Hazor Dyan

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Early Life

(2337-2342) Born in 2337 on Bajor to Bas (mother) and Oakil (father)Hazor. Dyan showed an early, age 4, telepathic skill by being *heard* by one of the Vedeks. Being informed of their son's secret ability, his parents used their meager credit to smuggle Dyan off Bajor when he was 5. Their concern was that the Cardassians would learn of his psionic powers and collect him one night to be taken for 'testing'. His older brother, Das, had already been sent to one of the work camps. Das would be reported dead in 2342. He also has another brother, Denor, born 2341, and an older sister, Kila, born 2335.

(2342-2354) Dyan was sent to Vulcan where he would reside the next 12 years. Technically a refuge, the Vulcans gave shelter, education, psionic training, and even spiritual assitance in learning about his own faith. He stayed with Saavok and his family, and they assisted him in gathering texts of the Prophets even though the religion was illogical. Saavok did not attempt to change Dyan into a Vulcan, even though classes at the academies would push Dyan in that direction. Saavok realized that Dyan would not blindly accept the philosophies of logic, but allowed for enlightenment if possible. Saavok's son, Seklek, younger then Dyan by a year, was always in the same classes as Dyan. This allowed additional support in his education. How this was arranged was never disclosed. Although he did receive psionic training, the extent of the training was never disclosed. Subsequently, Hazor has kept his abilities secret.

(2354-Current) Dyan joined starfleet, originally wanting to go into theoretical engineering, but instead became fascinated with Warp engines. His academy career was notated with above average scores, one award for an engineering drone design, one commendation for logical debate, and disciplinary note for being involved romantically with a fellow cadet. Dyan still keeps in touch with both Saavok and Seklek.

Denor joined Starfleet also. He is an ensign following a command training. He is superior in helm and navigation, and has an excellence in space battle tactics.

Kila is still on Bajor, has joined the political democracy, and is focused, among other things, on keeping Bajor out of the Federation. This does cause friction between them. She also was with the resitance during the occupation, and had, unofficially, caused the deaths of both Bajorans and Cardassians during the occupation.
