Cpt. Brannigan

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Capt. Brannigan:

Int: 7 Ref: 7 Tech: 5 Cool: 8 Attr: 6 Luck: 5 MA: 6 Body: 6 Emp: 6/6

Skills: Authority: +8 Combat Sense: +2 Resources: +7 Personal Grooming: +4 Endurance: +3 Human Perception: +5 Leadership: +6 Persuasion: +4 Awareness/Notice: +5 Education: +6 Expert: Intelligence +7 Mathematics: +3 Expert: Cryptography: +4 Athletics: +4 Brawling: +3 Handgun: +6 Rifle: +5 Melee: +3 Smg: +3 Weaponsmith: +2

Equipment: .45 colt, standard issue military uniform, dress uniform, M1 carbine, notebook and 1 pencil, Flashlight with 3 extra sets of batteries and 2 extra bulbs, waterproof matches, first aid kit, bayonet, pen knife, 2 packs cigarettes, 10 days of 1 time pads (cryptographic), small toolkit (screwdriver x4, small hammer, 3xpliers, some nails and screws), 2x gas lanterns (full), flask whiskey, 2xbars chocolate, $100 in gold, binoculars, grease pencil

Background and Motives: Although it wasn't clear that it would be the case at the beginning of the war, you are now wholly convinced that good intelligence services are what largely won the war for the Allies. And you have been on the front lines of that particular battle from the beginning. You helped coordinate the American contributions to the cracking of Indigo and Enigma, and then you flew out to the troops and helped put that intel to good use. Largely, your longstanding military service coupled with your excellent understanding of cryptography has meant that you can interface with both the desk jockeys and the men in the trenches. Not only that, but you consider yourself a reasonably personable fellow. People skills and an understanding of both sides of a conversation are a rarity, and the result has been that you have been put in charge of many of the most sensitive intelligence issues in the war. Operation Tenebrae Mortis is one such issue. A mysterious unit with even more mysterious goals, OTM was not discovered until the unearthing of a few hastily destroyed files in captured bunkers were found. OTM seems to have a frightfully high security clearance, and access to funds and equipment that should by all rights have been going immediately to the front at the late stages of the war. Their movements seem eratic, with evidence of their activity turning up deep in russia, Rome, scattered french Chateaus, as well as a few unidentified sites in the middle east, Egypt, and deeper in Africa. You have wracked your brain trying to figure out what the Nazis could be trying to pull at this late stage of the war, and have come up with nothing. Until, that is, the Hungarian communique. Two Enigma Decrypts, partial though they may be, seem to have solved the problem for you. The decrypts suggested to your think tank that biological weapons may be the focus of OTM. And in this the pieces of the puzzle seem to fit. It is a final act of desperation by those Nazi scum. No weapon, not Nukes, not chemicals, could be so secretly dispersed, so diabolically conceived, and could kill so many people if it were properly executed. Your bio-experts have assured you that such a thing could not happen so quickly, but you have seen the terrible genius of the enemy realized several times, and you do not doubt that it could very well happen so quickly. Several of the African regions could easily be the source of some dreadful organism, and several of the other sites might be useful as dispersion centers. In fact, you have already moved numerous spies into ports, military bases, and train stations in the US, looking for possible evidence of the dispersion of a bio-weapon. The decision to move on the OTM site mentioned in the Decrypts has also been spearheaded by you. At this point, that entire region is in allied control, and the idea that a unit, even a small unit, of Nazis could remain there undetected strikes you as ludicrous. But they may have left evidence of whatever they were doing, especially if they were doing it in as remote a location as is indicated by the coordinates. It is absolutely crucial that whatever is found at the mansion be recovered: if this is a widespread attempt by the Nazis to revenge themselves on the allies, anything you find at the Manor may help to stop its spread.

As the ranking officers (Cpt. Brannigan being in charge overall) in the investigation of the Hungarian communiques, you may discuss with one another how you would like to brief your team before the arrival at the Manor (which is approximately where we will begin the game on Saturday). In terms of military authority, you can give direct orders to Sgt. Shaftoe and his rangers as well. Please keep me in the loop as far as your pre-game plans go: also, if there is a briefing you'd like to issue to the other players, you can post it on the wiki and I'll email it to Brandon.