Pete Bradshaw

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That Bastard General Carver

Peter was a kid from the outback that showed the promising skills to be a leader. He was taken from his home and placed into a rigorous class structure at the Blue Zenith Preparatory School. He did very well there with his scores being almost perfect. But, being ahead of the class, he was bored and delved secretly into holovid games. The headmaster, on two occasions, had to restrict Pete's social activities. One event of serious note: Pete was sometimes harassed by Harris Sovinis, the son of Thomas Sovinis. This rivalry was generally only words. But, during the third year of attendance, Pete embarrassed Harris by broadcasting private correspondence between Harris and his mother on the holo-net. Pete was again placed on administrative restriction, though the family wanted expulsion. The Sovinis family still holds a grudge.

Pete went immediately into the military upon graduation, pleasing his family greatly. After the initial basic training, Pete's skill again showed brightly and he was selected for the Albion Military Academy. During his basic training, Sergeant Fresan observed Pete's excellent coordination and quick learning aptitude. Pete was offered placement in the Accelerated Program. He was quickly accepted into the Mech program. When he was selecting his AIT program, he chose Mech again, honing his skills.

After the military graduation, he continued expanding his career. He served three tours safely. But during the fourth he was exposed to the Trilurean Flu.




The taking of the Livonia spaceport was difficult, but not impossible. Carver was a coward and ran into the dropship. I at least, was able to fire some missiles into the bay before the ship launched.

After taking the spaceport, we were directed to the city for a break, possibly sleep. We parked our mechs in a schoolyard. I was upset to see some vandalism done by our troops. Maybe twenty minutes later, we were awoken to return to the spaceport for mech repairs. After turning my mech over to Aztech Smith, I took a few hours to search the barracks. I took some mil patches as trophies, along with a little cash that could be the source of the Imperium's funding. I gathered some official looking papers in Russian, and turned them over the Hauptman Jones' assistant on the jumpship. I then attempted to sleep, but was plagued with nightmares of the people that were burned alive.
After the sad amount of sleep, I gave up and went to get some grub. I met Council and Mandelos in the cafeteria. I showed the script I found and it was identified as Dawn Imperium script. No idea who may be funding these people.
Our lance was challenged to a game of Ground and Tackle. We did well, winning the match. Marjorie challenged us to a chess match, later...
Chaz is from Broken Wheel, an outback planet also. Of the second lance, he seems the most congenial.
Malcolm Gladwoll 3/3_Company aerospace support, committed suicide. He didn't seem upset the night before, but you can never know. I know I am having difficulties dealing with our actions.