Kenner Brock

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Kenner Brock is the navigator on the Pensive Loathing.

Personality and Past

Kenner grew up on an aquatic planet and was groomed to head the family pesticide sales business. After 15 years of this he couldnt handle it anymore and he went off to college. The family was disappointed, but figured he would come around after he grew out of this phase. Once he graduated with his degree in Astrogation and a minor in Anthropology, he quickly hired on to the Pensive Loathing and went off to see the universe and have some fun. This angered his family greatly.

Character Sheet

Kenner Brock

Val  Char   Cost
10  STR0
14  DEX12
13  CON6
10  BODY0
13  INT3
14  EGO8
13  PRE3
10  COM0
2  PD0
3  ED0
3  SPD6
5  REC0
26  END0
22  STUN0
6"  RUN0
4"  SWIM2
2"  LEAP0

Characteristics Cost: 40


Cost   Power END
10   Luck 2d6  0
8   Life Support (Expanded Breathing; Longevity: 200 Years; Safe in High Pressure; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) [Notes: Kenner is a transhuman from an aquatic planet. He has gills and is able to withstand high pressure under water.]  0

Powers Cost: 18 <p>

Cost   Skill
3   Bureaucratics 12- 
3   KS: Accounting 12- 
3   PS: Salesman 12- 
4   PS: Astrogator/Navigator 13- 
5   Trading 13- 
3   Systems Operation (Communications Systems, FTL Sensors) 12- 
4   KS: Archaeology 13- 
4   KS: Ancient Cultures 13- 
3   KS: Pesticides 12- 
3   KS: Marine animals 12- 
3   Language: Azuriach (fluent conversation; literate) 
3   Language: GPR (fluent conversation; literate) 
2   Language: Ranan (basic conversation; literate) 
3   Language: Mekpurr (fluent conversation; literate) 
3   Cryptography 12- 
3   Conversation 12- 
4   TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles 
3   High Society 12- 
10   Navigation (Air, Hyperspace, Land, Marine, Space) 14- 
2   WF: Beam Weapons 
9   Penalty Skill Levels: Water Freedom: +3 vs. All penalties with All Attacks 

Skills Cost: 80 <p>

Cost   Perk
12   Contact: TU University Professors (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (x3) (12 Active Points) 11-  Kenner is a fellow of a prestigious academic society, AFPS.

Perks Cost: 12 <p>

Total Character Cost: 150 <p>

Val   Disadvantages
10   Hunted: Family: 8- (As Pow, Capture) [Notes: Kenner's family wants him to give up this nonsense and come home to run the family business.] 
5   Dependence: Water: Weakness: -3 To Characteristic Rolls and related rolls per time increment (Common, 6 Hours) [Notes: Kenner must take a bath or otherwise submerge himself in water 2-3 times per day or start to dry out.] 
15   Psych Lim: Thrill Seeker: (Common, Strong) [Notes: Kenner left home because his life as a salesman bored him. Now that he is out, he is gonna have some fun, dammit.] 
5   DF: Fishy Appearance: (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Virtually Everyone; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures) 
25   Susceptibility: Arid Conditions: 1d6 damage per Segment (Common) 
5   Vulnerability: Heat Based Attacks: (Uncommon) 
10   Reputation: Inexperienced: , 11- 

Disadvantage Points: 75

Base Points: 75
Experience Required: 0
Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0