Talk:Noble Sail

Revision as of 16:46, 29 March 2007 by Jason (Talk | contribs)

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--Dieter the Bold 14:33, 28 March 2007 (MST) So, given that Noble Sail ships are about, what, 10 times faster (or is it logarithmic?) than the best conventional drive, what exactly is the attraction for anyone to use a conventional ship for travel, besides it being a pussy-magnet?

--BenofZongo 14:44, 28 March 2007 (MST)What are you talkin' about? Ain't you ever seen a spelljammer ship? That shit has "sexy" written all over it! I mean, it's a pirate ship AND a spaceship! That makes a chick just want to strap on a corset and swoon into your arms!

-- 15:01, 28 March 2007 (MST)A Noble Sail only works in the corridors of charged particles in the Nephon Sector; if you wish to travel along those corridors, then there's no other logical choice.

If you wish to travel somewhere else, though, you're out of luck unless you've got a conventional drive.

While there are Noble Particle corridors connecting most major systems, they're basically a single point of entry, and therefore easy to tax and regulate.

--Gdaze 15:30, 28 March 2007 (MST)I liked spelljammer... At least the ships anyway.

--Jason 14:46, 29 March 2007 (MST)I think I am going to dedicate myself to designing a No-Bull sail that works anywhere in the galaxy. That is gonna make me rich.