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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is.  For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap.  They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.
This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is.  For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap.  They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.
== Schedule==
Date...........game................Location..........(Advanced attendance)<br>
Date................Day.......................Game................................Attendance Notes
8/29/08......OAAAA...........[[BnD]]...............Matt gone<br>
9/5/08.......OAAAA...........[[BnK]]...............Brandon gone (HONEYMOON!)<br>
9/13/08 SATURDAY 6pm......Super Heroes?.....Gabe's..........Ben Gone, Brandon gone<br>
9/19/08......[[Super Heroes]].....[[BnK]]..........<br>
9/26/08......OAAAA.....[[BnK]]..........Matt here!<br>
10/3/08......OAAAA.............[[BnK]]..........Matt and Brandon gone<br>
10/17/08..................[[BnK]]..........Dieter gone to Canada<br>
10/24/08.......................[[BnK]]..........Ed likely gone<br>
10/31/08 or 11/1/08?...........[[BnK]]..........Ed 50% chance <br>
01/15/17..........Sunday: 12pm......... [[Lost Tales of Runners Fore]]............ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], [[User:melonberg|Bruce]], Thor<br><br>
01/21/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
01/22/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave, [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]]<br><br>
01/28/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder............ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
01/29/17 .........Sunday: 12pm............. [[Star Trek: The Triangle Missions]] ........ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], Dave<br><br>
02/04/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
02/05/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave, [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]]<br><br>
02/07/17..........Tuesday: 6pm.......... Dinner Hangout.. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]], [[User: BenofZongo|Ben]]<br><br>
02/11/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
02/12/17 .........Friday: 7pm............. [[Star Trek: The Triangle Missions]] ........ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], Dave<br><br>
==Food & Scheduling Talk==
<u>What is Being Scheduled?</u> 1/15, [[Lost Tales of Runners Fore]]<br>
<u>What Time Are We Starting?</u> 3pm<br>
<u>Where Are We Playing?</u> Rumi's<br>
<u>What Are We Eating?</u> Eat lunch ahead of time<br>
== Attendance and Food Preference ==
'''[[In next week's episode:]]'''  (A brief look at/reminder where the next episode might go, based on player input)
<li>[[Jason]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:Megami|Rumi]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:melonberg|Bruce]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter]] is bringing: </li>
<li>Thor is bringing: </li>
--[[User:Megami|Megami]] 22:45, 23 December 2015 (MST) For early 2016 on Fridays, Rumi will be out on 3.11 and 3.18. Will be out of the country so no alternate dates available for these weeks. :(
==[[Weekday Board Games|Monday Board Games]]==
Click above for results and other, more lengthy discourse.<br>
Date..............Requests...............................................Attendance Notes
10/23: 7pm.......... [http://www.meetup.com/South-Seattle-Gaming-Collective/events/214246182/ TBD]......... [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]]
'''Friday 10/31 or Saturday 11/1'''
== Magic Talk == 
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 11:46, 4 September 2008 (MST) Alright lads. We're gamers, so we're lazy by definition. I am lazier than most. But Halloween is a holiday I always feel bad about for not coming up with an awesome costume. I hereby forward the motion that we make that session a costumed session. Two months to come up with something awesome and wear it to the session. Bonus points to be awarded for those who come as their characters.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 11:00, 5 September 2008 (MST) I'm pretty sure I will be busy on said day.  If I'm not, I will come in costume... but one it is over 2 months away so I have no idea, and two, yeah, typically I got out on that holiday.
BEN: as far as halloween goes, and as long as we've opened the can of worms that is switching sessions from friday to saturday or vice versa, the 31st of october may be an ideal candidate for saturday, as opposed to friday, gaming. Either way, I still think people should come dressed as their characters.
== Ranting and Raving ==  
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 14:24, 8 September 2008 (MST) Definitely will be gone if Friday 10/31, might be able to make Saturday 11/1 but won't be able to tell you until the day o
'''Best Trek Movies:'''<br>
==Ranting and raving or other random comments==
Dieter: VI, II, VIII, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V<br>
Jason: VI, VIII, II, IV, IX, VII, III, X, I(?), V(?)<br>
Rumi: VI, VIII, II, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V<br>
Peter: Galaxy Quest
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 08:08, 6 October 2008 (MST) Hey Jason, do you see Dieter or Ben often?  If so I was gonna give one of them the two bucks I owez ya this Friday!
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 12:38, 22 January 2013 (MST)Ladies and gentledudes, I have received an email from Ed and he is officially populating the earth with Edlings. He now has two kids, a boy (Theo) and a girl (Ella). He seems to be doing well, and I continue to be jealous of him. Reckanize.
[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] anyone have a recommendation on a good laptop?
JASON: Gabe, I should see Dieter this weekend, so give it to him.  And Ed, try outlet.dell.com, you can get great deals there.  Thats where I always buy my laptops.
== Other RPG or [[Non-RPG]] or [[Monthly Board Gaming Day]] gaming Events==
'''Sunday October 12th'''
[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] anyone up for magic this sunday afternoon, say 4 to whenever? 
'''October 19/20'''
[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] cheryl is going away for two weeks to learn how to use a sequencing machine.  so I'm hoping for magic in the evenings 10/14-23 and hopefully a magic or board game event on the 19th or 20th?  anyone, anyone?
'''Gabe:''' Dang, should have checked the wiki this weekend, Noelle was working so I sat around Sunday making magic decks heh heh.
[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] the above posts are for this sunday and the next weekend after that!
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 00:31, 7 October 2008 (MST) Ah yes...  ahem...  Sure, I'm down for some magic on Sunday, I think.  Will confirm by Friday for sure.  I'm trying out this venom/life deck, black/green.  I don't have many black/green hybrid cards though.  Hopefully I'll get my Shard cards by before this Friday, I wanna try that crazyness out.
==Weekly [[Magic]] Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking==
[http://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/article.aspx?x=mtg/tcg/shardsofalara/spoiler Shards of Alara]
BEN: played in 5 8-person, single elimination drafts today.  went 1-1, 2-1 (yay), 1-1, 0-1, 0-1.  Weak finish, but pretty good overall.  Picked up a couple of cool rares: 3x goblin assault (time to make a woop-ass goblin deck), empyrial archangel, Caldera hellion, among others.  Also, bought some rares from Jason at his convention, mostly just ones I like the pic on, but I did buy a sigg, river guide, cause he's a bad ass.  Obviously, I've also increased our alara rares/uncommons by ~225 cards or so, so we have like 500 total now.
--[[User:Brandon|Brandon]] 14:46, 6 October 2008 (MST) Are you all interested in doing a Sealed Deck or somesuch thing this Friday with all these bitchin' new cards Ben has amassed? I think it'd be way fun.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 00:33, 7 October 2008 (MST) I bought some from Jason too!  Only 7 bucks worth though.
I'd be down for a sealed deck, although I'm gonna be late from now on because I changed my hours so I get off at 6.  I'd like to test out my normal deck too but with magic possbily on Sun, we'll see.  If we DO sealed, can you pick up one from your source and I'll pay ya back?
[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] when you say sealed, brandon, you mean just shuffle up ben's alara cards and give everyone a stack to make a deck with?  sure, why not.  or we could do that sunday if it takes more time and others were interested
== Next step in [[Super Heroes]] ==
[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] I wonder if the suveilance cameras caught cortez and the battle on tape, could be good PR sort of the Guardians most wanted list.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 02:29, 21 September 2008 (MST) Yeah... except then we went to the park and fought the mutant kid... had to knock out a bunch of teens with Ash Berry's spores... and um... he got away...
--[[User:Brandon|Brandon]] 12:37, 21 September 2008 (MST) I just want to say that that last battle had a lot of great moments. Silver Snake being thrown into the air and then transforming and swinging back down in mid air; Ashbury flying above the crowd of teenagers and releasing pollen everywhere; Elemental taunting Zeus, and then not budging when the counterattack came; Brimstone walking with Silver Snake as armor, dragging a line of fire through the air, and then teleporting inside of Zeus's shield.  Good times, all.
== Next step in [[Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy]] ==
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 08:09, 6 October 2008 (MST) So what quest were we given in the current city?
[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] none.  Saffo fell in love with Aefra and Gaelen really thinks they should hook up.  Other than that, we are to make a list of the goods we want to bring on our treck to the wood elves and if we can find them into the dwarven tunnels through the mountains.  Some old religious chick head honcho gave us unlimited funds. 
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]]-- Um... aren't the woodelves currently involved in genocide against fairies?  Like all of them?  Is there a reason we are going to these zealots?
--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 11:56, 6 October 2008 (MST)Why are we going to the wood elves?  I need a summary!
--[[User:Brandon|Brandon]] 14:37, 6 October 2008 (MST) Make that two summaries!  Er, two calls for a summary.  Does this mean you guys didn't wup the dragon in our absence?  The shame!  Do the troll and I have to be there to get anything done?  ; )
[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] sorry.  Orixi's lair is on the other side of the mountains. travel by sea seems out of the question, or extremely expensive and dangerous. there's a pass through the mountains, carved by the now extinct clan of dwarves in the long long ago.  how to find the cave?  maybe the wood elves know.  and we have a half wood elf who will guide us to their forest.  the wood elf forest is between us and the mountains, or at least a small stretch of it is.  the greater part of the wood elf kingdom/forest is directly west, but it stretches south in a panhandle.  yes, wood elves are waging genocide against fairies (bad news for aefra).  she may have to not talk to them.  thus the plan is, find the wood elves, get them to lead us to the cave or direct us, go through said cave and get eaten by a dragon.
'''Stuff we want to buy:'''
Horses for all plus one or two as pack animals<br>
Winter clothing and sleeping rolls<br>
climbing gear and rope<br>
torches and lanterns<br>
dragon repellent<br>
picks, shovel, other digging equipment to clear cave ins?  dynamite?<br>
Ketchup (if you can't beat 'em . . .)<br>

Latest revision as of 18:20, 15 January 2017

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


Date................Day.......................Game................................Attendance Notes

01/15/17..........Sunday: 12pm......... Lost Tales of Runners Fore............ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Bruce, Thor

01/21/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

01/22/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. Dieter, Dave, Gabe

01/28/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder............ Dieter, Dave

01/29/17 .........Sunday: 12pm............. Star Trek: The Triangle Missions ........ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Dave

02/04/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

02/05/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. Dieter, Dave, Gabe

02/07/17..........Tuesday: 6pm.......... Dinner Hangout.. Dieter, Jason, Gabe, Ben

02/11/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

02/12/17 .........Friday: 7pm............. Star Trek: The Triangle Missions ........ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Dave

Food & Scheduling Talk

What is Being Scheduled? 1/15, Lost Tales of Runners Fore
What Time Are We Starting? 3pm
Where Are We Playing? Rumi's
What Are We Eating? Eat lunch ahead of time

In next week's episode: (A brief look at/reminder where the next episode might go, based on player input)


--Megami 22:45, 23 December 2015 (MST) For early 2016 on Fridays, Rumi will be out on 3.11 and 3.18. Will be out of the country so no alternate dates available for these weeks. :(

Monday Board Games

Click above for results and other, more lengthy discourse.
Date..............Requests...............................................Attendance Notes

10/23: 7pm.......... TBD......... Jason, Rumi

Magic Talk

Ranting and Raving

Best Trek Movies:

Dieter: VI, II, VIII, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V
Jason: VI, VIII, II, IV, IX, VII, III, X, I(?), V(?)
Rumi: VI, VIII, II, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V
Peter: Galaxy Quest

--Jason 12:38, 22 January 2013 (MST)Ladies and gentledudes, I have received an email from Ed and he is officially populating the earth with Edlings. He now has two kids, a boy (Theo) and a girl (Ella). He seems to be doing well, and I continue to be jealous of him. Reckanize.