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''Stardate 46234.2''
'''Stardate 46234.2'''
Briefed by Cmdr. Fowler on complaints being brought by Human & Vulcan families against Solanogen-entities & asked to try and communicate these concepts with Emony & the entities<br>
&nbsp; -Jumped by 4 Humans while walking down Deck 12, Section 3; one called another "McKinnley"; I commed Cassandra and requested security officers as well as placing force fields around the section, then increased the power to the local gravity plate to immobilize our attackers<br>
&nbsp; -Lt. McCaffrey shows up and takes everyone into custory, then calls us down to the Brig, as the "ringleader" requested to talk with P'Kyrr and admitted planned kidnapping at another's behest which also apparently invovles P'Kyrr's family<br>
&nbsp; -Lt. Cmdr. Chu authorizes use of a Runabout (Caspian) and we travel to Regulus V where we meet P'Kyrr's mother, Daria, & have dinner, tour the neighborhood & find a secret compartment on P'Kyrr's father's pocketwatch that contained an encrypted isolinear chip storing a partial starchart w/ coordinates<br>
&nbsp; -We depart Regulus V for the coordinates [in the Triangle] and are taken prisoner by Cmdr. T'Lai & Subcmdr. Korval of a Romulan scout ship, "" (has second piece of starchart, claims not to know what he's looking for "Just under orders from the Tal'Shiar"); we are being taken to Romulus for imprisonment<br>
&nbsp; -Subcmdr. Korval jailbreaks us and reveals that he's undercover Starfleet Intelligence operative, he's locked the crew in their quarters and we help him take the bridge<br>
&nbsp; -Manage to switch a Romulan console to display in Federation Standard and find the Romulan's piece of the starchart, download it onto a Romulan PADD; we transport back over to the Caspian just as T'Lai regains consciousness and triggers the self-destruct<br>
&nbsp; -We get the Caspian's shields up and go to maximum warp just as the "Romulan Ship" explodes; with the Romulan star chart, we head to the Lutien system in the Triangle (remote w/ minimal information available)<br>
&nbsp; -Arriving we find more planets than expected, and scan for warp signatures and life-signs when a Romulan warbird decloaks & charges disruptors; Cmdr. Nara hails us and says that the information we have is too critical not to destroy and fires at us when the IKV K'Tang (K'Vort-class) intercedes and attacks, driving away the Romulan Warbird<br>
&nbsp; -We hid ourselves in the asteroid field and are hailed by Cpt. Vahkta who asks us to work with them to destroy a Weapon that threatens galactic stability, and then invites us aboard once he recognizes P'Kyrr as Sh'raal's son<br>
&nbsp; -We beam over while Korval remains; Vahkta was Klingon Intelligence and met Sh'raal (Stafleet Intelligence) along with T'aris (Tal Shi'ar agent) and combined efforts to find the Weapon, and after all attempting to wrest sole-control of it, agreed to divide location data and never reveal what had happened<br>
&nbsp; -Eventually T'aris was tortured into revealing her information and the Romulan Star Empire tracked down Sh'raal, who left his home & family to eventually take his own life to prevent his own portion of the information from being found and used<br>
&nbsp; -We agreed to help and beamed back to the Caspian, where Korval used his Intelligence rank to call in the USS Potemkin and USS Niven to aid in the destruction of the Weapon, and the galaxy was rendered safe once more; the events will not be considered classified for later reports

Latest revision as of 08:15, 28 November 2011

Star Trek: Starbase 27

Stardate 46234.2

Briefed by Cmdr. Fowler on complaints being brought by Human & Vulcan families against Solanogen-entities & asked to try and communicate these concepts with Emony & the entities
  -Jumped by 4 Humans while walking down Deck 12, Section 3; one called another "McKinnley"; I commed Cassandra and requested security officers as well as placing force fields around the section, then increased the power to the local gravity plate to immobilize our attackers
  -Lt. McCaffrey shows up and takes everyone into custory, then calls us down to the Brig, as the "ringleader" requested to talk with P'Kyrr and admitted planned kidnapping at another's behest which also apparently invovles P'Kyrr's family
  -Lt. Cmdr. Chu authorizes use of a Runabout (Caspian) and we travel to Regulus V where we meet P'Kyrr's mother, Daria, & have dinner, tour the neighborhood & find a secret compartment on P'Kyrr's father's pocketwatch that contained an encrypted isolinear chip storing a partial starchart w/ coordinates
  -We depart Regulus V for the coordinates [in the Triangle] and are taken prisoner by Cmdr. T'Lai & Subcmdr. Korval of a Romulan scout ship, "" (has second piece of starchart, claims not to know what he's looking for "Just under orders from the Tal'Shiar"); we are being taken to Romulus for imprisonment
  -Subcmdr. Korval jailbreaks us and reveals that he's undercover Starfleet Intelligence operative, he's locked the crew in their quarters and we help him take the bridge
  -Manage to switch a Romulan console to display in Federation Standard and find the Romulan's piece of the starchart, download it onto a Romulan PADD; we transport back over to the Caspian just as T'Lai regains consciousness and triggers the self-destruct
  -We get the Caspian's shields up and go to maximum warp just as the "Romulan Ship" explodes; with the Romulan star chart, we head to the Lutien system in the Triangle (remote w/ minimal information available)
  -Arriving we find more planets than expected, and scan for warp signatures and life-signs when a Romulan warbird decloaks & charges disruptors; Cmdr. Nara hails us and says that the information we have is too critical not to destroy and fires at us when the IKV K'Tang (K'Vort-class) intercedes and attacks, driving away the Romulan Warbird
  -We hid ourselves in the asteroid field and are hailed by Cpt. Vahkta who asks us to work with them to destroy a Weapon that threatens galactic stability, and then invites us aboard once he recognizes P'Kyrr as Sh'raal's son
  -We beam over while Korval remains; Vahkta was Klingon Intelligence and met Sh'raal (Stafleet Intelligence) along with T'aris (Tal Shi'ar agent) and combined efforts to find the Weapon, and after all attempting to wrest sole-control of it, agreed to divide location data and never reveal what had happened
  -Eventually T'aris was tortured into revealing her information and the Romulan Star Empire tracked down Sh'raal, who left his home & family to eventually take his own life to prevent his own portion of the information from being found and used
  -We agreed to help and beamed back to the Caspian, where Korval used his Intelligence rank to call in the USS Potemkin and USS Niven to aid in the destruction of the Weapon, and the galaxy was rendered safe once more; the events will not be considered classified for later reports