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Renfro is the Forerunner expert on the Pensive Loathing. His secondary positions are janitor and cook.


Renfro is a high school dropout and general wasteoid with an incredible array of artistic talents and a thirst for historical knowledge. Unfortunately, he is pretty much held back from accomplishing much by his drug addictions and ADD. Still, he is invaluable to the crew given his abilities.

Character Sheet

Val  Char   Cost
10  STR0
11  DEX3
13  CON6
10  BODY0
15  INT5
14  EGO8
13  PRE3
10  COM0
2  PD0
3  ED0
2  SPD0
5  REC0
26  END0
22  STUN0
6"  RUN0
0"  SWIM-2
2"  LEAP0

Characteristics Cost: 23

Cost   Power END
3   Life Support (Immunity: Alcohol) [Notes: Renfro gets drunk just like anyone else, he just never suffers any in-game penalties from intoxication.]  0
5   Mental Defense (8 points total) [Notes: Sometimes ADD can be a boon.]  0

Powers Cost: 8 <p>

Cost   Skill
2   PS: Shipboard Procedures 11- 
2   PS: Janitor 11- 
2   PS: Cook 11- 
3   PS: Artist 12- 
3   PS: Appraise 12- 
3   KS: Galactic history 12- 
3   KS: Archaeology 12- 
3   Security Systems 12- 
3   Lockpicking 11- 
3   Persuasion 12- 
3   Streetwise 12- 
7   Sleight Of Hand 13- 
2   WF: Blades, Laser Pistols 
6   Forgery (Art Objects, Documents, Other (General) Forerunner bits) 12- [Notes: Renfro can use his artistic skills to forge a variety of things. He can copy forerunner items from memory.] 
3   Deduction 12- 
6   KS: Forerunners 15- 

Skills Cost: 54 <p>

Cost   Perk
4   Contact: Shady Museum Curator (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has useful Skills or resources) 11- 

Perks Cost: 4 <p>

Cost   Talent
3   Perfect Pitch 
3   Resistance (3 points) 
4   Speed Reading (x10) 
5   Eidetic Memory 
21   Universal Translator 13- [Notes: Renfro speaks so many languages that it is almost as if he speaks them all. This talent may not be used on any language he has never heard or read.] 
3   Absolute Time Sense 
22   Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, out of combat, Function as a Sense, Intuitional) 12- 

Talents Cost: 61 <p>

Total Character Cost: 150 <p>

Val   Disadvantages
10   DF: Tattooed and Pierced Hipster: (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) [Notes: Renfro is a scenester with all of the trappings.] 
15   Phys Lim: ADD: (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) [Notes: Renfro finds it difficult to concentrate for more than a few minutes.] 
10   Rivalry: Wilhelm: Professional (; Rival is As Powerful; Rival is a Player Character; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry) 
10   Psych Lim: Drug Addict: (Common, Moderate) [Notes: Renfro drinks pretty much every day, uses pot, mushrooms, ecstasy, coke, heroin and pretty much any other drug he can get his hands on. He is generally pretty good about keeping it from distracting from his duties, however.] 
10   Psych Lim: Intensely Curious About Ancients (not just Forerunners): (Common, Moderate) 
15   Hunted: Kilraven Wrathborne: 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) [Notes: Renfro got Mr. Wrathborne's daughter pregnant, now he is on the run from the marriage.] 
5   Money: Poor 

<p> Disadvantage Points: 75

Base Points: 75
Experience Required: 0
Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0