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Elemental, previously known as the Elemental Golem, appears to have been purchased from a mysterious source by one of Viho Ciquala's rivals (supervillainous or otherwise, up to you, Ed). Said rival/enemy described Elemental as a robot, cyborg, or giant at various points, although Viho's tests make it clear that Elemental is none of these things. He is a construct of some sort, powered by a strange machinery that seems to run off either some sort of furnace or clockwork. Viho remains fascinated by Elemental because the technology used in his construction remain a total mystery. Elemental, having been used by Viho's rival against him, was narrowly defeated. It was discovered that Elemental was tied in some way to a strange book held by the rival, which controls Elemental's memory. Rather than destroy the fascinating construct, Viho, who couldn't figure out the books workings either, was nevertheless able to figure out how to wipe it clean. There will be more backstory in here, but the bottom line is that without memories to make him loyal to the rival, Elemental turned out to be a non-violent, basically goodnatured person/thing. Since then, he has remained loyal to Viho and tried to make good for the destruction he knows he has caused. He is firmly devoted to protecting humanity.

Themes: You are what you do when it counts: nobody can tell you who you are. A "person" is defined not by being made of flesh and blood, but by some sort of moral intangible. What do you do when you are the greatest danger to those things you most care about?