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Hot on the trail of centrifuge parts, the Emerald Sentinels (or whatever they decide to call themselves), stake out a selection of manufacturers of high tech manufactured goods.


The story began with our heroes checking local media and learning that local pundit Jason Rantz wrote a pro-IHA column in his influential blog.


Doc Nano has set up an array of sensors monitoring local tech manufacturing companies. When an alarm went off at 1 am, the heroes jumped into action.

Arriving at the location, they find a heist in progress. The power was out for many block, creating a black night in the dead of winter. Initially, all they see is Jetstream hovering above the scene. Soon, however, they see three new villains: Arc, Nightshade, and Rook.

A Terrible Surprise

The villains were taking the upper hand as Arc paralyzed Doc Nano, when a helicopter entered the scene and shined a light on Arc and indicated that the IHA was there to take him into custody. This panicked him, while simultaneously unnerving the heroes as well.

Nightshade proved a force as she blasted Shillelagh with her fists, causing him to take out his frustration on Arc. Knocking him silly. Rook burst from the facility and took her claws and shriek directly to Crosse and Foresight.

Foresight recovered and made short work of Jetstream, while Rook fled the scene. Nightshade leapt at the helicopter and knocked it off balance, then Crosse and Foresight sent it tumbling to the roof. Shillelagh scooped up Arc and secreted him away.


With two prisoners, the heroes knew they would learn a great deal. They were surprised to her about Arc and his back story. He was a mercenary, as expected, but he showed surprising scruples and dedication to a reasonable sense of morality. If that wasnt enough, Jetstream provided an even more shocking narrative. The heroes learned that he was a former Boeing employee, driven by revenge and a sense of personal justice after losing his job cost his cancer-stricken wife her life. With his neurodivergence he was often overwhelmed trying to navigate the bureaucracy necessary to get his daughter the things she needs to be happy and successful. Not only that, but he revealed that his leadership group is endeavoring to create a new Seattle, one that can provide a better home for the downtrodden.

He even offered to broker a meeting with another member of his cabal, Walks With Purpose.