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1.) The "White Cat": The last ship built by Archibald the Wayfarer, the most famous space-pirate of all time. Like most of the other ships on this list, it did not consist primarily of precursor tech, but had only a precursor hull, the jump drive, and a few other minor K-tech components. At the end of his piratical career, Archibald declared that he and his crew had had their share of plunder in the Gemini and were setting off to plunder other systems: they would come back and let people know how to get back to the rest of humanity once they got back. That was ten years ago, and they have not been heard from since. Archibald's psycho-navigator is Themistocles the Wily.
2.) The "Sleipnir": owned for over a hundred years by Asimov Industries, the sleipnir has been a major source of technology for them and represents perhaps the only corporately endowed research vessel in the Twins: being recruited there as a scientist represents among the highest honors one can receive. The ship is regularly "seen" at the far reaches of both systems, performing archeological surveys, studying precursor tech, and engaging on various exploratory missions. the vessel is claimed by AI to be 90% K-tech, found nearly intact at an undisclosed location. Recently, AI annonced that the Sleipnir had suffered some technical difficulties during an experimental mission and had been recalled to Odysseus for repairs: because of it's high amount of K-tech, it is believed these repairs could take a significant amount of time. The Sleipnir psycho-navigator is Hylikee Barca.
3.) The "Medusa": The only warship capable of space-jump, commanded by Vladimir Ignatievitch, a mercenary with a fearful reputation rivaled only by the Lycurgans. He is also believed to engage in significant Piracy, although currently he is under a "permanent contract" with the Aeneans. Where Ignatievitch got the ship is unknown, but it is clear that only the space-jump engine is K-tech. His Psycho-Navigator's identity remains unknown.
4.) The "Monte Cristo": Owned by Tetsuo Hara, a powerful private citizen with many ties to corps. The monte cristo engages in high end delivery primarily between the two systems. The ship is about 40% K Tech. It is the largest of the jumping ships, being a cargo carrier, although it is also well armed, it being such a valuable and famous prize for pirates. The psycho navigator is Mia Cavalierre.
5.) The "Helen": A pirate vessel famous for numerous bank heists: the captain, calling himself Sparrowhawk, is extremely flamboyant and also apparently determined to outdo Archibald the Wayfarer. The psycho-navigator is Clytemnestra Mycenae.
6.) Scutum Aeneae: The flagship of the Aeneans, and the only combat ship of it's size class. The "shield of Aeneas" is one of the few ships in the Twins capable of orbital bombardment, a fact that was made obvious, although somewhat ineffectually, during the seige of Troy. The Scutum has a complement of 50 fighters (size class 3) and 20 defenders (size class 5) as well as it's own formidable armament. The Scutum is based out of Troy, although it is occassionally recalled to Aeneas for upgrades. It goes without saying that during these times every mercenary finds a job with the megacorps that fear a renewal of Aenean agression.