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There's a whisper of a rumor, among certain in-the-know bums in Seattle, that in the old Underground lives a monster - a huge, snarling, misshapen man-dog of a thing. They say that if you leave food for it, you can travel through the oldest parts of the city unmolested. Some even say it comes up from the underground during the full moon, to winnow the wicked from the greater downtown area!

The Garou of Seattle have a different story. They say a pathetic, hunchbacked metis lives with the Bone Gnawers in the old city. They say he's got no concept of honor, and is more feral than civilized. They say he's dangerous more than anything else, best to be avoided.

Ayger (as he calls himself) doesn't much care what anybody says about him. He was born into this world, deformed, monstrous, and hated, but with a burning will to survive. The world that bore him will suffer him to live, as penance.