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--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]]-- Due to how busy I am this week moving Wed works out best.  If I ~did~ do it Wed. It'd be from like six to 8.  So yeah, only two hours.  Course we can always do it next week, or maybe even Monday?
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]]-- Due to how busy I am this week moving Wed works out best.  If I ~did~ do it Wed. It'd be from like six to 8.  So yeah, only two hours.  Course we can always do it next week, or maybe even Monday?
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 12:54, 15 January 2008 (MST) Out of town starting Friday morning. I still haven't settled on a character idea. Recent brainstorm was someone who'd had a run-in with some Black Spiral Dancers. Tension could come from having defeated them in a Pyhrric victory, so this current pack gives me some respect, but they also still look down on me as only human while I don't 100% trust them since what's the difference between "bad" and "good" werewolves except their actions? And the "bad" ones can be tricksy and false. Also, I can't make it home by 6pm. I get off at 5:30pm at the earliest and probably around 6:30 is the quickest that buses will get me anywhere.

Revision as of 14:54, 15 January 2008

--Matts 21:59, 2 January 2008 (MST)I'll probably play a Bone Gnawer Ahroun with a propensity for vigilante street justice.

--Dieter the Bold 15:19, 31 December 2007 (MST) No, definitely not vampires. I'm fine with some kind of support character. Depending on the characters made I'd probably be a fixer of some kind, either Faceman, B.A. or Murdoch. I'm totally fine with being a combat wuss and getting pushed around some, even if I am a combat-oriented character.


>>Freedom Rogue:<< Likeable Jack-Sparrow kind of personality who just wants to get along with everyone. Doesn't consider anyone his enemy. Just groups that misunderstand his intentions. High Occult skill (but with no powers), he's quite familiar with the mystical world and very broad-minded.

>>Freedom Fighter:<< You can never take, MY FREEDOM!!!!!!!! New to the mystical world and therefore somewhat narrow-minded, he considers it to be "Man's Age", and all the freaks should go back to the old times they came from. That being said, there is quite a bit of cognitive dissonance between freedom for all and "relics of ancient times should stay in ancient times", so while he does have his prejudices, the Fighter is pragmatic and works to stay allied with those mystical forces he knows to be the best bet for a human future.

>>The Crazy:<< He's got more Occult power than is good for him. No, seriously. He dabbled too much without enough precautions and now he can't forget what he's seen and still sees. Needs help to protect himself from the forces he's perturbed.

>>The Man:<< Works for a large corporation that's surprisingly saavy to all the nasty mojo swirling around the world. And thinks it can manipulate such events to its benefit. He's identified the Pack as a possible tool to further the interests of his employer and constantly schemes on how best to spin things to their most ideal. Not out to enslave or dominate the pack, he just doesn't see why the Pack's interests can't coincide with the corp's on a frequent basis.

--Gdaze-- Alright Dieter, plan on any of those 3 except "The Man". I see too many potential problems with this one.

--Gdaze-- Sounds good Matt. If Matt is going to be an Arhoun others should try to pick a differect aspect to play as. I think a Ragabash will greately help the group. And Ed... hmmm. While I can suggest what "class" to play as, I really think the tribe selection should be up to you. I would advise against Shadow Lords... in fact I may just not allow them altogether... but eh, if someone really wanted to. I guess we can go over it a bit this Friday.

--Dieter the Bold 12:58, 3 January 2008 (MST) I'm thinking either the Freedom Fighter or Jack Sparrow. I can't decide if I want to be laid back and unflappable or barely constrained racism.

--Gdaze-- Either sounds good. But as a human who isn't a werewolf you won't be as decetable as other werewolf might. The one problem I see is that if your barely constrained racism mouths off to a werewolf not in the pack, you'll be rolling up a new character in all likelyhood. Occult knowledge of any kinda will be very useful. I guess I'm saying the Jack Sparrow like guy will work well but if you want to do the other one that is fine too. I'd just perfer we don't have a repeat of cyberpunk or examplers, IE your guy has no interest in anything first adventure onward.

Also just had a funny thought, seeing a human who never is really insulted with a pack of creatures who can take the slightest offense way too personal could be great fun.

Also Dieter for your guy I'm gonna make up a list of a few "specials". Not powers per-say, but just something that sets you apart. If that is okay with you of course.

--Gdaze-- Alright, so I don't like to say what people should and should not play. But I think you'll find it useful if at least one perosn is the Wizard like class and another the Rogue like class, however, Dieter may fill that roll in. Also Ed if you really can't come up with a Tribe I'll suggest either Glass Walkers - if you don't mind being techy, or if you want to be more sneaky and spirit-like I suggest either a Uktena or Silent Strider, both as lupin bor

--Matts 18:17, 3 January 2008 (MST)What exactly does being a Metis entail? I know there's like a guaranteed deformity and social stigma, but what else? I have this thought that my character could have grown up in some Bone Gnawer abandoned subway station caern and been a local bogeyman.

--Gdaze 19:37, 3 January 2008 (MST) Well fairly bad. While Bone Gnawers would treat you okay, since they are all scum of the werewolf nation anyway, others will rarely give you respect. Also you can't soak silver in any form. Usually a werewolf in its breed form will take normal damage from silver instead of the damage being unsoakable. Metis take it no matter what form they have (their natural state is Crinos form). So just keep in mind how others will view you, it can be a nasty life.

--Edmiao 19:46, 3 January 2008 (MST) Since i'm playing a sneaky type in WFRP, I'll go with a wizardy type here, and thus of the tribes you suggest, Uktena sound most appropriate from my read of the wikipedia.

--Matts 20:21, 3 January 2008 (MST)Ok, so the flaws are pretty big, what are the benefits?

--Gdaze Well they have no limits on abilities, like humans (lupus can't take a lot of skills), they also have a higher Gnosis (mana) rating then humans. Metis have 3, humans have 1, lupus have 5. They have a lot of nasty high level gifts like the ability to wither limbs, cause people to go insane, or contact the tribe's totem directly. They also have the sense wyrm talent. I think its mostly a roleplaying thing then anything else. Oh, and they are sterile.

--Dieter the Bold 22:35, 3 January 2008 (MST) Totally aware of past character flaws, so I'm already working on motivations. I'm leaning towards the Freedom Fighter, since he's essentially a less-trained and calm Punisher kinda' character. I.e., something committed a terrible crime against him (maybe a Black Spiral Dancer or something) which makes him driven to destroy the evil, but as a newly awakened (to the occult) fighter, he has to work with those that resemble what he hates. I think it would be a fun role-playing thing to try and walk the line between hating the inhuman monsters and having to work with them against even worse inhuman monsters. Pushing the limit and learning how much he could get away with would be fun.

As for the Jack Sparrow, I'm still trying to figure out a motivation. I can't have it be just greed, 'cause then he'd naturally be looking for the other side to try and get in good with them. He'd have a higher occult background and be less likely to get into a dustup with a rival pack, but I need something that gets him to work with our pack over others. Also, I'm totally cool with a special ability or two, since in "for realz" combat I know any straight human character is so much popcorn at a monster movie.

--Gdaze 23:42, 3 January 2008 (MST) Well just what do you mean by how far you push it? I mean really, if your getting in honor bound fights every other adventure and some other character is always having to take your place for those... I'm just curious as to the "get away with" part. Like killing allied werewolves when nobody is watching? Not helping team mates when in need so they die off? Pitting Black Spiral Dancers against pack mates in order to finish both off? Cause anything like these and I'm gonna use the big ol' rejection stamp. Sorry, but I have to be very careful with this human character. I want it to add to the story as a whole and make sure that it doesn't end up de-railing it.

--Gdaze Another quick note... If your guy is going to be a constant pain in the side, why does he stay with the group, and why would the group stay with him? Another important, and very important question, for a human running with werewolves.

BEN: as I posted in the characters section, I think I am going to make a glasswalker ragabash. Might also end up being a silver fang, also ragabash. He's not going to be a standard goof off though, I'm going to play heavily on the odyssean "finding clever solutions" thing, if I can...anyways, thats the idea now, could change. I want my character to be closely tied to as many people in the group as possible...I don't care what the connection is, as long as it is strong.

--Gdaze 14:13, 5 January 2008 (MST) Very cool, the group will diffently benefit from a ragabash, even more so form a glasswalker. Ed seems like he is going to be a Uktena Th...however you spell those. But if you want to be a silverfang thats fine too!

--Gdaze 21:40, 6 January 2008 (MST) So Dieter, a few quick things about your character. The game must start with you being tied to at least one other character, I don't want this to happen later. Second, even if your "pack" was the last werewolves on the planet I don't want your guy to think he would kill them. Again, this mentality I see as being a problem, or could be. Also I'd really like to see at least a little bit more honor from your guy. As in he respects strong fighters, or at least acknowledges that the werewovles are fighting for a good cause.

The biggest problem I see is what happens when your guy finds out about the ancient empire when werewolves ruled over humans and ate them.

No problem with your character, just a few things I need to be clear on for group work... together... wellness...

--Dieter the Bold 11:44, 7 January 2008 (MST) Hmmmm.... I'll need to think on this more. Initial thought was to go totally Punisher and hate all such supernatural monsters, but be working with this group until they're the only ones left (which'll never happen), or one of them goes evil (which would be awesome). But if you don't want that, I'll have to think of an alternative. I don't want to do the "respects fighters" thing, 'cause that's not his gig. He's not some honorable fighter. He's a terrorist fighting the darkness with its own weapons. He has no respect for anyone but the innocent, and he even has to be careful there that he doesn't start despising them for their weakness/hating them for having what he doesn't. I.e., a very dark character. I'm open to further suggestions.

--Gdaze-- Well while it is okay to be dark, and hate stuff. The Punisher is a solo character, he really has never been in a group to my knowledge, or at least never lasted long in one. So I'm just gonna have to say right now that while its great you want to play a dark character, a punisher type will not fit in and I see it being too much of a problem. The two biggest questions that I haven't really seen answered yet are A. Why stay with werewovles? (I know, cause they can help you, but that is a fairly weak bond at best) and B. Why would the werewovles stay with a violent xenophobe who will never give them any respect? What about a mission to re-claim a werewolf lost caren? Would he really want to help this? Or would he be like "Well thats your thing, not mine."

So a totally "punisher" type character will not work, and will have to be revised some. I don't want a character who is only working with the group cause it happens to suit his current needs, this will lead to a character who may not get invovled most of the time. Also a character who never shows thanks for someone saving him and doesn't respect what the werewovles do will not work either.

Weither your werewolf or not this is still a GROUP based game.

Sorry if it seems like I'm being an ass, but a human has some-what stricter guidelines to make sure he fits in. Again, I'm doing this to avoid a character who has little to no interest in the Gaoru and what they do.

Ed.. why does your guy have to hate werewolves? why not make someone who was battling vamps and wurm and all that, who finally found allies and is really really excited to find that there are supernatural beings that he can work with in his dark crusade?

--Gdaze-- I'm okay with you disliking werewovles but perhaps toning down the hate would be advisable. Remember, group unity is the purpose here. Also you can dislike dogs, so in a way your a bit looth to work with werewolves but still will do so for whatever reasons you can come up with.

--Edmiao 15:57, 7 January 2008 (MST)here's a tidbit of an idea for you two. humans, if they see a werewolf, magically forget that they saw it. what if Deiter's guy was doing some paranormal investigation, found something nasty at the same time as a werewolf found said nasty and had to go all transformy and ape shit all over said nasty ass. Deiter's guy could have witnessed this and not reacted like a normal human and not forgotten. this makes the werewolf interested in Deiter's guy, at the same time the werewolf saves Deiter's guy's life.

--Gdaze-- Well me and Dieter had already discussed something like this happening, its the mentality thats important. Dieter is of course already going to be immune to the delerirum.

Also don't worry Ed, Dieter and I will figure something out.

BEN: since dieter isn't going to be liking werewolves, making a "werewolf rights activist" (ie somebody interested first and foremost with preserving werewolves, etc) probably will cause too much conflict, eh?

--Gdaze 18:40, 7 January 2008 (MST) Well as I've been saying I don't think Dieter's character can be made as said. For example, what if the group is captured and he is the only one left? The character as it stands now seems unlikely to rescue the characters. Werewolves fight on behalf of all of Gaia. I don't see anything wrong with having a character who puts werewolves above humans, most do. Just something to remember, just make sure you don't have Red Talon mentality. As in humans are good for nothing, we must kill them and mate only with wolves.

--Dieter the Bold 20:07, 7 January 2008 (MST) Gabe, you're quite right in your objections. I think I'm still stuck in the "don't want to play a werewolf" mindest, so I'm trying to distance myself as much as possible from having to interact with them. Which, of course, doesn't quite work when the game is Werewolf. I'll try and think up some kind of situation where I'd want to work with them.

--Gdaze 20:38, 7 January 2008 (MST) Sweet, sounds good, take your time, we aren't starting this for what... over 2 weeks?

--Dieter the Bold 14:36, 9 January 2008 (MST) Okay, current working concept: the avenger, except against vampires or spirits. Don't want to do Wyrm, 'cause that's too easy, and magic would cause too many conflicts in the group. He's more okay towards werewolves, but he'll be pushing for more action against his particular foe vs. fighting the Wyrm, which could lead to some tensions. Still deciding on if I want to be punisher-style (considered total terrorist by authorities and hunted) or a little more on the DL (still goes in with heavy weapons, but covers up activities so authorities aren't putting his face on the nightly news).
Edit: Would it be too disruptive to play someone slightly crazy? As in, considers various forms of IEDs, firebombs and large guns to be suitable tools for fighting X (vampires, etc.) and doesn't care who sees him doing it (but would never put the public's safety at risk). Someone who prefers to shoot first with supernatural threats and firmly believes that bigger is better when it comes to guns and explosives.

--Edmiao 16:04, 9 January 2008 (MST)sounds dangerous. do you enjoy having elrin around in WFRP? cus i'm getting kind of irritated by him (and he's my character).

--Gdaze Yeah no kidding, Elrin is annoying BUT was a prime pusher to attack the farm, so awesome. Slightly "crazy" is fine. I mean... you fight vampires... that already makes you insane. I don't think full on cackling with glee would fit. Something to consider though is that all the "wars" in the world of darkness are secret wars. Not saying you CAN'T use heavy weapons, but someone who uses only those and without a care who sees them will find themselves in a lot more trouble. Remember, your enemy out numbers you, is more powerful then you, and has more resources then you. So that being said someone who whips out a rocket launcher every right is most likely not gonna fit. HOWEVER, someone who blows up an entire abondoned building to kill 3 or more vampires he somehow tricked into meeting there would be okay. So remember, being somewhat sneaky is about survival, again don't want a character who is gonna be off'd right away.

But, if you want an insanity lets work that out. Also nothing wrong with shooting first. Almost all werewolves would agree with you anyway, better to talk to a vampire with your claws then with words

BEN: as a total nonsequitur, the first LARP character, in fact the first long term gaming character, I ever played was in a werewolf larp. He was a philodox children of gaia homid, a child psychologist, and he was actually an awesome character. He was always trying to make everyone get along and solve everything peacefully, and a bunch of the characters were shadow lords who were always gnashing their teeth in frustration as a result. The very best part was we got in a big fight, and my character got a lucky roll and one-shotted a black spiral dancer...he got a lot of glory points out of that one :)

--Gdaze-- For some reason I see your guy giving out banana stickers if the Shadow Lords behave themselves! Oh also quick note to everyone, if you put stuff in your background that is undefined, I'm gonna grab it up and incoperate it into the game. For example with Matt putting that he doesn't get along with a certain werewolf, that is totally fine. And leaving some things opened ended is perfered.

--Gdaze-- Ed & Dieter! Do you guys want to meet up to finsih up your characters? I'd like to have them made up by either mid-next week or end of this week. I could most likely do it this Saturday or Sunday, and next week I could do it Monday or Wed. Let me know what works out for you. This goes even more so for you Dieter because your guy is a bit different.

--Edmiao 15:10, 14 January 2008 (MST) sure. sooner is better. i could do tonight, wed or thurs nights. busy fri, sat, sun. next week any time is fine.

BEN: how about my place ~9pm? then we could play some magic as well...I want to mod my red/white/blue deck to have some more critters and try it out again.

Gabe: Wed would work perfect for me, Noelle has class late that night so I can just hope on over to Ben's. Thanks for letting us meet there. So this Wed, yes? And yus, magic sounds good to me.

BEN: tonight at 9 would have worked. WEd at 9 I have gymnastics, so you'll have to work it out with dieter. Tomorrow night I should be home by 9:30 or so

--Edmiao 17:51, 14 January 2008 (MST)i can do either tonight or wed. if we are doing tonight call me, 245-8809

--Gdaze-- Due to how busy I am this week moving Wed works out best. If I ~did~ do it Wed. It'd be from like six to 8. So yeah, only two hours. Course we can always do it next week, or maybe even Monday?

--Dieter the Bold 12:54, 15 January 2008 (MST) Out of town starting Friday morning. I still haven't settled on a character idea. Recent brainstorm was someone who'd had a run-in with some Black Spiral Dancers. Tension could come from having defeated them in a Pyhrric victory, so this current pack gives me some respect, but they also still look down on me as only human while I don't 100% trust them since what's the difference between "bad" and "good" werewolves except their actions? And the "bad" ones can be tricksy and false. Also, I can't make it home by 6pm. I get off at 5:30pm at the earliest and probably around 6:30 is the quickest that buses will get me anywhere.