TWTW 3.0 Brainstorm

Revision as of 00:45, 8 November 2021 by Jason (Talk | contribs)

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This is for development of the task resolution for the 3.0 revision of TWTW. The goal is to keep as much of the underlying nuts and bolts familiar to the old rules, so we do not need to completely rewrite everything.

Core Mechanic

Tasks are resolved by rolling a number of dice equal to the level of the appropriate skill. The standard dice are d8. Dice can be upgraded to d10 or downgraded to d6 by various means. Unskilled checks are made with a single d6.

Exploding Dice

Dice rolls are open ended, but no more than one die in a given pool may explode. Dice will explode if the number on the second highest die is equal to or greater than the <name> threshold. If there is only one die in the pool, the heroic die is used instead.

Heroic Dice

Each dice pool will include a single heroic die along with the other dice that are normally chosen.


Each +2 over the TN that is generated provides a bump. If the bump is not spent on the given action, it is immediately converted to an ability chip.

Ability Chips

Each character has a number of abilities that they can choose from a list. This is based on archetype. Characters without archetype choose from a general list. These abilities are activated by spending ability chips.