Alien Weapon "Stunner"

Revision as of 08:29, 7 July 2014 by Melonberg (Talk | contribs)

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This is a small pistol-sized weapon about the size and shape of a Federation phaser pistol from the ST:TNG television show. It fires a short-range (~5m) electrical arc through the air at its target, causing cumulative neuromuscular disruption (stun damage). While not possessing much one-shot potency, the beam seems to ignore conventional armor, and multiple strikes would likely incapacitate any target.

The method of activation is no mystery, and it can be used at this time. However, there is currently no known way to recharge or reload it. Until further research is completed, the stock on hand are essentially throw-away weapons. Once drained of power, they are useless.

This technology has not been researched yet.