The Great Beyond

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The Great Beyond is a proposed Space Opera game, set in the universe from FGUs Space Opera RPG. This game would allow players to create disparate characters with potentially divergent backgrounds and come together for a very open ended experience. It would be a much more player focused and directed game and would allow for lots of exploration and as much action as the players wish.


Players may create characters with any background and need not know the other PCs. Players should work together to ensure that they understand any in character personality or ethical conflicts that may arise. These conflicts are not discouraged.

The only caveat to character generation is that all players must have a good reason to be on a civilian ship travelling between <destination A> and <destination B>. Players are encouraged (but not required) to learn about the setting and help choose those destinations with the GM.


This game would be intended to be very player directed, with lots of room to explore and carve out the players own niche. Drama would be a key focus of the game, and I would encourage much interaction both between PCs and with NPCs. Subplots will be strongly encouraged.

There will be plots revolving in the universe around the players, but they are not necessary for players to enjoy the game or interact with the setting. The only request is that the players be as forthcoming as possible with what they might want to do from session to session, to keep the GM able to prepare well.


This is still quite undecided. As of now I have a few candidates under consideration.

Hero System. I am unsure whether it would be 5th or 6th edition. The power level would be what the players want, though I would guess something on the neighborhood of 125-175 points if 5th or 175-200 if 6th.

Deadspace. This is the Deadlands mash-up I have worked on intermittently since about the beginning of time. The biggest question mark is balancing character generation and power levels, but if those can be done, its a good idea. Maybe using the same ideas from Evergreen Initiative might be the way to go.

Aces & Eights. I love the combat overlays idea, and making these for a zillion different alien species might take extra time, but it could really enhance the atmosphere. It would also require a complete skill revamp not to mention actually playtesting the system to see if it actually works, but this is on my mind, for sure.

Warhammer 3.0. This is the ultimate crazy. I would need to reword or redevelop a bunch of action cards and develop careers etc. But it could be pretty sweet, think of all the custom actions!