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(Gang Construction)
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===Reset Button===
===Reset Button===
If, after any scenario, the player of a gang feels that their gang is no longer viable for any reason, they may recreate a gang at 1000 credits and start anew. This gang starts fresh, with beginning territories and 0 reputation. None of the gang members from previous gangs may be selected (splinter gangs are not allowed at this time).
If, after any scenario, the player of a gang feels that their gang is no longer viable for any reason, they may recreate a gang at 1000 credits and start anew. This gang starts fresh, with beginning territories and 0 reputation. Players may choose to use the rules for creating splinter gangs if they wish.

Revision as of 23:16, 13 June 2021

This page is for Necromunda players at Wizards Keep Games. I am proposing the following to get us acclimated before attempting a full blown campaign.


Though I have only played one game with the new rules, I have played literally hundreds of games in the original version. There are clearly significant differences between the two games, but some core concepts remain consistent, namely the campaign aspect.

This is very different than what you get from playing 40k or Age of Sigmar. Not only do you need to worry about your own loadouts, but you also should be concerned with the metagame going on with the other players. It would be very difficult to understand how these things change over time without having some experience in the campaign aspect. Taking a risk and losing a high point value model in a 40k battle might suck, but the sting only lasts a single game. Losing a leader or heavy weapon toting champion in Necromunda could make a huge impact on how your gang plays for the remainder of the campaign.

Therefore, I am proposing the following pseudo-campaign rules for us to use starting with the next game anyone plays at the store. This will allow us to play casual games without interfering with the summer 40k league, but still get some campaign experience with Necromunda.


Anytime rules are referenced, especially by page number, it can be assumed I am referring to the Necromunda Comprehensive Rulebook version 7.03, available at fireden.net. It can be found easily by searching the net. This book is a compilation of all of the official rule books, it is not a fan written pdf. The only additional content is FAQ/rules commentary and clarifications, and it is all clearly marked.

Alternatively we could explore using the NCE (Necromunda Community Edition rulebook) available at yaktribes. This is a fan written rules set, which is very close to the current rules, but with some added equipment and scenarios. I have not read it thoroughly yet, but I plan to do so in the coming weeks.

Gang Construction

Gangs will be constructed exactly as written in the current version of the rulebook. All gangs will start at 1000 credits unless they have other specific construction guidelines for their gang. Each gang will also generate starting territories as written in the Dominion campaign.

Reset Button

If, after any scenario, the player of a gang feels that their gang is no longer viable for any reason, they may recreate a gang at 1000 credits and start anew. This gang starts fresh, with beginning territories and 0 reputation. Players may choose to use the rules for creating splinter gangs if they wish.


In campaign games there are always stakes for any contest. Normally this is either an unclaimed territory, a piece of territory owned by one of the gangs, or a captured gang member. Since it is likely that gangs might cycle in and out a lot, generating a limited amount of territory is not the best choice for the campaign environment.


The first time any two gangs play each other the stakes are one randomly generated territory using the Dominion campaign rules. Newly created gangs using the reset button rule above are considered new gangs. In second or subsequent games between gangs the stakes can be a captured gang member or one of the territories as appropriate.

Scenario Selection

Scenarios are selected exactly as written in the Dominion campaign.

Post Scenario Actions

All post scenario phases must be rolled and witnessed either by the opponent or a member of store staff. Store staff members must have another staff member (or their opponent) as a witness. Results must be presented to store staff. Results will be posted on Discord in the appropriate channel.

Experience and Promotions

For some reason the campaign has the experience and promotions done before the scenario rather than after the previous one. This doesnt make sense to me, I propose we do it immediately after the game rather than before the next one. This is just a suggestion, not a hard and fast rule. As long as it is properly witnessed it can be done either time.

Juves are eligible to be promoted once every three games. If a new leader needs to be elected, it can happen immediately (as per the rules).

Mid-Campaign Buff

In the campaigns as written, around the middle of the campaign timeline everyone gets some amount of credits to use to buy new gang members and add equipment, etc. I think a lot of the reasoning here is if someone is really far behind, they might be better able to catch up with some infusion of much-needed supplies.

The issue is, everyone gets the same amount, so the leader can spend it all on premium gear and make themselves even tougher. Therefore, I propose the following:

During the pseudo-campaign, when we decide to do the mid-campaign buff, the leader gets 100 credits. Every other gang, starting with the 2nd place gang, gets either 100 credits OR enough credits to get halfway between their current value and the gang directly above them, rounded up to the nearest 5.


Leader has 1475 rating
Second place has 1400 rating
Third place has 1060 rating

The leader would add 100 credits, raising their rating to 1575. The second place gang would add 100 and go to 1500. The third place gang would add 220 (halfway between 1060 and 1500), going up to 1280.


If there is more that I forgot about, I will add it here.