Peter LeBeaux

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Peter Lebeaux is one of the only Kindred in New Orleans’ history to remain an active part of city government after his death. In his case, he saw no reason to leave the New Orleans Police Department just because he was now a vampire. He simply had to ensure that he could continue to work nights, much as he had for the seven years prior to his Embrace. He does not care for Augusto Vidal, nor for the way Vidal and his officers enforce their idea of Kindred law, but, so long as Vidal remains Prince, Lebeaux abides by both the letter and spirit of Vidal’s laws.

An air of quiet occlusion surrounds Peter Lebeaux, allowing the natural tendency of someone’s gaze to pass over him without notice. When he speaks, his voice carries the firm and commanding tone typical of a law enforcement officer, but unless he is specifically and intentionally making his presence felt, he seems to sort of fade into the background, content to let things transpire around him rather than because of him. Physically, Lebeaux is a short but well-built Caucasian, nearly stocky, with a square jaw line and a full but well-maintained moustache.