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--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 20:53, 18 January 2008 (MST) Gabe, the secret Frank has from the rest of the group is that before and during the destruction of Frank's community is that the Black Spiral Dancers tormented them. Part of this torment was revealing the truth (twisted to their ends) about what they were (werewolves) and what they thought of humans and had done to them in their past. While Frank's smart enough to realize the tactic for what it was, he does know more about BSDs than septs would prefer and harbors doubt as to how much they can really be trusted. If it really came down to werewolves and their Gaia surviving vs. humans, would they try to make any room for humans, or destroy them all? He's learned to trust and work with the group, but how much can werewolves truly be trusted where humanity is concerned?
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 20:53, 18 January 2008 (MST) Gabe, the secret Frank has from the rest of the group is that before and during the destruction of Frank's community is that the Black Spiral Dancers tormented them. Part of this torment was revealing the truth (twisted to their ends) about what they were (werewolves) and what they thought of humans and had done to them in their past. While Frank's smart enough to realize the tactic for what it was, he does know more about BSDs than septs would prefer and harbors doubt as to how much they can really be trusted. If it really came down to werewolves and their Gaia surviving vs. humans, would they try to make any room for humans, or destroy them all? He's learned to trust and work with the group, but how much can werewolves truly be trusted where humanity is concerned?
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Um... powers to come later!
Um... powers to come later!
Dieter, you may pick one psychical and one mental power.  The last catagory, "Power", is a special power for your guy.  Not sure if you are okay with me giving you a luck power as that is what you had in the hero rpg.  If not let me know, or if you have another form of it to suggest also let me know here.
Cat Reflexes<br>
A quick eye and steady hand.<br>
+1 Alertness<br>
+1 Dodge<br>
-1 to all difficulty rolls with firearms<br>
Duel Wield<br>
Death dealing on an epic level.<br>
When armed with two one handed firearms, or when armed with a two handed semi-full automatic the character may take a 2nd shot as a free action without decreasing his dice pool.<br>
+1 dot to firearms<br>
+1 to Intimidation<br>
Quick Study<br>
I know that!<br>
+1 Int<br>
+4 dots to assign to either skills and/or knowledges (Can't be used on skill like firearms or melee)<br>
Smooth Talker<br>
Trust me!<br>
+1 Char or Manipulation<br>
+1 Dot to any social skill<br>
Burning a willpower point gives two auto successes instead of one with any kind of social roll.<br>
Can’t sleep, clown will eat me.<br>
You only require 5 hours of sleep a night.  You may miss one night of sleep with no ill effect.  After that you can miss another night if you succeed a diff 8 Stam roll.  If you do this your character must sleep 8 hours the 3rd night.<br>
+1 dot to Alertness<br>
+1 Perception<br>
-1 to all soak rolls for foes if you make a successful Perception roll (diff 7).  Can only be used on one enemy, and if failed can not be used again.<br>
+1 dot to Dodge<br>
Why me…<br>
You seem to survive when you shouldn’t.<br>
You automatically soak 2 levels of damage regardless of the type.<br>

Revision as of 18:26, 23 January 2008


--Dieter the Bold 20:53, 18 January 2008 (MST) Gabe, the secret Frank has from the rest of the group is that before and during the destruction of Frank's community is that the Black Spiral Dancers tormented them. Part of this torment was revealing the truth (twisted to their ends) about what they were (werewolves) and what they thought of humans and had done to them in their past. While Frank's smart enough to realize the tactic for what it was, he does know more about BSDs than septs would prefer and harbors doubt as to how much they can really be trusted. If it really came down to werewolves and their Gaia surviving vs. humans, would they try to make any room for humans, or destroy them all? He's learned to trust and work with the group, but how much can werewolves truly be trusted where humanity is concerned?

Gabe: Again, sounds good. I'm going to add a few things that happened before everyone showed up. The attack came very suddenly. Some pale folk you let into town turned into these monsters. Tore up the Ol'Johnson's place real bad. Then the fight started. Luckly your little group had defenses set up for when the feds would come down on you. One thing you remember before passing out from blood loss, after their torture and them reveiling the truth to you is that they took away members of your community. Young girls, men, women, at least 5 total were taken away by 2 members while the rest stayed to feast and torture.

They told you they were going to use them for breeding purposes, in a "hive" and there was nothing you could do about it. Not only that, they would spawn even more Black Spirals.

I hope you don't mind but one of them will have used one of their "gifts" on you. This burns a wurm symbol onto your body somehwere, the other characters do not need to know about it.

So as for your special "thing" that you do...

I these will either come from some kind of magic spill over from your first encounter or just some special thing that can't be explained.

So you can choose one of these, no character point cost.

Um... powers to come later!


Dieter, you may pick one psychical and one mental power. The last catagory, "Power", is a special power for your guy. Not sure if you are okay with me giving you a luck power as that is what you had in the hero rpg. If not let me know, or if you have another form of it to suggest also let me know here.


Cat Reflexes
A quick eye and steady hand.
+1 Alertness
+1 Dodge
-1 to all difficulty rolls with firearms

Duel Wield
Death dealing on an epic level.
When armed with two one handed firearms, or when armed with a two handed semi-full automatic the character may take a 2nd shot as a free action without decreasing his dice pool.
+1 dot to firearms
+1 to Intimidation


Quick Study
I know that!
+1 Int
+4 dots to assign to either skills and/or knowledges (Can't be used on skill like firearms or melee)

Smooth Talker
Trust me!
+1 Char or Manipulation
+1 Dot to any social skill
Burning a willpower point gives two auto successes instead of one with any kind of social roll.

Paranoid Can’t sleep, clown will eat me.
You only require 5 hours of sleep a night. You may miss one night of sleep with no ill effect. After that you can miss another night if you succeed a diff 8 Stam roll. If you do this your character must sleep 8 hours the 3rd night.
+1 dot to Alertness
+1 Perception

-1 to all soak rolls for foes if you make a successful Perception roll (diff 7). Can only be used on one enemy, and if failed can not be used again.
+1 dot to Dodge

Power: Why me…
You seem to survive when you shouldn’t.
You automatically soak 2 levels of damage regardless of the type.