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Transhuman olfactory senses are sharper than in humans and humanoids. A few individuals evidence capacities approaching the sensitivity of the [[Canines|Canine]].
Transhuman olfactory senses are sharper than in humans and humanoids. A few individuals evidence capacities approaching the sensitivity of the [[Canine|Canines]].
=Cultural Overview=
=Cultural Overview=

Latest revision as of 20:46, 24 November 2008


Transhumans tend to appear occasionally in human populations and seem to represent individual evolutionary mutations pointing toward a new stage of racial development. It has been the hypothesis of some geneticists that the Transhuman or Transitional Human is evidencing some of the traits of the parent Forerunner Race as Forerunner genetic manipulations of the human stock grow weak with the years and permit the release of the potentials carefully restrained in the interests of breeding warriors. Detection of these unique individuals is rare, and many say inconclusive as well, for there are little external or internal differences to really set Trans-humans apart from the human races from which they arise.

There also exist entire races of humanoids which exhibit traits of transhumanism. Many explanations have been postulated for their origins, but as yet these are unconfirmed. Races of Transhumans are very rare. They evidence some external differences from humans, notably in such factors as shape of facial features (more angular, almost hawk-like) and ears (which tend to a pointed form at the tips). These races still belong to the human race and can intermarry successfully With humans, their offspring having all of the Transhumans superiority but also the strong human emotionality. Transhuman cultures tend to be very intellectually oriented, placing reason above emotion and developing powerful mental disciplines to suppress all emotional response in the interests of Logic. This racial drive toward reason is clearly an intellectual revulsion against the violence of their ancestors, but Transhumans are capable of even more terrible violence when their perception logically argues for the application of force. Development of Psionic Talent as a mental science also marks the Transhuman StarCultures. This is quite in keeping with the general thrust toward intellectual attainments which stands as the ultimate goal of individuals and society.


Transhumans are essentially human in appearance, with only minor variations as noted above. One feature noted in the Transhuman races known to date is the presence of nictitating eyelids which protect the being from wind-blown dust and from sudden flashes of brilliant light. Transhumans appearing within human races may or may not evidence this feature. Also, the few Transhuman races have double hearts and arrangements of internal organs which are somewhat different than in humans. Transhumans appearing within human races tend toward seemingly conventional internal make-up, but organs are far more efficient and approach or equal the effectiveness of the Transhuman races presently known.



Transhuman vision is capable of the ranges noted for humans and humanoids, and is even keener. Whether in brilliant or exceedingly dim conditions, vision is very, very good.


Transhuman olfactory senses are sharper than in humans and humanoids. A few individuals evidence capacities approaching the sensitivity of the Canines.

Cultural Overview

Transhumans evidence a characteristic coldness in their manner, rarely becoming excited and almost never losing their temper or showing strong emotion. The Transhuman is devoted to logic and the maintenance of mental discipline. He will not give into base impulses and is high-minded in all of his actions. Transhumans can be considered as near-superhuman in many respects, but he is a superhuman lacking the need to assert his dominance, so he will not seek power for its own sake. Even a warlike Transhuman StarCulture will conduct itself according to the dictates of cold logic, and individuals will seek authority only because they can logically strengthen the security of the state (as they reasonably assess their talents, of course).

A Transhuman can expect to live long, usually 200 - 250 years, with minimum physical decline. Metabolisms may be iron-based or copper-based, with a dietary preference toward vegetarianism. Resistance to disease and toxins (poisons) is remarkably high, while healing capacity is 50% higher than normal because the Transhuman can apply his mental discipline to physiological processes. With such a high resistance to natural death and many decades of life to look forward to, Transhumans have a patience rarely noted in human characters. They can afford to wait.

Finally, if it is true that Transhumans reflect some of the possible traits of the Forerunners, it is possible to conclude that the Forerunners were being with optimum human potential, combining superb physical characteristics with truly awesome intellectual and Psionic talents.

Known Transhuman Cultures
