

The Imperial State Police

The State Police is a paramilitary force charged with the internal security of the Imperium. Personnel requirements, rank grades and designations, and pay scales are comparable to those of the Combat Forces, The S.P.A. (State Police of the Azuriach) is a very effective law enforcement agency, secret police, and army of occupation.

The S.P.A. or uniformed police perform standard law enforcement functions. The S.M.P. (State Military Police) are special units of the S.P.A. trained in counter-insurgency and are used to secure "restive" worlds and as military police in rear areas of operational armies. They are equipped as light mechanized infantry. S.M.P. units also provide S.W.A.T. squards for the S.P.A. these being power armored.

The uniform of the State Police is black with red trim at the collar, shoulder straps, and trouser seams. State Police insignia is a jagged red thunderbolt superimposed over the initials S.P.A. or S.M.A., worn at the collar and on the red-trimmed cap. Rank Insignia are the same as in the Leader Guard, only the stars and the hash marks are red.

The State Security Police

The dreaded S.S,P.A, (State Security Police of the Azuriach) is univer-sally feared and hated, for it is the secret police arm of the Imperium and has a sweeping mandate to search out and hunt down all enemies of the Imperial State. The S.S.P.A. typically wear mufti or appropriate uniforms as disguises when carrying out covert investigations. Uniforms are identical to those of the Leader Guard, except that rank insignia are red stars and hash marks. The S.S.P.A. insignia is a twined silver thun¬derbolt superimposed over the initials of the service.

The Minister-General of the S.S.P.A. is usually one of the most trust-worthy lieutenants in the First Leader's personal faction. Often he is a "half-caste" adlected to the "Alpha." Rarely will he survive the over-throw of the First Leader, for he has many enemies. Thus he is fana-tically loyal and spares nothing and no one in his efforts to maintain the First Leader in office and to discredit and indict all serious rivals.

A significant number of "half-castes" are employed in the enlisted ranks of the S.S.P.A., for covert operations have to be carried out among the' 'lower orders" in many instances. The "Betas" are much closer to the subject classes than are the "Alphas," and thus often make the best agents. Some "Betas" achieve high rank in the S.S.P.A. once they earn adlection to the "Alpha," They tend to become fanatical even by Azuriach standards, determined to protect the "Purity" of the Master Race of which they are now a part. Since many officers of the S.S.P.A. are adherents of the Ultra wing of the Human Supremacy Party, they combine efforts with the adlected personnel, and the racist qualify of Azuriach life in general reaches an unparalleled height of viciousness in the &S.P.A. as a result.

A complex network of informers is also employed to gather intel-ligence at all levels of the Imperial social order. So pervasive is the S.S.P.A. presence that little escapes the "Thought Police."

The Military Intelligence Bureaus

The Imperial StarFleet and Combat Forces maintain competing intel-ligence services under the command of a Vice—Admiral and a Colonel-General, respectively Crank grade/12). These are both quasi-independent bureaus under the High Commands of their respective services and do not answer directly to field commanders. The Leader Guard also main¬tains an integral intelligence service (the Imperial Bureau of State Security or B.O.S.S.), but it is charged largely with detecting plots close to the First Leader and in maintaining the Leader Guard as an utterly trustworthy force, it conducts covert operations in other government branches in close cooperation with the S.S.P.A. The S,S.P.A, itself exercises a curiosity far beyond its internal security mandate and conducts espionage in enemy nations. To further compound matters, the F.E.S. or Foreign Espionage Section of the Foreign Ministry also operates spy networks outside the Imperium, organizes fifth column groups on planets ripe for invasion, and the like.

Competition between all of these agencies is bitter, and cooperation is sometimes sadly lacking. Indeed, their suspicion of each other is extreme, and they sometimes devote considerable effort to discrediting each other or working deliberately at cross-purposes whenever one agency feels another has stepped into its rightful sphere of operations. Intelligence agents of the Federation operating inside the Imperium may find, on occasion, that they will be able to use this rivalry to good effect.

The Other Ministries

All of the other ministries of the Imperial government not detailed previously correspond to the 'civilian" branches of the Federation government. However, all are highly regimented, complete with dis-tinctive uniforms and insignia. Pay scales and rank grade designations are standardized. Generally, "half-castes" are not permitted to advance beyond rank grade/4, but promising "Betas" will be adlected. Only Leader Class citizens may achieve high rank.

Ministry Of Revenue

Revenue is charged with obtaining funds for the operation of the Imperium. One branch is the B.O.1.C.E. (Bureau of Immigration, Cus-toms, and Excise), closely corresponding to both the Federation I.P.A. and the Planetary Police in rank grade designations and scope of oper¬ations, depending upon whether the personnel are ground-based or in the "Patrol." Other agencies are concerned with tax collection, minting currency, and the general drafting of budgetary requirements of the Imperial government. These are all formed on standard civil service.

Ministry Of Information

Information is the propaganda arm of the Imperium and administers all of the media, It conducts comprehensive public "information" programs for internal and foreign consumption. A very high level of media and psychological expertise is employed to extoil the virtues of the Imperial system and Supremacist dogmas, and the sophistication and virtuosity of Ministry specialists cannot be denied. All entertain-ment is under the direction of the Ministry, and it exercises a general censorship function on all materials distributed through electronic and non-electronic media. Censorship includes passing on cultural practices of subject races, and any customs, festivals, etc„ which are felt to breed dangerous opposition to Imperial rule are proscribed. Propaganda specialists of the Ministry work vary closely with the Ministry of Education to indoctrinate the young. They also prepare the programs to be used by occupation authorities on conquered planets and agit¬prop programs to be used against planets high on the Imperial "hit list."

Ministry Of Education

Education oversees the operation of all State Schools, Leader Academies, and advanced institutions of [earning. It characteristically has personnel seconded to it from the Ministries of Information, Health and Racial Purity, the S.S.P.A., and the military. Teaching staff are usually of rank grade/5-7, and administrators of educational institutions are at rank grade/8-1D. Only Party members of ultra-enthusiastic devotion to the precepts of Human Supremacy are allowed into Education, for the Imperium correctly recognizes the powerful effect that the field has upon the minds of the young. More will be said of this later.

Ministry Of Science And Technology

Science and Technology has a broad and often unclear jurisdiction over research and development in a great many areas. Ostensibly, its task is to coordinate research and production efforts in the Imperium. In prac¬tice, this is a most difiucult mission because of inter-Ministerial rival¬ries and chronic Azuriach paranoia about espionage which impede the rapid exchange of information. That these problems are recognized as most serious is clear in the very existence of the Ministry. So frustrating is the problem that the Ministry now operates institutes of pure re¬search and also funds university-level researchers, making the discoveries generally available. Needless to say, this often duplicates efforts in other areas, but at least some important discoveries and applications become more widely known than they might otherwise.

Ministry Of Production

Production coordinates the activities of industry and business through¬out the Imperfum and deals largely with the management levels of the private sector, Its task is to ensure that production is quickly mar¬shalled to support the military requirements of the moment. The port¬folio is very prestitious and ranks as one of the most important in the Imperium. The Ministry is broken down into Planetary Sub-Ministries, each under an Under-Secretary. Several of these Sub-Ministries are combined into Provincial or Prefecture organizations under Deputy Ministers who report directly to the Minister-General, in effect, the Ministry is a super-corporation overseeing all of the pro¬ductive capacity of the Imperium and itself directly controlling state owned production facilities (about 15% of the total in the Imperium). All required production is fitted carefully into the T/0 of the Ministry. While the system might seem very efficient, Provincial, Prefecture, and Planetary SubMinistries are often suspicious of their rivals and do not cooperate as well as they should. (See Ministry of Science and Tech¬nology.) Futher, some production facilities are directly in the hands of the various branches of the military, and these organs of government do not prove at all cooperative.

Ministry Of Trade And Commerce

Trade and Commerce is concerned with the regulation of private business and interstellar trade, It has a very similar organization to that of the Ministry of Production. The two Ministries often conflict be¬cause of the overlap of jurisdiction and the decided difference in emphasis existing between them, Trade and Commerce being concerned with maximizing profits for imperial business and Production with military procurement.

Most government monopolies are obtained through this Ministry, as are permissions to trade within the Imperium. Perferred foreign and national corporations may obtain special dispensations reducing the customs and excise tariffs on imports and exports from this department.

Ministry Of Imperial Citizen Labor

Labor has, as its areas of responsibility, the training and allocation of skilled and professional personnel to the vellum segments of the Imper¬ial economy. All free workers ("Alpha" and "Beta" Class citizens) belong to the H.A.S,A., the Hirds Arbeids Sten Azuriach or Azurfach National Labor Organization. They are governed by H.A.S.A. regula¬tions and pay scales, the H.A.S.A. being at one and the same time a State labor union and employer. The H.A.S.A. contracts out all labor with the various businesses in the Imperium which require free workers. Organization is along the lines given for the Ministry of Production.

Ministry Of Alien Labor

This Ministry administers the vast body of non-citizen workers in the Imperium-those of "Gamma" to "Tau" Class subject status. The H.A.T.A. (Hirds Arbeids Tjensten Auslander), is perhaps the most infamous of all the Imperial governmental agencies. Included under its jurisdiction are the penal labor camps, prisons, and other such instit¬utions, in which the most brutal conditions and treatment exist. Large numbers of "half-castes" are employed as guards and overseers of the slave labor force. As in the case of the H.A.S.A., the H.A.T.A. deals extensively with private business and provides "contract workers" at low cost for menial and exceptionally hazardous tasks in the workplace.

Ministry Of Health And Racial Purity

This Ministry is charged with overseeing the health and welfare of Imperial citizens and subjects. In addition to the provision of the usual health care, disability and old-age pensions, etc. (automatically given to Imperial citizens, but requiring payment by all subject classes), the Ministry also enforces the strict race laws of the Imperium. The S.P.A. and especially the S.S.P.A, provide the enforcement arm for the Ministry.

The administration of the Ministry is composed largely of fanatic adherents to the Ultra wing of the Human Supremacy Party. Ironically, the bulk of the medical personnel are more liberal-minded Neos who clearly do not approve of some of the excesses of the Ministries racial policies. But the extremists are in firm control, and the Medical Research Department of the Ministry routinely carries out experimen¬tation upon living subjects in the penal labor camps and on "Tad ' planets. These experiments are not always "medical" and often involve the testing of new weapons systems and chemical, bacteriological, or radiation agents for the military, All personnel associated with these activities are slated for trial as "criminals against sentient life" and face execution in the lethal chamber if they are apprehended by the Feder¬ation, the Mercantile League, the G.P.R,, or a host of other outraged interstellar powers.

It should be noted that all medical officers and medics in the Imperial military are seconded to the service from the Ministry.

The Imperial Governors

The lmperium is sub-divided into Provinces and Military Prefectures, each under the direction of a Provincial or Military Governor. Each Province or Prefecture has a variable number of starsystems, of course, but all of the Planetary Governors are directly answerable to their district superiors. The organization of the various governments is com¬parable to that of the Imperial Government, exept that a few additional ministries are added, such as a Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Transportation, etc., to see to purely local matters.

Imperial Military Ranks And Pay Scales Rank Grade Naval Rank Command Army Rank Command Pay Monthly Pay Yearly StarShipman/2 Trooper/2" 500 6000 1' StarShipman/1 Trooper/1* 600 7200 2* Warrant Officer/2 AssaultLeader/2' Section 750 9000 3* Warrant Officer/1 AssaultLeader/1* Section 900 10,800 4* Fleet W.O. Small Craft Storm Leader* Platoon 1200 14,400 5 Lieutenant/2 Small Craft Storm Lieutenant Platoon 1500 18,000 6 Lieutenant/1 Corvette Captain-Lieutenant Company 2000 24,000 7 Lt. Commander Destroyer Captain Company 3000 36,000 8*, Commander Lt, Cruiser Major Battalion 4000 48,000 9.. Cruiser Captain HY. Cruiser Colonel Regiment 5000 60,000 10** Fleet Captain Hy. Unit Brigade Leader Brigade 6000 72,000 11** Commodore Lt. Squadron Major General Division 7500 90,000 124* Vice Admiral HY. Squbdron Colonel General Corps 10,000 120,000 134* Fleet Admiral Task Force General Army 12,500 150,000 14** Admiral-General Battle Fleet Field Marshal Army Group 25,000 300,000 15** Minister-General StarFleet Minister-General Armed Forces 75,000 900,000

· Rank grades open to 'Betas.' ** Rank grades open to 'Leaders' only.

Imperial Civil Service Rank And Pay Scales Rank Grade Civil Service Rank Pay Monthly Pay Yearly 0' I.C.S./5 500 6000 I.C.S./4 600 7200 2* I.C.S./3 750 9000 3" I.C.S./2 900 10,800 4* I.C.S./1 1200 14,400 5 Asst. Supervisor 1500 18,000 6 Supervisor 2000 24,000 7 Asst. Coordinator 3000 36,000 8** Coordinator 4000 48,000 Director 5000 60,000 10** UnderSecretary/4 6000 72,000 11** UnderSecretary/3 7500 90,000 12** UnderSecretary/2 10,000 120,000 13** UnderSecretary/1 12,500 150,000 14" Deputy Minister 25,000 300,000 15** Minister-General 75,000 900,000

" Rank grades open to Betas. " Rank grades open to Leaders only.

The Human Supremacy Party

Virtually every aspect of Azuriach society bears the imprint of the policies and doctrines of the Human Supremacy Party of the Azuriach, known in the Imperium simply as The Party.' The Party is not, strictly speaking, a branch of the Imperial govern-ment, Yet it has a place in the highest councils of the nation and exerts immense influence over all facets of Imperial life and politics. Officials of the Party organization have +2 rank grade status over all equivalent grades of personnel, save in the elite Leader Guard and the S.S.P.A. For it is headed by the First Leader of the Imperium, and the Party exists as the instrument of the Leader's personal will and the guardian of the very concept of Human Supremacy in Azuriach society.

One of the more noteworthy features of Imperial life is the active factionalism which exists within the one party system. Richard Ower's several million recorded words on Human Supremacy and the nature and mission of the Azuriach State were often phrased in turgid and rather obscure style. Indeed, particularly in his later years, Ower's speeches and writings often were little more than the maunderings of a demogogue obsessed with the justification of his own rise to power. Moreover, he routinely presented his thoughts with the fiery zeal of a prophet. Thus, when reduced to Dawaguchi-Dupont logical symbolism, the reliability index for many of his utterances rarely rises above a low 0,81271 Clearly, there is much room for interpretation, and that has been the basis for the factionalism within the Party.

Examination of the idealogical factions is instructive, for they reveal the attitudes possessed by the Imperial citizenry, quite apart from their political implications for the rest of the galaxy.

The Ultra Faction

The Ultra wing of the Party is, by far, the most fanatical of all the factions. The Ultra was formed in 2346 when a number of G.P.R. worlds were conquered but proved strongly resistant to all efforts at Ye-education' of the populations to accept Imperial government and the dogmas of Human Supremacy, The Ultras ware appalled that other human beings should reject so totally the truths of Supremacist philo¬sophy. They advanced the view that the Slavic inhabitants of the G.P.R. had degenerated into a mongrel strain of undermen so vastly inferior and corrupted that they were no longer fit to be considered as human at all. This infection, argued the Ultras, had spread so thoroughly in the G.P.R. that the entire population was probably beyond redemption from the Beast Within. They similarly felt that the predilection of the Federation and the Mercantile League for broadly anti-authoritarian and racially tolerant practices was, again, the result of degeneracy.

Racial purity is the obsessive concern of the Ultra wing. They evolved a 'science cif Race Analysis and Verification to identify and separate the True Men from those possessed by the Beast Within. This race science has been almost universally accepted in the imperium and is a standard instrument of State policy used to classify all humans born in or else incorporated by conquest into the Imperium. The details of this alleged science will not be presented here. Suffice it to say that it consists of a potpourri of physical and psychological tests of dubious scientific value, liberally mixed with Supremacist dogmas and obscu¬rantism. The upshot is that the tests qualify those who evidence Euro¬pean ancestry and a predilection to Imperial views of the way things should be.

So horrendous is the crime of racial dilution and corruption by inferior blood that the Ultras advocate the total extermination of the brutish races of mankind to ensure the purity of the Master Race, The Ultras have not convinced the other factions that the Total Solution should be adopted as fundamental Imperial policy. However, they have pre¬vailed in that strict laws and savage punishments exist to discourage any form of intermarriage between Imperials of proven blood and those of mixed or corrupted blood.

Some of the most extreme members of this factions go so far as to impute a deliberate galactic conspiracy on the part of the Beast Races to bring about the degeneracy of the human race, but this wild theory is not accepted by most Imperials. Still, it is a source of much hostility towards non-humans and underlies some of the extermination policies of the Imperium.

The Ultras are centered upon the elite Leader Guard, the S.S.P.A, the H.A.T,A,, and the Ministry of Health and Racial Purity, where they can give the fullest scope to their racial policies.

The Elitist Faction

All Elitists believe that any attempt to widen the ranks of the Master Race over much must be attended by definite proof of the Pure Blood of the candidates.

Where the Elitists differ from their more extreme fellows is on the issue of non-Imperial humans. The Elitists strongly favor allowing subjugated humans to enter the ranks of the half-caste Betas if they prove worthy of trust. They are quite realistic about the fact that the Imperium is outnumbered by its enemies and needs all the manpower it can get. Entrance into the elite ranks of the Alphas, on the other hand, is another matter. Here, the Elitists would restrict membership to those born of Azuriach stock, with perhaps only careful adlection of non-Azuriachs of European ancestry possible upon demonstration of exceptional merit.

The Elitists appeal particularly to those Imperials who fear the direct competition of new blood. A significant portion of the supporters of this faction can trace their ancestry back to the early Deneb colonists and are most reluctant to open the ranks of citizenship to upstart newcomers and insolent subordinates who do not know their place. To ensure their own position, they were instrumental, along with the Ultra wing, in drafting the Eighth Generation Rule which provides that a human must demonstrate that he has a line extending back for eight generations of residence in the Imperium, with no ancestor guilty of an offense against the State, to qualify for full citizenship. Only the direct intervention of the First Leader can override this im¬portant statute on behalf of an individual, Leader adlection to citizen¬ship is a reward according to those not qualifying under the law but deserving of reward for outstanding service to the Imperium. As a grudging concession to the less severe Supremacists, an exception to the law is also made for those born in non-Imperial space who are undeniably of pure European ancestry and also loyal to the Imperium and Human Supremacy.

Though violent racists when it comes to non-humans, they Elitists reserve their deepest enmity for democracy in all its forms. To place superior men on the same footing as their inferiors is intolerable to Elitist concepts — as it indeed is to all adherents of Human Supremacy. That is a flat denial of Owet s teachings that the strong have a right to dominate the weak. This has placed the Mercantile League and the Federation high on the Elitist list of interstellar nations marked down for destruction to the last stone.

The Supremacist Faction

The Supremacists enjoy a fairly strong following throughout the whole of the Party. It is out of this conservative group that the Elitists and Ultras rose. The Supremacists believe that all humans are potential heirs to the mastery of the universe. They hold that the finest speci¬mens of humanity immigrated to the Deneb to establish the New Order. However, they regard adlection to Imperial citizenship as possible for any human who clearly demonstrates his racial superiority through loyal service and utter devotion to the Imperium and the doctrines of Human Supremacy. Not everyone of the True Blood was able to 'make his way to the Deneb. Further, pure blood breeds true, so the off¬spring of True Men can still be found in non-imperial space and on worlds only recently incorporated into the Imperium. The Suprema-cists therefore obtain their faction name from the belief that the supreme Will is potentially present in all men, its presence being a mat¬ter of determination from observable data.

Though vigorously anti-democratic and anti-socialist, the Supremacists reserve their most passionate hatred for non-human races. They demand outright extermination for all inferior breeds who defy the supremacy of their Azuriach masters. This is particularly true for the caninoid Rauwoofs, for nothing can be more unnatural or damnable than rebel¬lion against one's natural Masters and the Supremacists point out that the Rauwoofs are of the Dog Race which has traditionally been sub¬servient and loyal to mankind. Their failure to recognize the Master ' has doomed them to utter and complete extinction to the last indi¬vidual, as far as the Supremacists are concerned. It should be noted that the bitterest wars, fought without quarter given or asked, has been between the Imperials and the Rauwoofs.

Not surprisingly, the Supremacists find their strongest support among the military, and they favor an aggressive program of conquest and the expenditure of a vast proportion of Imperial forces upon the fleet and the armed forces.

The A.C.L.

The Anti-Communist League was the only political party to survive the Ower Reforms of 2210, for it threw Its weight behind Ower the moment he appeared on the scene_ For Ower’s enemies in the govern¬ment were social democrats, the sworn enemies of the A.C.L. Though only a splinter party at best, the A.C.L. kept a weather eye for Pinko plots, routinely engaged in vicious smear campaigns against those it marked down for their socialist leanings, and maintained a quasi-mili¬tary strong-arm force to terrorize its political opponents. The A.C.L. was a fitting ally for Ower, and it was instrumental in engineering his early release from prison in 200S. The little party received his grateful favor in later years and, once it merged with the Human Supremacy Party, the A.C.L. was most influential in setting the anti-G.P.R. policies which have characterized Imperial policy from the very beginning.

The A.C.L. regards communism and socialism as the prime threat to the survival of the Imperium. Owei's most emphatic dogma was that those supreme in power should enjoy the rewards thereof, Socialist systems deny the truth of this, relegating all members of society to the same general standard of material life — at least in theory attempting to level all groups in society to the same common denominator. This egalitariansim is anathema to Human Supremacy. Furthermore, the Pure Earthists were rabid socialists, and the A.C.L preserved the more extreme reactionary attitudes of early Azuriach colonists toward the repression suffered at Pure Earthian hands before they left Terra. Supremacists, Elitists, and Ultras are all in accord with the A.D. L. on the question of the threat of communist/socialist societies — human and otherwise. Thus, they often combine to push for campaigns against the Galactic Peoples Republic, the Hisssg ist, and other socialist powers.

The A.C.L. is far less extreme than the previous factions with respect to the bulk of humanity outside the Imperium. It does agree with the Ultras that some human populations might have to be eliminated out of hand — namely, all those tainted with the infection of communism and social liberalism who show no remorse or repentance and refuse to renounce their grievous error by enthusiastically embracing Human Supremacy. Societies based upon a reasonable amount of healthy competition are adjudged redeemable, as they do produce fit speci¬mens exhibiting undoubted success in their drive to attain the heights of wealth and power. Indeed, the A.0 L. argues quite strongly that most humans are probably acceptable as members of the Imperial citizenry once they have received the appropriate re-education and encouragement. This position places the A.C.L. in conflict with the Ultra and Elitist factions on many issues.

Nor is the A.C.L. at all convinced that all alien races are worthy of extermination. Enslavement is the proper fate of racial inferiors. Only unrepentant socialists and communists, like the Hissss'ist, the 1RSOL, and the totally communal species like the Bugs are marked down for exiermination to the last member. The Ag.L, rather self-righteous¬ly points out that Masters require servants, and the aliens represent a vast source of servile labor for the Imperium. Only fanatics would destroy such a resource out of hand.

While enjoying broad support across Imperial society, the A.Ci. finds the source of its greatest strength and funding among the in-dustrialists, entrepeneurs, and small businessmen. Imperial business is strongly capitalist along generally fascist lines, and this rich and powerful segment of society sees its interests best served by the anti-socialist and pro-capitalist line of the faction. Though some of its policies are clearly distasteful to the right wing factions, the great wealth available to the A.C.L. through its numerous rich supporters has caused the others to court its favor and support. Indeed, no First Leader has ever succeeded to office without the backing of this very influential faction.

The Revisionists

The Revisionists represent a chronic problem in Imperial society. The faction is strongly supported by Labor, which consists largely of members of the H.A.S.A., and by the citizens of outlying planets of the Imperium. These two groups feel largely left out of the power structure of the Imperial State.

A continual source of irritation to these second-class members of the Alpha is the fact that a half-caste Beta or an adlected Alpha may be their effective superior. For, as mentioned earlier, it is the general practice of many of the Leader Class to maintain personal staffs which include half-castes and adlected Alphas. These staffers are often able to hide behind the status and social betters, while appearing to be acting according to the wishes of their Leaders.

The Revisionists would see the actual power of the half-caste staffers eliminated entirely. They argue that Party members should be able to deal directly with other Party members, not through inferior creatures who often do not know their place and rarely behave with the proper respect.

Incredibly, the Universelists, the most extreme adherents of the faction, go so far as to advocate that all half-castes born in the Imperium who are demonstrably loyal should be granted the same status as the Pure in Blood. This group fervently believes in Ower's teaching that Pure Blood will out, that the best in society will indeed attain power and success if they have an equal and unfettered chance to do so. They also believe in their intrinsic superiority to most of the half-castes and do not fear the increased competition. Rather, they argue, it would do away with the constant irritation and humiliation of dealing with half-caste proxies of the Leaders_ If the Imperium were perfectly ordered according to Ower's doctines, the best man must rise to the top. If he cannot, he will have the inferior status he deserves, with no special priviledges deriving only from the fact he is his master's man.

These dangerously egalitarian extremists are regarded with deep sus¬picion by the Elitist and A.G.L. factions, for their utterances often border on advocating the very levelling policies of democratic and socialist thought so feared by the conservative Leader elements in Imperial society. indeed, the Universelists brought a number of savage purges down upon themselves because they were too intemperate and ignored the alarm they were generating in their more conservative comrades. Still, the Revisionists as a whole are the largest single group in free Imperial society and cannot openly be repressed without serious risk of rebellion, Even worse, it has gained the silent support of many of the Betas, who see the faction as their sole hope for full citizenship and membership in the Party.

The Neo Supremacists

Although it is the smallest and most liberal of all the Azuriach political factions, the Neo has had an influence upon all thought and policy in the Imperium far out of proportion with its numbers. The faction draws its support from the well educated professional and educational elements in society — clearly among the most creative free thinkers in the Imperium.

The Neo has, for example, formulated much of the theory of Imperial society upon which the Revisionists have based their claim to equal opportunity. Deeply concerned with the pursuit of knowledge, the Neo supporters are much troubled by the repressive rigidity of Imperial dogma and administrative practice. A more open society, they feel, will provide the Imperium with much more creative and productive development in science and technology. What is needed is more com¬petent men, and the Neos are not blinded by doctrinal clap-trap about the best automatically rising above their fellows. The key is a good education and a genuine chance to prove oneself in a true meritocracy. And that does not currently exist in the Imperium, where bullying ways often masquerade for true superiority of mind.

Nor do the Neos subscribe to the quasi-religious faith of many Imperials in the innate superiority of mankind. Strength comes from the ofifices of superior blast-cannon, and may Heaven help the man out¬gunned by an alien! is their retort. They point out with embarrassing precision and truth the glaring deficiencies in Imperial military tech¬nology and in society in general — the rampant bureaucracy, the waste¬ful duplication of effort in all areas of production, the competition for the sake of competition which hamstrings genuine research and progress, and a host of other example of inefficiency that could easily be corrected by provision for larger numbers of Leader Class personnel, a broader citizenship base, and more open and innovative practices.

Needless to elaborate, the Neos are far from popular in some quarters!

The Neos found their over-all philosophy upon an obscure treatise by Ower entitled MAN'S SECOND BEAST LEVEL — in which Ower mused upon the possibility that early man did not really come to domi¬nate the beasts but rather formed symbiotic relationships with some species and then gained a position of advantage over the environment. Without these symbiotic partners, the Neos argue, mankind might not have had the time and the energy to progress as far and as fast as he did. Thus the current policy of genocide waged against alien races is stupid, as Ower himself seemed to be pointing out. If Ower did advo¬cate destruction of the Beast, he meant it in a symbolic and not a literal way. Eliminate the rebelliousness of the Beast, not the creature itself.

What has saved the Neos from outright elimination as traitors to Human Supremacy is their clear position that the crime of the non-human races is not that they are Beasts, but that they have betrayed their symbiotic relationship as junior partners and servants of the Master Race. Obedient aliens should be allowed to live and even to prosper. Non-humans can take cold comfort from Neo philosophy, for theirs is a view that aliens have a relation to mankind comparable to that of a faithful pet to its owner or the hard-working stock animal to its master. Still, reasonable treatment and concern for non-humans does underlie Neo thought, and it is suspected that their position is far more radical than they dare express publically. If any group promises a genuine revolution in Imperial attitudes, it is the Neos.

As close to a liberal intelligensia as might be found in the Imperium, the Neo faction is subjected to occasional purges, but the fact that the best scientists, professionals, and educators belong to the Neos has acted to prevent the Imperial leadership from decimating its member¬ship. Ower himself preached that the strength of the lmperium lay in the Will of its citizens to science and technology. With some of the best communications and propaganda experts in the Imperium being Nati supporters, the faction has been very persuasive in identifying itself with the latter concept. The deep faith of all Imperials in applied technology is well known. That the Neos are the creators of the finest examples of Imperial technology has not been allowed to be forgotten by their fellows.

Further, the Neos are regarded by many of their more shallow-thinking fellows as largely the product of too much education and too deep thinking about obvious matters. Theirs is the image of the absent¬minded professor which one learns to indulge In the interests of main¬taining scientific and technological progress. Still, some of the greatest minds in the Imperium are committed Neos and the fact is that the Neos often prove to be right about Eliot of things in the end.

The Diversity Of Imperial Society

Considering the active factionalism of the Imperium, the notion that the Azuriach are united by a monolithic solidarity is shown to be a myth. There is often significant difference of opinion on fundamental matters, and even the slightest difference can mean dramatic shifts in Imperial policy when a particular faction gains dominance. That such factionalism is not only tolerated but is considered to be healthy also puts the lie to the simple notion that the Imperials are brainwashed automatons incapable of free thought. In effect, each of the factions Is almost a political party in its own right. The one thing demanded of them all is utter adherence to the concept of human superiority as a Master Race.

Shaping The Azuriach Youth

About the time an Azuriach youth reaches the age of four, his family life effectively ends and he is placed in the hands of the Human Sup- remacy Party for his upbringing as a model Azuriach citizen. The child is enrolled in a State-run school, where his indoctrination begins. This is a thorough process which reinforces at every stage with powerful psychological conditioning the Azuriach belief in the Master Race. The child is taught to feel contempt for those fated to be slaves. Race prejudice is inculcated with surgical precision, and it eventually be¬comes very difficult for the subject to experience any form of fellow feeling for those adjudged to be of inferior breeds.

The character traits regarded as essential for success in the Imperium are instilled and refined throughout this early period. Youngsters are carefully observed and tested by their instructors and Pary Youth Leaders to detect and select out all those with Leader qualities. At the age of nine or ten, the children are invited to join the Youth Organ¬ization of the Party, which outwardly resembles the old Scouting movement on Terra but which has, In reality, a far more sinister intent. All youth activities are conducted under the supervision of Party of¬ficials and also veteran military personnel seconded from active units.

Here are taught the civic virtues of military discipline and fieldcraft, carefully tempered with festive outings in the countryside and num-erous enjoyable social and hobby activities. By the time a child reaches twelve, those who have distinguished themselves in their grades and their Party Youth work are marked as candidates for Leader training. Youths of average ability are enrolled in the State Schools at the age of twelve. There they will be taught to be good followers rather than Leaders, at once aggressive and domineering towards their inferiors but docile and submissive towards their superiors. Emphasis is placed upon the development of specific vocational skills. Youths of very promising or outstanding ability are enrolled in the superb Leader Academies. There they will be taught the attitudes and skills needed to command men and to administer large organizations, whether in the government, the military, or the private sector. From time to time, youths will be transferred from the State Schools to the Academies as latent leadership ability is discovered. Needless to say, the greatest disgrace is for a youth to be sent down from the Leader Academy because he lacks superior qualities.

Also at the age of twelve, all Azuriach youths join the quasi-military Party Youth Organization, the Young Supremacists. At that time, youths are granted many of the rights and perogatives of full citizen-ship. These include the right to bear licensed arms in defense of the Imperium, to have any judicial proceeding heard before a Party Tri-bunal instead of an Imperial Court, and to serve and assist the author¬ities as accredited auxiliaries of the Party. In performing this last role, each Youth Leader is expected to organize his squad of ten and demon¬strate his ability to lead others and to coordinate their efforts with the local Party office.

By the time a member of the Young Supremacists reaches eighteen, he will be selected for full Party membership in the Leader class or else for membership in the Citizens League lAlpha class). Nomination to Leader Cadet, generally a formality for students in the Leader Aca¬demies but also possible for high-ranking graduates of the State Schools opens the door to a wide range of educational and vocational oppor¬tunities denied to ordinary citizens. The Cadets receive instruction in Azuriach history and philosophy, mass psychology, political science, languages, advanced Leadership and management techniques, and also irhclepth instruction in their chosen areas of specialization. After three years, those showing the greatest promise are given the opportunity for advanced study in their fields, while the remainder will be posted to various departments of the government and military, or to the pri¬vate sector, for field service, Those not chosen for a leadership role are dispatched to fill the lower echelons of Imperial society as apprentices — typically, these being graduates of the State Schools. Some with more promise are given advanced technical or business training In the State Technical Institutes.

Controlling The Masses

The leadership of the Imperium is especially adept at managing the general citizens and subject peoples. All citizens are members of the Human Supremacy Party. This not only gives them special rights and perogatives, but also places them under Party authority and discipline. The Party determines the very future of individubls through the educational system and the youth organi¬zations, which are filtering mechanisms pure and simple. To be married, a citizen must obtain the permission of the Ministry of Health and Racial Purity, a license from the Bureau of Eugenics being necessary. Indeed, the Party often goes so far as to arrange marraiges through its social organizations, bringing matched young men and women together who will be genetically compatible. Each district has its local Party functionaries, right down to Block Leaders whose job it is to organize and oversee the daily activities of the residents in his area. If they have any personal problems or evidence behaviors disapproved by the Party, he and his assistants will intervene and counsel the individual before more serious measures are taken. All athletic and social clubs are Party run. Even vacations are arranged through the Party's tourism bureaus, complete with tour guides and meticulously arranged activity programs.

Of course, the Party shapes public opinion through the Ministry of Information, with all mass media programming slanted toward the Party line. All news is carefully censored and oriented toward the needs of the government and its perception of public response to any given news item. All entertainment is propagandistic and glorifies the benefits and achievements of the Imperial State, In addition, there are constant reminders of Imperial splendor and power in the huge Party rallies, the innumerable public monuments, the awesome public buildings built on a gigantic scale, the pomp and ceremonies of military parades, etc. All these and more are carefully planned to fill the citizen with the irresistable drive and power of the Imperium.

The subject peoples themselves are controlled not only through fear, but also through generally reasonable treatment so long as they remain obedient and perform their duties cheerfully and well. The fact is that only the Tau are abused systematically. While Imperial citizens do have great powers to punish and even kill subjects almost on whim, bullying for its oven sake is widely disapproved if it gets out of hand. The Imperials are not so stupid as to believe that the dog that is beaten regularly will love his master. Rather, the general policy followed by most Imperial agencies and citizens is to extend the velvet glove in which a mailed fist resides. Do well, and one will be rewarded or, at least, remain unharmed. Do badly, and the wrath of higher authority will be felt in full measure. The fact is that the Imperials, whatever their faults, have a decidedly just view of things and do not make life overly difficult for any subject who chooses to accept the system and work in it.

Most subjects above the Delta classification are quite satisfied with their lot and passively accept their fate. Some non-human races even actively support the Imperium and receive very special treatment as a result. To think that the Imperial State is one great concentration camp is a grave mistake. Over 70% of its subjects live in conditions that are no more harsh than in many other interstellar nations, and revolt is rare on worlds which have resided under Imperial authority for more than a century.

Imperial control over the population is also orchestrated through careful manipulation of all cultural elements. Within Azuriach society, a great degree of tolerance is allowed with respect to traditional ele¬ments. The national heritages of the individual nationalities which immigrated to the Deng] are preserved, complete to the old European languages which are learned along with official Anglic (an advanced form of the earlier English language). The same cannot be said for the cultures of subject races, Imperial policy is to totally destroy all vestiges of the cultural heritage of subjugated peoples so as to deny them a rallying point for rebellion. Speaking of any language except official Anglic is punishable by fines and, eventually demotion to lower subject status upon repeated offenses, Traditional ceremonies, art forms, etc„ are generally banned or else are allowed only upon imperial license and close scrutiny of the cultural activity.