Alton Kamastafall

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Alton Kamastafall is AJ's father, and was living a peaceful life in Reston, Virginia. Then the sweeps hit, and his life became much more complicated and he was called back to duty.

After AJ and company escaped from the clutches of the Collective in London, he swung by the old homestead enroute back to Elma. AJ wanted to see if he could make contact with dear old dad and ask him a few questions about a particular photo he'd found at the Secrets of the Cold War exhibit at the Pacific Science Center, one that showed Dean Vickers, Ian Church and Alton Kamastafall at a listening post in Reykjavík in 1957, looking pretty much the same as he does now. Alton explained to his son that his old man was a reserve agent of Project Covenant, and would return to Elma with him to get back to work.

Alton currently has a complicated relationship with his wife and AJ's mother, Cherise, who works for the FBI. It seems he had hooked up with Cherise when she was a young agent fresh out of Quantico, and all these years had been working her, hoping to finally turn an FBI agent for the Project. He even started a family with her to sort of lock her down, prove his commitment, and quell any suspicions she might have had about him, much as Lillian Kjelstad had done with her husband. After the Sweeps, his behavior and activities drew suspicion from his wife who was still working with the FBI in an attempt to maintain and restore order to key areas, and also helping to investigate situations that would later turn out to be acts of alien mind control. She initially suspected her husband of being one of these seditionists she was investigating, and when he wouldn't concede to her demands to report to her unit for questioning, she moved to have a warrant placed for his arrest and capture. This also helped Alton choose to uproot and follow his son to AJ's new home of Elma, Washington; it would most likely put him out of his wife's reach for at least a little while.

In the months since, Alton has only spoken briefly with AJ about his mother, but has warned him that because of who she works/worked for, she will probably not be very supportive of his new line of work, and she may reach out to him to apprehend either of them. He has warned AJ to be cautious regarding his mother. As for himself, Alton has been enjoying being close to family again, has tried to reconnect with his son, and been trying his hand at playing the role of doting grandfather to Trevor, Marie and Lea.