Current events

Revision as of 16:03, 10 August 2010 by Gdaze (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Date...............Game.................................Attendance Notes

07.23.2010......Star Trek: The Triangle Missions...........Conclusion of A Doomsday Like Any Other.

07.30.2010......Lot 13...................................

08.06.2010......Lot 13..................

08.13.2010......Dragonflight........................Amir out of town, Dave, Rumi, Steve and Jason attending and playing Deadlands: Reloaded.

08.21.2010......Star Trek: The Triangle Missions...........Beginning of The Strider Incident

08.27.2010......TBA..................Possible second session of The Strider Incident

09.03.2010......TBA..................Possible 9/4

09.10.2010......TBA..................Possible 9/11

Monday Board Games

Click above for results and other, more lengthy discourse.
Date..............Requests...............................................Attendance Notes




08.30.2010.....My Birthday!

Schedule attendance)

08/06/2010 ... Magic?

Attendance and Food Preference

Ranting and Raving

Also, nerds rock.

Edmiao you must watch double rainbow its INTENSE.

Edmiao Gabe (and anyone else) lets get together and exchange duplicate commons / uncommons sometime. i had a stack 15 inches tall i forgot to give you on friday and now it will be even bigger. Ben, that box had a lot of nice uncommons, and many commons that i lacked and wanted, including two Sakura Tribe Elders, perhaps the best common ever, and quite a few icy manipulators. so far i have only gone thru green and artifacts. but lots of extra commons which i want to trade for commons or give away.

Edmiao Ben, you left a binder of foils, a box of commons from legends and the dark and 3-5th edition, and your hot mit.

Edmiao That archenemy was a lot of fun, we should do it again soon! (but not this weekend)

JASON: Best common ever? Uh, ever heard of lightning bolt? How about dark ritual? Priest of Titania? Armadillo Cloak? Rancor? Power sink?

--Gdaze 10:08, 2 August 2010 (MST) Yeah, I've yet to even get through most of them, but I have 3 big stacks of stuff I don't need. Sure, just name a time Ed, maybe Friday?

And yeah, I'm going with Jason on this one, Lightning Bolt is way better then that, and Rancor is pretty nasty too. And how about Counter Spell?

JASON: Couterspell is bad ass, but it was an uncommon in Revised, though they did release it as a common in Ice Age. In my mind its always UC, even though thats not technically true.

--Brandon 11:31, 2 August 2010 (MST) Whoah. Jason. Gabe. Have you ever met Ed? Lightning Bolt is an incredibly efficient spell which can be used to kill either creatures or players. Ed has no interest in killing anything (especially players) efficiently. He is interested in creating impossibly complicated board states where no one can punch through and he wins because the other player gets disgusted/bored, can't draw anymore cards, or is taking one point of damage per turn. If you asked Ed to choose between a lightning bolt that did 20 damage and an Indestructible Tim with Shroud that searched up a wall every time it tapped for damage, he would choose the latter without hesitation. With this evaluative framework, Sakura Tribe Elder is unquestionably better than lightning bolt.

JASON: That indestructible Tim is sounding damn good to me too...and I HATE walls. He can block a creature AND do 1 to the opponent. Not to mention all the gobbledygook. Too bad about that trusty wrath of god.

BEN: wrath of god won't destroy an indestructible tim. What set is that guy in?

JASON: Thats in Brandons fantasy set. Wrath of God doesnt destroy, it buries. Even though they got rid of the terminology they have to have a way to simulate it. Otherwise an indestructible creature with shroud can never be removed from the battlefield except via sacrifice (because that is not targeted). All remove from game effects are targeted.

BEN: wrath of god actually does say "destroy" now: it just also says "cannot be regenerated". indestructible creatures are immune to wrath of god, as far as I know.

--Gdaze 18:58, 2 August 2010 (MST) So have to target the enchantments eh?

Edmiao Jason, i heard of some of those cards.... wish i had some Rancors, that's a nasty card. don't have armadillo cloaks or the priest of titania either. man. Brandon, you know me too well. but hey, i have lightning bolts in my Eye of the Storm Deck!! does that count as efficient? lolz. so do you have some of those Indestructible Tim's to trade? cus i would totally trade for that. Oh, man i can't believe you got me so pegged. one of my new decks: walls and tims. and some red burn and spirit links. that's it. actually works sometimes. just walls and tims. oh man. Gabe, no go on friday, really busy this week. Next friday? i got to finish going through the cards too, only through green and artifacts still. Anyone else want in on the trade extravaganza?

Edmiao ben, i have you folder of foils. as i come across my foils that i don't need i am adding them to your binder.... you want them, i presume? if not i wont bother.

JASON: Hey guys, I know we dont get as much action around here as we used to, but if you dont mind taking a look at/paying attention to my Star Trek game, linked above, and comments or ideas you have are welcomed. Even if you think Star Trek is Gabe, er, I know what I mean.

--Gdaze 11:00, 9 August 2010 (MST) I don't really know anything about Star Trek. I didn't really dig it growing up. Mind you it isn't a bad Sci-Fi at all, and I really should try to watch more. So do phasers just instana kill? I think it would be a lot of fun though, because it is a well established universe but still with tons of places to explore.

Edmiao we got those archenemy decks, and the green one had Rancor, Armadillo cloak, and two Sakura Tribe elders. pretty awesome commons, plus all the rares. i think those decks were not a bad deal actually.

--Gdaze 14:03, 10 August 2010 (MST) I really like Archenemy. At first I was pretty weary, as their last gimmick was pretty bad. But that was a lot of fun that night. Looks like this weekend I will be busy everyday (Dragon Flight this weekend!). I am also able to game during the week sometimes as well as long as I get some advanced warning. We gotta get in more games before Ben leaves! Psshhaaa, all you keep leaving Washington!

Oh and Ed, or anyone else, if you want to stop by sometimes for Rogue Trader that would totally work.