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I will include some descriptions at a later time<br>
I will include some descriptions at a later time<br>
1.)  Mercenary Work<br>
1.)  Mercenary Work:  working as a hired soldier.  In general, mercenaries are fairly well respected in the Gemini, since they are essentially the equivalent of the armed forces for everyone other than the Aeneans.  Mercenary work is very high risk, but the pay is decent and the difficulty of the work is typically low.  Also, significant prestige and status can be gained in this line of work, although it can also be lost, depending on how much honor is retained in its pursuit.<br>
2.)  Assassination<br>
2.)  Assassination:  working as a hired killer.  Assassins are poorly regarded by everyone except corp execs.  This work is very high risk, very difficult, and often morally repugnant.  However, the pay is among the highest of available jobs.  Assignments are almost always obtained on the megacorp planets or Aeneas, but missions range throughout the Gemini.<br>
3.)  Medical Response (ie trauma team)<br>
3.)  Medical Response (ie trauma team):  Medical work carries with it significant status and respect, although the range of the type of medical care provided varies greatly.  Some ships are little more than traveling freezers, carrying those in cryogenic stasis to medical facilities on or off world.  Others are little more than snake oil salesmen.  Most are essentially ambulance equivalents:  skilled paramedics, capable of providing basic medical care and some medicines, and of transporting the seriously ill to hospitals.  The rare few have skilled doctors on board, surgical suites, or other advanced medical facilities.  The risk of this work is low, prestige is high, but pay to labor is typically quite low, particularly for those with a sense of altruism.<br>
4.)  Trading<br>
4.)  Trading:  This is the most common of jobs.  Because corps rarely bother transporting small cargo on their own fleets, a significant market exists for smaller merchants to make considerable profit in buying and selling.  Trading has tremendous potential, but is typically a subsistence type of mission.<br>
5.) Smuggling<br>
5.) Smuggling: like trading, but in goods that are illegal or highly regulated.  Risk is much increased from trading, as is the payoff.  The very best smugglers are employed by the elite of Aeneas, and get rich as a result.<br>
6.) Corporate Franchise (like trading, except under the aegis of a corp)<br>
6.) Corporate Franchise (like trading, except under the aegis of a corp): also like trading, with considerable prestige increase among corps and a considerable prestige decrease among everyone else. Franchises are the favorite target of pirates and brigands.  This type of work has about the same risk as trading, with a significantly better payoff, at the price of much of your freedom.<br>
7.) Archeological (Science focus)<br>
7.) Archeological (Science focus):  Precursor study is pursued at a much lower level by the corps than one might expect, and thus this niche is largely filled by enterprising and adventurous scientists.  The prestige is low, the payoff is nonexistent, the risk is low.  Labor is very high.  It is usually difficult to get a crew together for this without 8.) below.<br>
8.)  Archeological (Plundering focus)<br>
8.)  Archeological (Plundering focus):  Precursor artifacts, even when little more than slag, are valuable.  Risk is low, prestige is low, and the payoff is essentially like playing the lottery.  As such, there are far more people in this line of work than is healthy.<br>
9.) Mining/Other resource acquisition<br>
9.) Mining/Other resource acquisition:  No prestige, high labor, and mediocre payoff unless the resource is very rare or hard to acquire: it's just hard to compete with large scale operations.  This type of mission is often combined with archeological, trading, or other types of work.<br>
10.) Racing<br>
10.) Racing:  Starship racing is, in fact, one of the chief uses for interstellar craft.  Not only are such races the favorite type of spectator sport on essentially all worlds, but often significant bets are placed on the outcome.  Risk is medium, prestige is good to spectacular, and the payoff is highly variable (very high at the top end, very low at the bottom and low in the middle).  Unfortunately, racing is not something easily undertaken without complete devotion: maintaining a ship in race-ready state against anyone other than amateurs is a full time job.<br>
11.) Repair/Construction<br>
11.) Repair/Construction:  Much like medicine, but with a better labor to payoff ratio.  This carries significant prestige with it: all the worlds of the gemini are dependent on quite advanced tech, often much more advanced than the tech level of the planet on which it is being employed.  Those that can fix or maintain or even sometimes use such technology are constantly in demand.<br>
12.) Political envoy/ambassador/mediation<br>
12.) Political envoy/ambassador/mediation<br>
13.) Spying/corporate espionage<br>
13.) Spying/corporate espionage<br>

Revision as of 21:42, 10 March 2007

I will include some descriptions at a later time

1.) Mercenary Work: working as a hired soldier. In general, mercenaries are fairly well respected in the Gemini, since they are essentially the equivalent of the armed forces for everyone other than the Aeneans. Mercenary work is very high risk, but the pay is decent and the difficulty of the work is typically low. Also, significant prestige and status can be gained in this line of work, although it can also be lost, depending on how much honor is retained in its pursuit.
2.) Assassination: working as a hired killer. Assassins are poorly regarded by everyone except corp execs. This work is very high risk, very difficult, and often morally repugnant. However, the pay is among the highest of available jobs. Assignments are almost always obtained on the megacorp planets or Aeneas, but missions range throughout the Gemini.
3.) Medical Response (ie trauma team): Medical work carries with it significant status and respect, although the range of the type of medical care provided varies greatly. Some ships are little more than traveling freezers, carrying those in cryogenic stasis to medical facilities on or off world. Others are little more than snake oil salesmen. Most are essentially ambulance equivalents: skilled paramedics, capable of providing basic medical care and some medicines, and of transporting the seriously ill to hospitals. The rare few have skilled doctors on board, surgical suites, or other advanced medical facilities. The risk of this work is low, prestige is high, but pay to labor is typically quite low, particularly for those with a sense of altruism.
4.) Trading: This is the most common of jobs. Because corps rarely bother transporting small cargo on their own fleets, a significant market exists for smaller merchants to make considerable profit in buying and selling. Trading has tremendous potential, but is typically a subsistence type of mission.
5.) Smuggling: like trading, but in goods that are illegal or highly regulated. Risk is much increased from trading, as is the payoff. The very best smugglers are employed by the elite of Aeneas, and get rich as a result.
6.) Corporate Franchise (like trading, except under the aegis of a corp): also like trading, with considerable prestige increase among corps and a considerable prestige decrease among everyone else. Franchises are the favorite target of pirates and brigands. This type of work has about the same risk as trading, with a significantly better payoff, at the price of much of your freedom.
7.) Archeological (Science focus): Precursor study is pursued at a much lower level by the corps than one might expect, and thus this niche is largely filled by enterprising and adventurous scientists. The prestige is low, the payoff is nonexistent, the risk is low. Labor is very high. It is usually difficult to get a crew together for this without 8.) below.
8.) Archeological (Plundering focus): Precursor artifacts, even when little more than slag, are valuable. Risk is low, prestige is low, and the payoff is essentially like playing the lottery. As such, there are far more people in this line of work than is healthy.
9.) Mining/Other resource acquisition: No prestige, high labor, and mediocre payoff unless the resource is very rare or hard to acquire: it's just hard to compete with large scale operations. This type of mission is often combined with archeological, trading, or other types of work.
10.) Racing: Starship racing is, in fact, one of the chief uses for interstellar craft. Not only are such races the favorite type of spectator sport on essentially all worlds, but often significant bets are placed on the outcome. Risk is medium, prestige is good to spectacular, and the payoff is highly variable (very high at the top end, very low at the bottom and low in the middle). Unfortunately, racing is not something easily undertaken without complete devotion: maintaining a ship in race-ready state against anyone other than amateurs is a full time job.
11.) Repair/Construction: Much like medicine, but with a better labor to payoff ratio. This carries significant prestige with it: all the worlds of the gemini are dependent on quite advanced tech, often much more advanced than the tech level of the planet on which it is being employed. Those that can fix or maintain or even sometimes use such technology are constantly in demand.
12.) Political envoy/ambassador/mediation
13.) Spying/corporate espionage
14.) Theft/Piracy
15.) Salvage
16.) Police Work/Criminal investigation
17.) Computer hacking/programming
18.) Prostitution
19.) Slavery
20.) Surveying
21.) Exploration
22.)Passenger transport