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Master supervillain and creator of powerful weapons Vercingetorix (name unknown) first appeared in 1983 when he demanded the ridiculous sum of 10 billion dollars or 'You'll be sorry'. Months came and went, and eventually he was a running joke on late night talk shows such as Johnny Carson.

Then came Thanksgiving and the Macy's parade. A mind control machine took over the entire city of New York while every television station in the country covered the event (even those which were not scheduled to do so). Riots ensued, and citizens were killing each other on live TV for no perceivable reason. Soon cameras zoomed in on Fist, who was somehow unaffected by the mind control, and was making his way through the crowd, stopping briefly (very briefly) to help, but obviously with some kind of agenda.

Eventually he made his way to the statue in Times Square and destroyed the base, revealing a giant machine somehow hidden inside. He raised his glowing fist to destroy it, and a shadowy figure stepped from the crowd. Once the machine was smashed, everyone stopped, except Fist and the shadowy figure. Fist noticed an old woman in peril and he ran to her aid, as he crossed in front of the figure, he was shot in the head. To everyones amazement, he fell dead.

The shadowy figure addressed the camera directly, and the audio switched directly to his microphone.

'I have ten more machines, you have no one else who can locate them. My demand is now 50 billion. I will be in touch.'

Within 30 days the government paid, and he was not heard from again, as per his agreement.

Rodney King Hoax

During the Rodney King riots of 1992 an individual claiming to be Vercingetorix took responsibility for the incident and demanded payment to make them stop. It had been determined that some sort of device was helping to exacerbate the situation, and the police as well as federal government were concerned.

The following day the riots stopped and the broken machine was recovered after an anonymous tip. It has since been revealed that the anonymous tip was from Vercingetorix himself, and that he was responsible for destroying the machine of the individual who besmirched his name. He again assured the government that as per their agreement he would never be a threat to them or their citizens, and that he would not allow 'inferior men to profit from his name and inherent genius'.