The Apparition Range

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The Apparition Range is a long series of rolling hills and ridges running southwest to northeast, and form the western boundary of the Shadow-Over Valley. The hills and ridges eventually turn into an outright mountain range that stretches for hundreds, if not thousands of miles; most people in the valley don't truly know how far the range stretches. Formerly known as the Appalachians, the mountain range got its name from the sheer number of peculiar phenomena reported among the hills. These sightings have long been attributed to various ghosts, spirits and demons. Additionally, beyond the Apparition Range is a vast expanse of tikky-tikky known as "The Glow," which is believed to be completely uninhabitable and for the people of the valley, might as well be the western edge of the world. Some local belief systems preach that the souls of the deceased travel to The Glow, and this is the cause of the unexplained activity concentrated in the hills and mountains of the Apparition Range.

Local legends also mention a city of robots located in the Shadow-Over Valley. This so-called "Silver City" is consistently pegged as being somewhere in the apparition range, but reports are varied as to its location, and if it exists, it remains yet undiscovered. The Shepherds also make the foothills of the Apparition Range their home. Their inspirational founder, Hubert Hoss, crossed the range many years ago with his fabled "Band of the Scanned" to do battle with some evil from The Glow.