Gas Works Park

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Issue #2

This was where Maria Reyes tracked down Dr. Svend Akerfeldt's missing laptop using it's Apple LoJack system.

The Rumble

Maria drove James Milligan, Shillelagh, Vic Stravinsky and Parker LaCroix to the area. They closed in on foot while Maria stayed in the car a short distance away. Shillelagh and Parker scaled a one-story building between them and the Laptop. Vic moved down the narrow alley. James followed Vic at a distance, in case he needed to step in as an "innocent bystander."

Where the laptop was pinpointed, a Cadillac Escalade was parked with one guy in a suit leaning against it. Vic sneaked up to the rear of the vehicle and saw that there were 5 other guys inside. A fight shortly ensued.

Before they entered combat, the suits in the SUV would pull a hood/facemask on. The only significant detail of these hoods was a triangle over one eye with a Roman numeral on it. The man waiting outside was III. The organization these men work for is unknown at this time.

Parker was grazed by gunfire and Shillelagh was choked and then run over by their Escalade before the mystery villains escaped. Maria picked up the team and gave chase, but they gave her the slip thanks to Seattle traffic lights. Their abandoned SUV with its dented roof and multiple broken windows and shredded rear tires was found nearby with the laptop (sans hard drive) in the back. One clue left behind was a monogrammed cuff link, a gold triangle with the Roman numeral III.

Based on cologne-related evidence (and the fact that they had Dr. Akerfeldt's laptop), this group is strongly suspected of not only being the ones to kidnap Dr. Akerfelt, but being the ones who were at his off-the-books luxury condo where the heroes later found Dr. Akerfeldt dead by hanging.