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Local News: In a blatant act of terrorism typical of the heavy mercenary presence of Andromache 3, most of a city block was destroyed two days ago as the wars of organized crime spilled into the streets of The Pits. At least 10 people are believed killed, and 15 injured. Those killed are believed to include primarily members of the notorious chino gang and their accomplices.
Rescuers working day and night on Troy report extreme rioting and civil unrest across the planet: experts predict the outbreak of civil war. It appears that the Aeneans regard this as a certainty: the Scutum Aeneae began mass driver exercises for the first time in 5 years today on its targeting range on the Far Side of Troy. Numerous Seismological experts have expressed concern that such exercises could cause further volcanic eruptions, but Reichsmarschall von Goettingen has been, as always, unavailable for comment. Curiously, Rescuers also report a surprising lack of Aenean troops on Troy's surface: although it seems ludicrous given the circumstances, it appears that the Aeneans may actually be withdrawing their soldiers.
Following extensive media and stockholder pressure, AI today announced that repairs needed for the Sleipnir were more significant than anticipated: given the high quantity of K-tech on the ship, such repairs have been extremely difficult and time consuming. It is expected that repairs, which have already covered 6 months, will probably take at least a further 6-8 months to complete. AI shares, as a result, slipped 2 points at the stock exchange. The location of the Sleipnir remains top secret.

Revision as of 19:06, 28 June 2007

Local News: In a blatant act of terrorism typical of the heavy mercenary presence of Andromache 3, most of a city block was destroyed two days ago as the wars of organized crime spilled into the streets of The Pits. At least 10 people are believed killed, and 15 injured. Those killed are believed to include primarily members of the notorious chino gang and their accomplices.

Rescuers working day and night on Troy report extreme rioting and civil unrest across the planet: experts predict the outbreak of civil war. It appears that the Aeneans regard this as a certainty: the Scutum Aeneae began mass driver exercises for the first time in 5 years today on its targeting range on the Far Side of Troy. Numerous Seismological experts have expressed concern that such exercises could cause further volcanic eruptions, but Reichsmarschall von Goettingen has been, as always, unavailable for comment. Curiously, Rescuers also report a surprising lack of Aenean troops on Troy's surface: although it seems ludicrous given the circumstances, it appears that the Aeneans may actually be withdrawing their soldiers.

Following extensive media and stockholder pressure, AI today announced that repairs needed for the Sleipnir were more significant than anticipated: given the high quantity of K-tech on the ship, such repairs have been extremely difficult and time consuming. It is expected that repairs, which have already covered 6 months, will probably take at least a further 6-8 months to complete. AI shares, as a result, slipped 2 points at the stock exchange. The location of the Sleipnir remains top secret.

The test flight of the VX-300 Hyperdyne prototype warp ship completed successfully, traveling from coordinates 024-568-435-774 to 028-577-435-774 at a speed of 800,000 km/h.

Breaking News: Core issues preliminary statement that illegal deep mining may have been taking place near the Spire, and may be a possible link to the tragedy currently unfolding.
The most massive natural disaster in the history of the Gemini has engulfed Troy. Originating near the famed "spire" of Core's largest sub mantle mining operation, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, heat, and poisonous gas combined to lead to the greatest tragedy in memory. Current estimates predict a final casualty count of 500,000 to 1 million, with 5 times that number injured. Property damage assessments are impossible, although sources tell us that the Spire was constructed at a scale where at least 20-50 years of operations would be necessary to pay for it. The Aenean governor, Abraham Vandumar, has declared martial law and instated a full Aenean military call-up: for those unfamiliar with this action, all Aenean male citizens are expected to report for military service under this request. The Third Aenean Battlegroup has been dispatched from Aeneas to Castor, something that has not happened since the second Trojan rebellion, 35 years ago. Currently, both Glaucus and Idomeneus and all inhabited moons in Castor have responded to the crisis by offering full support, although some sources have expressed concern at the military-dominated response of the Aeneans. Indeed, it appears that there is something of a buildup of privateers and mercenaries in the Glaucan spaceport. Core representatives could not be reached for comment. A written statement disavowing responsibility for the catastrophe and stating that they were working with all possible speed to determine the cause of the problem.

A powerful new computer virus, designated "smallpox" has made an appearance in several important data systems and crippled at least 4 class II-III AIs. Affected data zones have been quarantined, but it is unknown at this point how widespread the infection may be. Cerberus Sysops are currently working around the clock to crack the virus, and the current security patch to Watchdog may be downloaded here: although this cannot eliminate the virus from your system, it will identify it's presence and place affected systems into quarantine mode. for anyone with programming: it will also contact cerberus and let them know you're infected unless you specifically tell it not to do that.

The test flight of the VX-300 Hyperdyne prototype warp ship is scheduled for 3:00 pm standard time, today. The test went off without a hitch and established a new speed record at 800,000 kmph

Marcus Aemilius Volonus was appointed yesteday to fill the recently vacated 5th imperator position on Lycurgus. Volonus will be based on Nestor, where the Lycurgans are implementing some show of force to push their claims on the rapidly developing landmass expected to surface sometime in the next few years due to extensive volcanic activity. As you may know, the lycurgans currently control the only dry property on Nestor 1.

The theft of 8 million credits from the NWO corporation has been resolved with the arrest of Bartholomew and Jeremiah Richter, who apparently had access to numerous security codes for the bank and used these to lift a large amount of cash from a series of banks, as well as transfer a significant amount of electronic funds into their own accounts.

The scientific station above Diomedes has reported an increase of anomalous energy discharges in the Orion Nebula. Although few venture as far as the nebula, the station has nevertheless issued a warning that travel to the area may present a significant danger to a ship

Hyperdyne, Inc. Announced today that early testing would soon begin on their new "warp" drive. "It's completely revolutionary" says Hyperdyne public relations VP Mike Vilpers. "Utilizing K-technologies derived from jump drives, Warp drives permit "bending" of the laws of relativity, if you will. These engines will enable us to overcome the speed limit of light, so that the great distances of the Gemini will soon be nothing more than a minor inconvenience." While such rosy predictions may be realized sooner than many had anticipated, for now Hyperdyne will content itself with breaking the notorious speed record of the "Tangerine Dream". The Speed Trial of the prototype spacecraft is set for two weeks from today, 10:00 AM standard time.

Another series of riots and acts of "terrorism" have broken out on Troy today, with the section known as "the termite mound" completely in the insurgents control. As is Aenean policy, numbers of injured and killed on either side have not been officially disclosed, but sources inside Troy tell us that at least 20 Aenean military police have been either injured or killed, and up to 200 civilians. The termite mound, so named both because of it's numerous tunnels and because of it's distinct shape, is situated close to Core, Inc's Spire, the only privately held mining facility on Troy. Core's Trojan expert, Richard Wang, was quoted as saying that "Core is in no way concerned for the safety of its operations: we have full confidence in the ability of the Aeneans to contain the incident, and even if they should fail, we have, as you well know, five full units of lycurgans along with our own considerable defense force deployed keeping the spire safe. Honestly, I still sleep more soundly on Troy than I ever did on Menelaus."

The Junior Chess Championship is set to take place this weekend on Diomedes.

The "Pegasus" class 8 spacecraft has been successfully retrieved from the Neptune Trench on Nestor 1. Initial fears that the crew would perish were shown to be classic frontier panic when a crack team of divers with proper equipment was shuttled in on short notice from Diomedes. The crew of the Pegasus says they are very grateful to Semper Marine Services of Diomedes for their aid.

The Library of Alexandria Museum opened it's new exhibit and lecture series recently, entitled "Pre-Sundering and K-tech scripture: Literature or Technical Manual?" The lecture series has drawn numerous influential K-tech scholars, including Edward Phillips of the Royal Lycurgan Historical Institute, Gerald Lalonde and Monessa Cummings of the University of Alexandria, Platocrates of Diomedes University, and Leif Hrulfgarrson, an independent expert native to the Castor System. The exhibit includes numerous items on loan from various corporate R&D department, although the Head Curator stressed that none of them were classified or worth stealing.