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The "Chryssalid" was first encountered by a human resistance cell at Westport, Washington on February 12th, 2014. This encounter occurred during a scouting mission of the city and ensuing recovery operation of an intact meteor sample.

Physical Description

The Chryssalid begins its gestation inside of a human host. The alien organism latches onto neural tissue, subverting the host. The parasite then infects the skeletal tissues, propagating through bone marrow, and ultimately cannibalizing the host's tissues from the inside out until the Chryssalid is fully formed. When this happens, the creature will shed it's human chrysalis, which has become nothing more than a skin-suit by this time. The fully formed specimen is arthropodal and arachnid in nature. It moves on four triple-jointed legs ending in a spider-like tarsus. Unlike a spider, it lacks an enlarged abdomen, but has a cephalothorax from which sprouts a "torso" (almost like a centaur). Atop the torso sits a small, ovoid wedge of a head complete with multiple sets of eyes that likely give nearly 360-degree vision. The torso also sports two powerful arms that end in pincers like a crab. At the rear of the cephalothorax is a long, segmented tail, evidently formed from the human host's vertebrae. The entire creature is heavily armored, and it's skin is a black chitinous compound. The majority of its shell is also covered with barbs, spines and ridges.

Unlike spiders, the Chryssalid's motion is not hydraulic in nature, so puncturing the shell does not appear to be immediately debilitating.

Studies of internal organs revealed the existence of a large egg sac inside with hundreds of parasites that are likely spread to new hosts through an ovipositor in creature's mouth.


Little is known about the Psychology of these creatures, or what place they hold in the alien hierarchy. From anecdotal accounts, they are reported to be ravenously hostile, attacking all living things. It appears as though they were designed to multiply in vast numbers. If this is not stopped, the Chryssalids could very easily ravage a large area and kill thousands, if not millions of human beings. This may be the ultimate threat that the mutagenic spoor from the meteors posed to a populated world.


The Chryssalid is extremely fast, and is heavily armored. The unique nature of the chitin and crystalline microstructures within it provide incredible durability. Enough to withstand most light small arms fire. The chitin appears to be especially resistant to widespread shock. Non-focused penetration from a source such as an explosion is likely to have little effect on this creature. However, since this beast is likely always on the move heading toward its prey, the chitin on the rear of its torso and cephalothorax segments appears to be much thinner, and should be a primary target if the creature is encountered in battle.

Autopsy Results

Autopsy results can be found here.