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Potion of Human - Shape Shift, changes you into a human for 6 hours, but here is the kicker...  2 mana!  Just kidding, it changes your magic output so to speak, so you don't show up on mage site as a magical (though you do show up with hag magic... well it changes you into that).  It only lasts for 6 hours.
Potion of Human - Shape Shift, changes you into a human for 6 hours, but here is the kicker...  2 mana!  Just kidding, it changes your magic output so to speak, so you don't show up on mage site as a magical (though you do show up with hag magic... well it changes you into that).  It only lasts for 6 hours.
These okay?
BEN: both fine, in essence: however, you need to carefully define which sense groups it affects.  Magesight is a single non-targeting sense, but it will still be plainly obvious that Aefra and Aetan are fairies.  If its sight group and magic group, that would be two targeting sense groups (there are targeting senses in the "magic" group), but creatures with smell as a discriminatory sense would still be able to tell the difference.  Smell shift would be a non-targeting sense group.  As for magesight, you are saying that it makes you look like a creature influenced/created by hag magic, or it makes you look like a user of hag magic?  Or just the fact that you drank a potion can be seen?
'''NOTE:'''   Just to clear some things up: sight is a sense.  Sight group is any kind of sight, like nightvision, infrared, and ultraviolet.  Magesight is a sense, not a sense group.  Magesight is an inherent ability to see the winds of magic transposed on the real world.  It is not a targeting sense, nor does it give detailed information about what kind of magic something is (it's a detect, so it's not discriminatory).  It is possessed typically by magical creatures, such as: mythic beasts (ie dragons), faeries and elementals.  most practitioners of magic develop it as they become immersed in their lore.  Other people/creatures can develop it as well under certain circumstances.  It is NOT all encompassing when it comes to ways of detecting magic (as in, there are other magical senses possessed by various other creatures/people/whatever).  I want to make this clear so that your potion actually does what you want it to do.
'''GABE:''' Yes, I bought it to affect sight, and one addtional sense, mage sight.  And yes something that could smell the difference might know but I'm hoping they don't have Faire sniffing dogs or whatever!  Actually I'll just have it look like they are under Hag Magic.  Such as a stay awake potion or something.
BEN: ok.  Just to clear some things up: sight is a sense.  Sight group is any kind of sight, like nightvision, infrared, and ultraviolet.  Magesight is a sense, not a sense group.  Magesight is an inherent ability to see the winds of magic transposed on the real world.  It is not a targeting sense, nor does it give detailed information about what kind of magic something is (it's a detect, so it's not discriminatory).  It is possessed typically by magical creatures, such as: mythic beasts (ie dragons), faeries and elementals.  most practitioners of magic develop it as they become immersed in their lore.  Other people/creatures can develop it as well under certain circumstances.  It is NOT all encompassing when it comes to ways of detecting magic (as in, there are other magical senses possessed by various other creatures/people/whatever).  I want to make this clear so that your potion actually does what you want it to do.
Group Role:  He has a lot of boosting abilities for other team mates to use, as I can give out my potions to other players (although these DO count against the total number I can have ready).  Down the line he may move into a sneaky type role.
Group Role:  He has a lot of boosting abilities for other team mates to use, as I can give out my potions to other players (although these DO count against the total number I can have ready).  Down the line he may move into a sneaky type role.
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And Mind Link, with the bird and character.
And Mind Link, with the bird and character.
This all okay?
BEN: are the +2 perception and +2 to DCV in addition to the + to perception and DCV that birds get already?  It will automatically have everything that Ravens get in the book.
As for mind link and clairvoyance...it is ok, I suppose, although your character just got it as a present from the witch and doesn't have animal handler or anything.  Did your character just suddenly develop an awareness that he can go into a trance and see through the bird's eyes/have mental contact with it?  <br>
Some rules points: I am a little uncomfortable with allowing you to buy the clairvoyance on the bird, since that technically means he can see through your eyes, not vice versa: this should be (I need to check the rules on this) a power you buy on your character, rather than the bird, I think, but I could be wrong on that.  Also, a bird that has magical powers in its skill set will definitely show up to detect magic, magesight, etc, just so you know.<br>
== My recent level up: ==
Here is what I'm thinking of taking, let me know what you think.
Where my master has failed, I have uh... not failed!
Potion of Scales - Gives the user +3 PD and ED (armor, yes, stacks with armor you are wearing)
Root Potion - Entangle, AOE, 4D6 (most likely down to 3D6), only takes -1 for every 20 points, ranged based on STR.
Talons of Vengence - The claw Fantus uses is starting to amass his hatered at those who have tried to kill his friend.  Even more so to those who threaten his friends he travels with.  Even more so are all the little things that keep popping up that stop him from saving the Priest of the High Forge.  Upon hearing of the Knight of Flowers's story he is angery with the Faire King.  Angery at how every kingdom seems unable to handle anything rationally and must be so extreme in their views (except the wood elves, funny that).
Now his claw burns a faint purple, matching the bladed fingers.  The spirits of those wronged, and those still hungery for blood are swirling about the claw.  It does not bring death to his enemies, that would be took quick, too merciful, not enough fun.  It brings pain, pure pain that even the thickest platemail can not stop.
EGO Attack - Linked to killing attack, (can't be used unless I stab someone, but does not need to cause dmg, but does need to hit), 1D6 (Woooooo~!), Requires one hand, doesn't provide any mental awareness, Does cost END (as it fuels off Fantus).
I still have a few points left, so I'll have to see what else I'm gonna do, most likely go more combatish.
'''Future Potion Ideas:'''
'''Nightmare Potion:''' 
Induces nightmares when people sleep for an entire week.  Will most likely be built with mental illusions and will have invisable power effects (so that it can be slipped into food or drink), also give it skin contact required.
'''Daenerys Tears:'''
DMG Reduction, ED, 75%, only usable against fire based attacks. Only lasts for 5 minutes, takes 1 day to brew (to reflect how difficult it is to make).
'''Cherry Drop:''' 
Change Environment potion, gives -4 to per rolls and -1 to OCV.  It is a tumbling cloud of green gas, named after a certain place.
'''At The Door Brew:''' 
Fake demise, has extra time as the person needs to injest it.  No, it can not be used as an attack!
'''Oink Oink:''' 
Turns the drinker into a pig.  Yup, a pig.
'''Worldbreaker: '''
Sometimes, you may be faced with a mass of enemies, all around you is a sea of swords, shields, and armor, and you know you won't survive.  You have to buy more time, and you're alread at your limit.  Sometimes, it really is a good day to die, and your going to make sure your enemies go to Hell first... so that when you do fall, and they see you coming up to the gates of Hell, they will be pushing each other out of the way to get in, less they have to face you again.
A potion for when running won't do, for when you know it is the last time to stand and fight.  When it is time to wet the ground in waves of blood and iron.
The user is boosted far above any normal levels, he is able to shurg off damage and slice armored oppents in two.  There is a price of course.
(Not sure if this potion would be allowed, it is linked to a 8D6 Body Drain, only usable on self, but with a slowed affect so that it triggers afer a certain amount of time. The stats it would give are very impressive.  It would take one week to brew ONE potion, it requires very difficult ingredents, but sometimes being a legend needs help.)
'''GABE:''' Well it is a magic bird I thought, so I didn't think training was nessary. The +2 perception is just to make him very aware, he is also not stupid, equal to maybe a dull human.  I got him the familiar package and smart package from the monster book, basicallyI think it also has useable on others but only me, or something like that.  I'll look it up in a bit as I have the character sheet here.
'''Potion of Omens - Sight Beyond Sight:'''  This potion allows the user to see anywhere in the world they have been beforeIt is named after a long forgotten sword.
BEN: it is a magic bird, or at least a special bird, so training isn't necessary: I'm more curious from an RP perspective how your character discovered these special abilities and figured out how to use them.  It's personal curiosity, and it doesn't impact your ability to give your familiar those abilities, as long as they follow the rules for the abilities in the book.<br>
'''Cure Disease:'''  A dispell potion on diseases, maybe posions?  Can non-healers even do that???
You DON'T lose the points if he gets killed, you get them all back. The raven has the "unique" disadvantage, not "independent", and as I put on one of the rules pages, unique items that are lost cannot be replaced, but the points return to the character, although they must then be spent on other equipment and cannot be spent on stats, skills, or other inherent/learned abilities.<br>
So it all sounds good to me: just double check on how the clairvoyance works, and the mind link.
'''GABE:''' Man everytime I think I get what does what I'm always reversing it!
'''Guilty:''' Vulur kar ni Kabaiui Vxezoul Houzell Lertio HRAZK
Basically I was just gonna hear the Raven's voice in my mind during this game.  Since he flew away last time.  He if a follower so he can do his own thing sometimesLike "Oh master, I found you!"  Something like that.
'''Wonder Brew:''' The drinker of this won't go hungry for a weekHow fab!
BEN: cool, sounds good to me!
'''Xtreme Mana Potion:''' Made for those who are inclinded to magic arts.  This potion makes casting spells easier and at the same time making the spells more powerful! Of course there is a down side... but hey, lets not talk about that good friends, here here drink up...

Latest revision as of 16:15, 29 December 2010


Fantus has always been interested in what he calls "pure distalled magic". Or as everyone else calls it, potions. To him it is an amazing aspect of magic not yet realized. With a potion in hand a normal man can swim like a fish, breath fire, or even lift heavier loads. He was tought his trade by an elder gentleman who went by the name of Budmasier. The old man passed away several years ago but left his book of brewing tips to Fantus. The book is not always stright forward and reading it takes time, much more time to actually understand it. (Book has no game affect, just how I explain leveling up sometimes.)

He is a quick lad and doesn't care too much for being told what to do by people he doesn't know. He hopes to one day make a healing potion to break the monoply Amor has on the trade, he does not share this goal with many though.

Another potion type he is researching is body modification, such as growing claws or wings.

My potions:

Unless otherwise noted all potions take six hours to brew and provide 4 charges per bottle.

Alright, here are the potions I have... put up 3 weeks before we start play!

Potion of Dragon's Breath, 2D6 RKA, One Hex

Potion of Boar's Might, +10 STR (lasts five minutes)

Potion of Underwater Comfort, breath underwater and safe in intense cold (lasts 1D6 hours)

Oil of Armor Enchancement, gives armor +3/+3 or whatever, takes a minute to apply but lasts all day.

Jitterbug Potion, LS-User doesn't need sleep, lasts for one day (24 hours), uncontrolled (user CAN NOT sleep), and most likely will give minuses to social rolls as the user twitchs a lot. Jitterbug only takes an hour to brew and each bottle has two doses.

UPDATES (GM Approval?)
--Gdaze-- So I have two new potions.

Glow Bottle (Sorry Ed, steppong on Aefra's toes, if you want me to get rid of it, I can.) - Creates light in a 4' radius, +1 to per rolls, lasts I think an hour? It works by certain elements reacting with bits of stone.

Potion of Human - Shape Shift, changes you into a human for 6 hours, but here is the kicker... 2 mana! Just kidding, it changes your magic output so to speak, so you don't show up on mage site as a magical (though you do show up with hag magic... well it changes you into that). It only lasts for 6 hours.

NOTE: Just to clear some things up: sight is a sense. Sight group is any kind of sight, like nightvision, infrared, and ultraviolet. Magesight is a sense, not a sense group. Magesight is an inherent ability to see the winds of magic transposed on the real world. It is not a targeting sense, nor does it give detailed information about what kind of magic something is (it's a detect, so it's not discriminatory). It is possessed typically by magical creatures, such as: mythic beasts (ie dragons), faeries and elementals. most practitioners of magic develop it as they become immersed in their lore. Other people/creatures can develop it as well under certain circumstances. It is NOT all encompassing when it comes to ways of detecting magic (as in, there are other magical senses possessed by various other creatures/people/whatever). I want to make this clear so that your potion actually does what you want it to do.

Group Role: He has a lot of boosting abilities for other team mates to use, as I can give out my potions to other players (although these DO count against the total number I can have ready). Down the line he may move into a sneaky type role.

Budmasier's History

Stats, quick listed for you pleasure:

STR 10
DEX 14
CON 10
INT 18
EGO 10
PRE 10
COM 14
PD 3
ED 2
END 20
Running 7
Swimming 2 (I actually didn't sell back swimming!)
Leaping 2

Only non-free ones are listed.

PS Alchemy 13-
KS: PLants 13-
KS: Lost History or General History
Persuasion 11-
Acrobatics 12-
Fast Draw: Potion 12-

Cool Stuff:
Human Luck

Leather Armor (1 PD and ED for 1 point, yay!)

Potion of Fire Breath
Potion of Underwaer Comfort
Potion of the Boar
Ointment of Armor Enhancement - May drop this... just doubles what I already have -
Jitterbug Potion
Bag of Stuff

Disadvantages: Distinctive Features: Green splash mark over right eye from a failed potion.
Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable by commonly used senses - 10 points
Reputation: Student of Budmasier, 11-, Master was a little odd and did some experiments that even other potion makers found to be dangerous. 10 points
Social Limitation: Potion Maker, 5 points
Psychological Limitation: Wouldn't you like to know? Uncommon, Total, 15 points
Dependent NPC, 14-, Useful noncombat position or skills, custom adder (reduced the amount this is worth by 5 points). The book Fantus's master left to him is not normal..., 10 points.

My Raven:

So I made my Raven. Its powers are as follows, let me know if these are okay.

Killing attack, 1 point, yeah, watch out!

Flying, duh.

240 degree perception (from the book for Ravens)

+2 DCV (Again from the book, they are small)

+2 to perception (you know, for being a bird)

Clairvoynce (Only to see through others' senses the bird and the character, black out, some range that I forgot, 0 END)

And Mind Link, with the bird and character.

My recent level up:

Here is what I'm thinking of taking, let me know what you think.

Where my master has failed, I have uh... not failed!

Potion of Scales - Gives the user +3 PD and ED (armor, yes, stacks with armor you are wearing)

Root Potion - Entangle, AOE, 4D6 (most likely down to 3D6), only takes -1 for every 20 points, ranged based on STR.

Talons of Vengence - The claw Fantus uses is starting to amass his hatered at those who have tried to kill his friend. Even more so to those who threaten his friends he travels with. Even more so are all the little things that keep popping up that stop him from saving the Priest of the High Forge. Upon hearing of the Knight of Flowers's story he is angery with the Faire King. Angery at how every kingdom seems unable to handle anything rationally and must be so extreme in their views (except the wood elves, funny that).

Now his claw burns a faint purple, matching the bladed fingers. The spirits of those wronged, and those still hungery for blood are swirling about the claw. It does not bring death to his enemies, that would be took quick, too merciful, not enough fun. It brings pain, pure pain that even the thickest platemail can not stop.

EGO Attack - Linked to killing attack, (can't be used unless I stab someone, but does not need to cause dmg, but does need to hit), 1D6 (Woooooo~!), Requires one hand, doesn't provide any mental awareness, Does cost END (as it fuels off Fantus).

I still have a few points left, so I'll have to see what else I'm gonna do, most likely go more combatish.

Future Potion Ideas:

Nightmare Potion: Induces nightmares when people sleep for an entire week. Will most likely be built with mental illusions and will have invisable power effects (so that it can be slipped into food or drink), also give it skin contact required.

Daenerys Tears: DMG Reduction, ED, 75%, only usable against fire based attacks. Only lasts for 5 minutes, takes 1 day to brew (to reflect how difficult it is to make).

Cherry Drop: Change Environment potion, gives -4 to per rolls and -1 to OCV. It is a tumbling cloud of green gas, named after a certain place.

At The Door Brew: Fake demise, has extra time as the person needs to injest it. No, it can not be used as an attack!

Oink Oink: Turns the drinker into a pig. Yup, a pig.


Sometimes, you may be faced with a mass of enemies, all around you is a sea of swords, shields, and armor, and you know you won't survive. You have to buy more time, and you're alread at your limit. Sometimes, it really is a good day to die, and your going to make sure your enemies go to Hell first... so that when you do fall, and they see you coming up to the gates of Hell, they will be pushing each other out of the way to get in, less they have to face you again.

A potion for when running won't do, for when you know it is the last time to stand and fight. When it is time to wet the ground in waves of blood and iron.

The user is boosted far above any normal levels, he is able to shurg off damage and slice armored oppents in two. There is a price of course.

(Not sure if this potion would be allowed, it is linked to a 8D6 Body Drain, only usable on self, but with a slowed affect so that it triggers afer a certain amount of time. The stats it would give are very impressive. It would take one week to brew ONE potion, it requires very difficult ingredents, but sometimes being a legend needs help.)

Potion of Omens - Sight Beyond Sight: This potion allows the user to see anywhere in the world they have been before. It is named after a long forgotten sword.

Cure Disease: A dispell potion on diseases, maybe posions? Can non-healers even do that???

Guilty: Vulur kar ni Kabaiui Vxezoul Houzell Lertio HRAZK

Wonder Brew: The drinker of this won't go hungry for a week. How fab!

Xtreme Mana Potion: Made for those who are inclinded to magic arts. This potion makes casting spells easier and at the same time making the spells more powerful! Of course there is a down side... but hey, lets not talk about that good friends, here here drink up...