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Fortune Points during the prologue may be used to:
1.) force the discard of the last card played, (played by anyone)
2.) Draw a new card: extra cards may be played in a final round in which the GM may play 1/2 as many cards as cards remaining to players.

During Character Creation:
1.) automatically remove a "by GM approval only" from a stat or advantage/disad.: this suffices for 8+, but may not suffice for a 9+ depending on the circumstances.
2.) Give your ship a storytelling point.This storytelling point may only be used if you are active and on board (ie, your character is actually at the session and currently being played by you.)
3.) Give your character fairly in depth knowledge about a "secret" subject (the character must have the appropriate skill at a relatively high level, and the topic must be more specific than the skill, but the knowledge gained by this will be much more in depth than the skill would give.) 4.) unspent fortune points translate into "Storytelling" attribute.

During Play (Storytelling):
1.) storytelling breaks into two classes: temporary and permanent: temporary regenerates to your current permanent level each session. Permanent only increases by GM permission.
2.) Temporary: burn for a reroll on any dice roll. burn to gain a +1 on any dice roll. burn before a dice roll to attempt to finagle the situation rather than dice off: (ie, pull an Anjou: this may not always work and is largely dependent on the quality of the RP scene you subsequently set up. This effect may NOT be used in combat. Note that anyone may do this anytime, but without the temporary storytelling, it will only result in a dice bonus). burn to avoid 1 point of damage. burn to temporarily raise your Path rating (GM approval). burn for a minor plot modification (As I enter the bar, the man I've been following is sitting with his back to me, and doesn't notice me I DID, after all, bring my pistol. Player: "Is there rope on the ship?" GM: "did you buy rope?" Player: "No...but it's a cargo ship, I'm sure (scratching off one temporary fortune point) there's some rope in the cargo bay GM: "you're right, there's some rope in the cargo bay". Etc, Etc.)
3.) Permanent: Burn to escape a situation completely (ie, you wake up somewhere once everything is blown over: you may decide how "out of" it you want to be: ie, I'm alive and uncaptured, I'm alive and captured with the rest of the group, I'm dead and an idiot for burning this point, etc.). Burn to automatically succeed on a single action, regardless of difficulty. Burn for a major plot modification (ie, director/author stance: note that this may not be used to save your ship, see #2 from character generation above). Burn to permanently raise your path rating.