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Aeton took the loss of his bridge pretty well. After being locked up in jail for two days, he and Fantus got a map of the world from the sea elves. That flamboyant flapjack blood elf pirate offered us a ride to the mainland where we hoped to find the dragon's lair, with a solid lead from the sea elves. Our intrepid heros made a spectacular exit from town on the flying flapjack and were off to sea towards their destination. Then Grandfather Flame came out of the sky and all those pansy pirates abandoned ship, tasty blood elf treats bobbing in the sea for a dragon hankerin for a hunk of blood elf.

BEN: Well, for only three characters to go head to head with Sky was quite something. But the characters played smart and kept their actions tight and well coordinated, and victory was theirs. I'd just like to commend a few highlights, and leave it to the players to provide the summary to their fellow party members:
1.) Aefra taking down Sky with a thrown daenerys dagger...right after the MT Tithe got taken down with a 68 stun hit to the head.
2.) Aetan heaving several goblins into the abyss...or just bashing them into goblin pulp with his hammer and sending the others running in terror.
3.) Aetan diving off a bridge (!), into the abyss, after an unconscious and falling Tithe, catching him in midair with a critical success dex roll, to completely save the situation.
4.) Aefra making a cool illusory wedding band as for Grendel, to seal her marriage to him.
5.) Aetan declaring himself a vassal of Grendel.
6.) Matt prebuying luck to allow him to reroll the second of two 17 failures for a 15- roll, as an instant effect.
7.) Tithe getting dog piled by goblins and fighting his way out.

On account of numbers 1, 3, 4, and 5, but especially #3, the entire group (including Dieter, Gabe, and Nate) are awarded 1 bonus XP.
Additionally: Matt and Ed: I think that your purchased disadvantages came into play last session, so you each get the bonus from that as well.

--Gdaze -- Jeez, seems the group got a hard-on for Grendel. So is the group ever going to run into people we don't bow down and kiss their ass sometimes?

Edmiao I'm going out on a limb here.... no?

BEN: have you met anyone you particularly didn't like where it would have been beneficial to be bellicose towards them? Other than the establishment back on Caminus? Or the knight of flowers? Or the ninja orc?

--Brandon 11:18, 20 October 2008 (MST) I was going to say, though Ben has partially stolen my thunder, that I think we have established a pretty good balance between ass-kissing and ass-kicking:

Some members of Caminus establishment: kissed
Other members of said establishment: tricked/kicked
Bandits: kicked
Gwyndolin: kissed
Dragon: neither (we just ran and ran)
Ape: kicked
Knight of Flowers: kicked
Folks in Carthay: intermittent kissing
Wood Elves: stayed respectfully aloof
Ninja Orc: got kicked, then kicked
Grendel: kissed (literally)
Dragon (second time): I predict a prodigious amount of ass-kissing here


--Brandon 15:05, 15 December 2008 (MST) Can I get a recap of last session? Thanks.

Gabe: We all almost died... no really, WE ALL ALMOST DIED.

So I'm gonna give you a quick re-cap with this guy and that guy, some other person can re-write it.

We spent a day in the city of pompus jerk-offs doing some research. Met with the high wizard, he said he can't do Grundell's "task" just yet because of his important research. The next day we flew off on the carpet again.

We got to the tower pretty quick, it is massive. We decided that the best plan would be to fly into a window at the top, expect perhaps some arrows or such from defenders.

Instead the entire carpet was hit with the force of a dragon's strike and we all went flying into the air, we were really high up (enough to take around 30D6 of damage). We had nine turns.

Ah... for the rest I think I should post with names of characters as it is epic.

Edmiao after we began the incident, i was looking at the falling rules, and i think we actually had 9 segments (not 9 phases) to act. i kept it to myself in the interest of not being the sole survivor of the session (as the only character with wings). although that would have been interesting, Aefra could have probably saved one person, who to pick?

Gabe: Fantus would have insisted you save Galen. And offer many apologies to the two people who helped us get there...

Fantus has potions and a nasty claw, Aetan has a nice big club, but Galen can bring down the power of a God. When it comes time for punishment of those who did this, I think he would be of great use... plus a healer around when we save her is good too! And if any of us have a chance at making the people in the Kingdom beleive us it is Galen. (not saying Galen is the best in the group, in fact as a team we are pretty awesome, just saying that the most help back in our hometown will be Galen, but also Fantus has seen Galen's powers, healing, protecting us from heat and cold... Fantus figures that if he can keep most of us fighting he is very important)

Left Tithe out cuz he was lagging.

BEN: hah, 9 phases...you guys would have been pancakes. Well, board's a-play, and I'm quite pleased with how things turned out from a "storytelling" perspective...not to mention that killing ALL the players at one stroke is pretty drastic...although I guess it would have only been two. Damn, talk about a brutal session if that's how it'd gone...