Weekday Board Games

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Revision as of 20:27, 29 May 2009 by Corbopolis (Talk | contribs)

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Be it Monday, Wednesday or whenever, we pretty much have a board gaming night during the week. If you see this, you are invited. Try and let us know if you can if you arent a regular and you are attending.


5/27 Conquest of the Empire Result: Called after 3 rounds.
6/3 Battlestar Galactica
6/8 TBD
6/15 TBD


This spot is where you place requests for games you would like to see in the future.

JASON: Some games I would like to play: Dune, Twilight Imperium, A Game of Thrones, Modern Art.
COREY: I would like to try Agricola or Puerto Rico sometime.


Here is where I will list all of my games, and the rest of you can list games you would like to bring and see played.

Rather than make another silly, long list, here is a link to my collection on BGG[1]. Its not 100% complete, but pretty good. Make requests for games to play below.

Other Events

A Twilight Imperium night is coming, but we arent sure when yet. Stay tuned.