Current events

Revision as of 21:35, 13 February 2008 by (Talk)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)
1/4/08.......WFRP............BnD...............(Ben Gone, Ed present)
1/18/08......totally cancelled
2/8/08.......W-Wolf .........BnD...............
2/15/08......WFRP............BnD............... ed gone
2/16/08......bday one shot..BnD...............
2/22/08......???.............BnD............... Matt at GDC
2/29/08......???.............BnD............... ed 75% chance to attend; LEAP YEAR, bitches!!
3/14/08......W-Wolf..........BnD............... ben gone
3/21/08......W-Wolf..........BnD............... .ben gone

Attendance and Food Preference


--Edmiao 17:26, 9 February 2008 (MST)absent

BEN: present, pizza. I will be getting costco pizza cause I have to head down that way anyways to buy stuff for saturday.

GABE: Present, no 'za though.

--Dieter the Bold 16:02, 13 February 2008 (MST) Totally pizza.

Ranting and raving or other random comments

--Edmiao 18:24, 12 February 2008 (MST) rex yang just gave me $290. i love that man.

GABE: Man, your expensive, my mom only charges like 5 bucks.

So I'm bored so I'm gonna talk about a few of the new features of 40k. First of all, all attributes now have an attribute number, like S and T did before. Personally I think this makes rolling for initiative a lot easier.

Fortune Points no longer come back every 24 hours (though you can always play around with this), and instead come back every game. Something cool you can now use them for is to burn them for one degree of success. Degrees of success are now used quite a bit more. Also every season of play should give around 200 exp.

I haven't gotten to the corruption or insanity section. I do know that characters can make dark pacts with the chaos gods. Interesting that they gave the rules for these.

The biggest problem is that the book is REALLY geared towards only playing as acolytes hunting down corruption and yada yada. And since there will be no rogue trader book... but it would be fairly easy to create your own class.

The equipment section is very lacking, in a future game gear is fairly important.

GABE: So Matt, since only he cares, kekeke, check out this.

Seems a lot of people have the same concerns we were talking about, that being the seemingly open, yet limiting careers.

--Matts 12:25, 13 February 2008 (MST)I was thinking a fair amount about this, and I don't have too much of a problem with the careers; since they're more generic it gives you as a player more room to define yourself, instead of the game doing it for you.

That said, though, something about the advance system, from what I've seen of it, bothers me. But since I don't have the book, I can't really cite why.

After thinking about how I'd run such a game, I came to a pretty satisfactory conclusion - the players spend most of their time amongst the unwashed masses, on a vague mission from their superior, and the whole thing gets a sort of black-humour Call of Cthulu vibe, or even (dare I say it) Dogs-type feel.

Also, I totally love the "Scum" career. No sci-fantasy setting is complete without a Han Solo analog.

--Gdaze-- Yeah, I believe the system is almost set up with your characters doing "undiffened things" between adventures, that could be cool but not really my style of play. I think the career system works well in some parts, like being able to increase what you want to, but is at the same time fairly limited. It works well for DH, but as for playing something like a Hive Gang, it might not be so hot. I actually got a 2nd book, just cause I forgot to cancel my order, and I'm like m'eh, its only 35 bucks so I may as well keep it. I'll bring it Friday to lend to ya.

JASON: Gabe, I will trade you something for it.

--Gdaze-- Actually I'd rather keep it! Having two could be useful. Anyway, they still have like 3 at the boarder's near my work in Bellevue.

Other Non-RPG gaming Events

JASON: I know its a game night, but I will post it here anyway. This Friday I will be hosting an evening of the Dark Shadows[1] drinking game. We will be watching the show and drinking along with the melodrama. All are welcome. BYOB

GABE: Sorry about Sunday Ed, a friend was suppose to come over, and never did. Thus making me use up my entire Sunday, waiting. Lameness + +.

--Edmiao 18:24, 12 February 2008 (MST) we should plan some heroscape in advance. i have two other buddies who are big into it as well and probably put your set to shame. consider march 1/2 or march 8/9 or march 15/16.

GABE: No doubt, don't want to blow money on a game I hardly play. If we do it here I need to keep it... fairly small.

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

--Edmiao 14:21, 13 February 2008 (MST) jason, question for you on magic. Grizzly bears attack, tim blocks. tim does one damage, but before he dies, he taps to do his tim damage and kills the bears. based on my past play with magic, that was illegal. based on my current read of the rules, that is leagal. my current read was that all combat damage goes into the stack as a single event and then instants can be played in response. thus the tim could assign his combat damage and then use tap to do one damage. this feels very wrong to me, though. what say you?

JASON: Legal. Back in the day it was illegal, but according to the new interpretation its fine. Cheesy, but fine.

--Edmiao 15:52, 13 February 2008 (MST)that's really lame. i wonder if we should make some house rules to outlaw that shit and use the old retro rules. note to those who think i'm a wining bitch, you are correct, but this ruling would also impact my sliver deck just as bad as ben's tim deck.

JASON: I hated it at first too. I still dont like it much, but you cant outlaw it without completely destroying how the stack works, which unbalances a lot of newer cards. I suggest having your wife write you a prescription for valium, taking a few, and then thinking about it. Thats my professional, medical opinion.

In fact, you know whats even cheesier? You attack me with Llanowar Elf, I block with Prodigal Sorcerer. Once damage is on the stack, and the Llanowar is guaranteed to die, I then tap my Prodigal to zap the opponent for 1 damage. Talk about double your pleasure! And, its all completely legal.

--Edmiao 16:15, 13 February 2008 (MST) yeah, i'll ask her to get you a script for valium too. and yes, that is cheezy, exactly what I'm saying. Tim shouldn't be able to kill a grizzly bear nor tim a player while dealing combat damage. what card would it break to instigate the following rule: no fast effects can be played after combat damage has been assigned except for those that prevent damage; further if any creature that has dealt combat damage becomes tapped, then that creatures damage is retroactively nullified before it is dealt. So Sammite healer blocks and then taps to prevent one damgae to itself, this nullified the damage that healer would have dealt to the llanowar elf.

BEN: honestly, I've probably lost half a dozen games just in our group alone simply because I didn't know the nitty gritty of the current rulings. but I don't really care cause its just not worth the trouble. The idea of trying to optimize WOTC rules (which have been playtested/balanced pretty extensively) because we don't like them sounds like the kind of monumental headache we spent most of last year trying to (unsuccessfully) avoid in regards to tabletop last year. I say if someone wants to rules-lawyer something another player is doing, we look at the WOTC rulings and just stick with it. I'd like to keep magic as discussion/stress free as possible.


Oh no, poor sliver deck isn't as good? Kekeke. Anyway, check out what I just posted. so like once damage happens, you can't play stuff to buff up your power, it will have NO affect, but bolstering up your toughness will. That makes cards that up defense quite nice.

Anyway, yeah, keep with current rules. House rules for RPGs good, magic, bad.

Oh also, turning a creature card face up can not be responded to with instants, just a note.

GABE: So wait... due to the above ruling, lets say one guy attacks with fire breathing and a guy blocks with armor... So if the guy with firebreathing pumps up 3, then the guy with armor is like, nope, not gonna do anything now, THEN the damage goes on the stack then the defender can buff up his dude? And the fire guy would be unable to do anything. Thats crazy.

--Edmiao 18:52, 13 February 2008 (MST)that is correct, and yes, crazy. I'm talking here about a rules rollback to how it was when we were all playing magic back in the day, rather than an arbitrary rules change. the old rules actually are much more intuitive in my opinion, while the new rules create a lot of very bizare interactions as described above.

JASON: What Gabe is saying is not correct. Once combat damage is on the stack, its there, so it cannot be prevented by an effect like tapping the creature. More can always be added as a new fast effect, which can then be responded to. Even in the old version this was very similar. Your Prodigal blocks a Juzam Djinn, its 1 damage will not hurt him, so once the assign blockers phase is up, you blast the opponent or another attacker. This is very similar to what happens now. Basically, they analyzed the turn structure and realized that what we are talking about was always legal. The stack makes everything happen nowadays. There must be a point of time where damage has been dealt, and once that happens, you respond by using a creatures ability. Nothing can be retroactive. That is contrary to the spirit of Magic. Effects happen in a predefined order, we all know the order, and we need to make decks that utilize it.

The Next Step in WHFRP Reboot

WHFRP Reboot Recap

--Edmiao 20:32, 6 February 2008 (MST) Elrin will ask Dimentis to act as MC at the fireworks show. He'll tell Dimentis the story as best he remembers it of the Big Dragon and the Little Dragon, and try to get Bro's help in recalling the story, since Bro was there for the show in that other city whose name I naturally forgot. Elrin intended to give away all the little pop rocks and the boom sticks to the kids in town, saving one of each for himself for a rainy day. Given the opportunity, he'll introduce you all to the Japanese guy he met who is going to help set up the fireworks, and who is interested in investigating that haunted cave. Mr. Jap-O is staying at one of the inns in town, i think the one that Shang hangs out at.

The Next Step in Werewolf

Werewolf Recap