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Latest revision as of 14:06, 16 June 2007

Ben: Overall, I think the one shot was excellent: I really liked playing a space marine and the emphasis in the game was in the right place. Also, some of the technical difficulties we encountered the first time we tried DitV have been resolved by matt in a very satisfactory manner. I think that as a short campaign, this game would have a lot of potential to be fun, although I think that the mechanics of DitV mean it would not be well suited to a protracted campaign. 6-12 sessions is probably as much as this system could sustain without getting boring, I think. But overall, I think it will be fun to make this happen: Matt has some good ideas about how to bring the most entertaining elements of 40K, especially space marines, into play. Also, since the game really has more of the 'rogue trader' (ie, first edition) feel than the following editions, the marine characters end up coming off more like, real, WWII or modern marines: hardened, disciplined, but also human with personalities. I'll bring some source material next friday so people can get a feel for what first edition 40k is like. Anyways, Dieter played a Librarian with a chaplain-ish feel, and I ended up being the sergeant of a tactical squad. We were fortifying a town against the zealous imperial fists sent out to wail on us, when it turned out the town had a genestealer cult infestation. in classic dieter tradition, his fundamentally low-combat character took it to the streets, fighting off three genestealers in close combat by smiting them with psychic energy. After that, the marines rolled in with a rhino and attacked the genestealer cult branch-davidian style (ie, tank through the gates, killing your cultists). After cutting down the cultists with bolter and plasma gun fire we got flamed, ignored it like good marines, and then my character took a shot "from downtooooowwwwnnnn" at the cult leader and blew her arm off with his mastercrafted bolter. When the cultists tried to dogpile her to protect her, my character tossed a frag grenade into the middle of them. After that, Dieter and I investigated the house, found a bunch of genestealer babies, and after dispatching them, burned the house. That's where we ended.