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Latest revision as of 20:58, 28 July 2011

What makes pulp, pulp? Pulp heroes are bigger than life: they do more, know more, see more than the average Joe. Yet, they exist right along side of them. Heroes such as Doc Savage, The Shadow and Soloman Kane are good examples. They are capable of things you and I can only dream of. The schemes of their nemeses are often earth shattering, and constructed with tightly coiled intrigues.

Another thing pulp heroes share is a time: the 1930's-40s. Quaint, impossible technologies litter the laboratories of cackling scientists bent on controlling the minds of the worlds populace. Fiendish Oriental (not Asian) spellcasters scheme to revive ancient demons.

Götterdämmerung is just like that, except modern. Imagine Sky Captain flying his own personal F-16, or Doc Savage deflecting M-60 bullets. Fu Manchu wears a fine Armani suit and is an Asian man. John Sunlight hobnobs with Vladimir Putin on his visits to New York. These men (and women) have normal lives, and maybe even normal jobs, but they also do extra-normal things.

No costume required.

Thats right, this aint the X-Men.


Characters in this game will be allowed larger than life abilities and fantastic leeway to achieve the impossible. These characters will be motivated to involve themselves in whatever mysteries are present, be they local, national or terrestrial.


Players will have an opportunity to choose from 3 power levels, 3 experience levels, and 2 'races'. Each one will use a different set of rules based in Hero 5th Edition (unless I figure out something better).

Option 1

This is the race of normals, like you and me. They dont lift cars above their heads, or control the minds of others, but they may weild eldritch magicks or defy the laws of probability. Some examples of this kind of character are James Bond, Hagbard Celine, The Shadow or Conan the Barbarian.

All characters built using option 1 can have gadgets of any active point level (must be a focus).

Level 1

At level 1 characters have the least points, but the most options. Characters at level one do not have Normal Characteristic Maxima.