The Bureau

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The Bureau is the name for the multinational intelligence organization in the Top Secret world. It has no analog in the real world.


Operatives from the Bureau may be from any non-Warsaw Pact nation, but they operate under a unified set of 'codes'. Each agent is a member of a section, and sections are divided into cells. Members of one cell do not necessarily know anything of members of different cells. Cells may contain members of multiple sections (think like a Venn diagram). Members of multiple cells rarely, knowingly work with one another for reasons of secrecy and deniability.

Sections are arranged according to specialty, but are not exclusive. The three sections are Elimination, Acquisition and Investigation. Operative teams are usually made up of members with a wide array of skills. Cross training is extremely common, and agents often grow in a direction different than their section designation might indicate.

Elimination (Codename: Sparrow)

Members of this section have specialized training in elimination of threats, be they living or inanimate. Training includes asset disposal and destruction as well as assassination techniques. Operatives have contacts to acquire weapons and hideaway safe houses.

Acquisition (Codename: Pheasant)

These operatives are skilled in the procurement of sensitive or important items or people. Their training includes hand-offs, identification and intrusion/extraction. Their contacts generally include fixers and informants.

Investigation (Codename: Condor)

Members of the investigation section are skilled at finding and processing information. Their training includes ciphers, interrogation and surveillance. Because of the broad scope of their section, they have a wide selection of contacts.

The Codes

All operatives are bound by the codes of the Bureau, as well as any codes from their Section. These codes theoretically transcend any loyalty or duty to any other entity. Supplemental codes are sometimes issued as part of mission briefings.