Talk:Shao Long Eila Du Felisima

Revision as of 16:43, 25 September 2008 by (Talk)

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Edmiao Ben, i had it in mind to make it be able to be dog or cat sized depending on shape shifting. but i realized that would be a growth power. so i went with diminutive (cat sized) as that is the size he has always been in game, cats and parrots. Also bought Shadow magic power skill to activate it's powers.

BEn:I don't think I'm going to allow your pet to take gestures as a limitation for powers. the skill roll is fine though.

GABE: But a cat doing gestures would be so cute!

Edmiao that's fine. i was trying to make it in line with casting spells, which require incantations gestures and skill roll. i couldn't see it doing incantations since it can't talk. I'll remove the gestures and probably have to drop intelligence or flight a little to compensate, or make them slow, delayed phase or something.

BEN: the way I see it, creatures have 'innate' magic that doesn't follow spellcasting rules precisely.