User talk:Gdaze

Revision as of 22:27, 26 February 2007 by Gdaze (Talk | contribs)

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--Matts 12:39, 26 February 2007 (MST)I hope I never said that Robert "cheated". I was a little strict in the whole poisons incident, and for that I won't apologize, but other than that, I was sad that I never really gave much of a path for Robert to resolve his difficulties.

--Gdaze-- Slow day at work, yay! Anyway. You wrote this "...but I was too concerned with advancing my plot, giving you guys a scare, and honestly, "making an example" (something I never should have done) of Gabe's character for breaking the rules."

Sorry I used cheating, as to me cheating is breaking the rules. So what did you mean by this?

--Matts 17:31, 26 February 2007 (MST)Oh, Robert put on the mask and yelled "For the Dark Gods", which in any reasonable Warhammer game means you get eaten by Chaos. That's all.

--Edmiao 18:51, 26 February 2007 (MST) you should have just put him out of his misery right there and then. maybe letting him live was a greater punishment

--Gdaze-- Well I'd actually disagree here and say that usually, most usually, Chaos is a slow tant. It isn't fast at all. Of course this was a different universe then normal. But in any reasonable game someone usually doesn't have to roll to remember what item is in which hand, so to each his own. But I don't think I "broke the rules"!