Reading Recommendations

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A Discerning Gamer's Literary Suggestions

The Blade Itself--Dieter the Bold 13:39, 29 April 2009 (MST) I just finished The Blade Itself, book 1 in a trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. It was a most interesting low-fantasy book. Magic didn't happen often, and when it did it was well placed, and it was a very realistic portrayal of characters in a feudal setting. One of the main characters used to be an aristocratic champion fencer, but was captured in a war and tortured into a twisted shell, and is now an inquisitor. Very believable characters and no punches pulled.

Edmiao cheryl just finished reading that trilogy, she liked them.

The Road -- Edmiao Posted this on the main page a few weeks ago, here again. Fantastic post apocalyptic tale, occurs something like 7 years after the hollocaust. Grippingly written page turner, quite a fast read. By Cormac McCarthy.

The Baroque Cycle -- Matts Everyone knows (or DO THEY) about Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson's most popular book, and Anathem, his best book, but the Baroque Cycle is my favorite for its sheer insane scope. It's got a syphilitic missing half his dong, a Jesuit samurai, and really great portrayals of all sorts of 17th and 18th century characters like Louis XIV, the Duke of Marlborough, and Peter the Great. Also, it's a historical-fiction pirate story about the invention and use of modern finance.