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Gear • List all gear by type, include descriptions updated for our version of the game
• Weapons need aim values, attributes and reload values where applicable
• Hand to hand weapons
• Derive mechanics for all equipment, such as penetration, damage etc
• Vehicles
o Ground
o Air
o Space
o Personal flight (jump belt, etc)
o Underwater?
• Create list of new gear
o Cybernetics
o Handheld devices
• Describe how tech level affects gear (higher tech versions of items, for example)
• Computers need to be completely described, especially by function (currently called programs)
• Starships
o Translate the current Space Opera stuff
o Derive formulae for creating ships based on given formula and actual ships in the Seldons manuals.
 Maybe some governments are more efficient at certain types of ship building

• Determine breakdown system DONE
o Categorize items by breakdown frequency
o Integrate breakdown numbers with current skill list
• Determine how to display this info accurately and effectively on cards DONE
• How does this relate to jury rigging/engineering minigames?

Advanced Martial Arts
• Decide on skill cost
• Develop system for creating custom martial arts
o How much do maneuvers cost?
o What variables can be used to create new maneuvers or improve existing ones?
• More example arts
• More descriptions of martial arts styles
• Better and more complete examples

• Facilitating minigames with Action cards
• General minigame abstraction (unified flow chart approach)
• Chase scenes
o Test more
o Extend to locales beyond foot chases
 Abstract the ideas (be less specific on obstacles, then we can develop the specifics for each type based on a single model)
• Engineering
o Jury rigging fixes on the fly
o Implementing new features to existing technology
o Routine maintenance and the effects of ignoring it
• Space combat
o Develop a card system that integrates the piloting, shooting and engineering stuff into a single card draw, possibly with some adjustment for captain skill
• Commerce
o Buying and selling mundane cargo for profit and loss
 Make the numbers reasonable for individual characters, even though the ship as a corporation must be using much higher numbers to break even
 Allow Crews who own ships to make larger draws with significant penalties (Risk)
o Smuggling (buying and selling illegal cargoes)
o Transporting items between vastly different tech levels and economy types
 Model supply and demand among different cultures effectively, but simply
• Exploration
o Must work in space as well as on planet

Character Generation
• Extend current modular approach, so you may choose a species/race, or have an equal number of points to create your own
• Expand on exposition and include more examples

Edges and Flaws
• Create a list of all edge and flaw categories
• List all edges and flaws
• Describe all edges and flaws
• Create costs for edges and flaws

• What is Space Opera?
• Playing a game versus telling a story
• Technology and society in games
• Why Action Cards?

Being the Master
• Stuff probably goes in this section, but I am not sure what yet