Episode 23.5 preview

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Marie has a crazy plan to ground an alien fleet, but it requires Doug's help, and almost no one is on board with that. Fayth wrestles with a potential obligation to Vladimir Gurov, and a foreboding promise that her entire family will be restored. AJ must decide if X-Com must distance itself and its activities from the other groups, or if they can somehow come together under one banner. Lieutenant Ramirez pushes for them to take action against the enemy they know...the alien base in Brazil. But what if the alien fleet comes while they are in the field? The entire group must choose whether to ally with the Red Hand when the alien fleet soon comes to Earth by handing over data that Project Covenant holds which would allow Gurov's soldiers to fight the first waves as they attempt to establish a beachhead.

But before any course of action is laid in, both salvation and villainy will come to light in one revelation!