Unabomber 2

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A hippie commune in Seattle (I know that isn't very specific) was hit by a bomb in the early hours and the explosion matches the bizarre signature of several other bombings over the course of a year. The team went to investigate but found the scene already canvassed by the FBI under Special Agent Thomas Chandler who had been following these bombings ever since the Lieutenant Governor of Wyoming was a victim some months ago. Agent Chandler was cooperative which was both helpful and strange as law enforcement agencies typically jockey for positions of authority.
The team found video surveillance from the adjacent Shell station operated by Kerpali the Egyptian Magician and procured tapes of the incident. They followed the license plates for the beat-up jalopy with Idaho plates on the video but discovered those plates belonged to a Ford pickup owned by a retired senior citizen. The team spoke with the owner who was flabbergasted to find somebody had swapped the plates on his old truck with another set of Idaho plates; the old man had not even noticed the change. Following these new plates the team went to a nearby suburb and cleverly gaining entrance into the house found nobody home. The family was on vacation judging from their calendar notes and indeed their car was missing from their garage.

Returning to Seattle, the team split with most members going into the hippie commune and Jeffrey went to the hospital to check on one of the injured hippies. The team gained access to the commune and began exploring the grounds, finding nothing particularly interesting, until discovering a hidden passage leading underground. This led to a strange and obviously alien hive that seemed part training center/living quarters/experimentation facility. Three children, each about 6 years old, approached Dr. Yokohama and via psychic telepathy began showing off their toys. Their "toys" consisted of firearms, knives, and other weapons and the children use live humans as target practice. Dr. Yokohama tried to show the children images of "normal" kids play but the children (alien hybrids) were amused and perplexed.

An attempt to remove the two surviving, but nearly comatose, human captives ended in disaster. Apparently, when the hybrids are done using live targets for practice a nanny robot disposes of the corpses and the bodies are rendered into a nutrient slurry. The attempted rescue ended with one captive rendered in a chopper vat and the other captive returned to the cage. The team gathered up as much odd stuff they could find and left the compound after receiving a tip from Agent Chandler that he had a lead on the location of the possible bomber.

An Idaho redneck by the nickname of Catfish hosts a weekly drinking/shooting/eating/bitching about the government at his farm and Agent Chandler believed the Unabomber was hiding out here. The team ingratiated themselves to Catfish and crew and found a gunsmith named Skeeter living out in the barn. Brock befriended Skeeter who turned out not only to be the Unabomber but was a former direct employee of the aliens. Skeeter was carrying out the bombings using equipment stolen from the aliens and hitting targets related to his former employer, none other than Rosato Industries where Skeeter worked as a chemist. Skeeter, whose real name is Walter Krause, discovered an alien computer and after hacking it learned that the aliens on Earth were more of a preliminary scouting force. This scouting force had also apparently failed in their mission and another group of aliens were en route to "take control and complete the mission" and these guys looked like they lead a bona fide invasion army.

== New NPCS ==
Walter Krause, former Navy EOD officer, chemist, and direct agent of the alien force. He understands the alien language and is eager to strike back and make amends for his past efforts.

== Research ==
Krause's alien computer
Various alien tools from the Hive
Sample of the rendered human nutrient slurry
DNA sample from the hybrid children