Doug's barn

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Doug and Fayth's parents own a small farm that they primarily use to raise a few beef cattle, pigs and chickens. When the kids were younger, slopping the pigs, collecting eggs, and such were chores for the young'uns. When Doug joined the service and finally, when Fayth went off to college, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson pared back on the farming a bit, and one of the barns on the property went largely unused.

After several years, Doug returned from his military service, and unable to keep a job, moved back in with his folks. To accommodate his peculiarities, they gave the entire barn over to him for his use and privacy. Doug has since turned the decrepit building into his very own lair.

Amenities include a Faraday cage room for the computer, an Armageddon locker filled with food and water to keep Doug fed for about 30 days, and security measures that have thus far proven ineffective at keeping anyone who is properly motivated out of Doug's hair.

With the recent discovery of the excavator probes, Doug has had visions of turning his barn into an honest-to-god underground lair.