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Selin the Sea Witch – A mere myth? Most who have spent very little or no time on the sea would say so. But no pirate with an ounce of experience would dare say she doesn’t exist. Stories of her seem to be over a hundred years old. If you believe the tales of her, her ship is made entirely of seaweed and she commands a host of strange creatures and men. On top of this an eerie thick fog is always said to come right before her ship makes an appearance.

It is said that she seeks out those she wants something from, or appears when someone is looking for her and she knows they have something she may want. If her name is mentioned in the Caribbean on certain islands, the speaker of the words, and all his crewmates, will find themselves at spear point and told to get off the island.

Her ship is known as the Siren’s Kiss.

Storm Demon - Although called a demon, Storm does not look like one. He is a very large man who commands the ship "Infinite Thunder". Nobody is sure where he came from, or how old he is, or even when he first started sailing.

But, the day he first made a name for himself is a legend. Apparently he was on a ship, the “Gallant Lad”. The ship was a pirate ship but was fairly low key. It would take from here and there but was never considered a major threat.

One day another pirate took a fancy to The Gallant Lad and decided the ship should be part of his newly budding fleet. He attacked the Gallant Lad whose captain made it very clear that he would never surrender his fleet. During the attack a sudden storm spread over the battle.

The crew of the Gallant Lad fought bravely but it was a loosing fight. Their opponents’ where too many, too strong, and had too many cannons. Storm Demon had not been known to be a fighter. But after the captain fell from a broadside of grapeshot he made an appearance on deck. He wore nothing but some tattered pants and held no weapons in his hands.

The attacking captain found this fairly amusing and ordered a cannon on deck to fire directly at Demon.

There are a number of different stories about what happened next. But most all of them have these following parts. There was a booming thunder and lightening arcs across the entire sky as far as the eye could see. Strom Demon did not blink and is reported as taking a step towards the oncoming cannon ball. The cannonball impacted him and made a violent explosion. But Strom Demon stood. All was silent after that as he continued towards the attackers’ ship. The crew of both ships could say nothing. Once Storm Demon found his way onto the other ship the attacking captain ordered his crew to attack.

The stories for the most part end here. Any crew of Demon’s that are still alive said they swore never to speak the other captain’s name. It is said Demon wanted him erased from history.

Now he is known to surface from time to time. His goals are unclear, but any who see his mark would be wise to run.

Mark: A broken hourglass.