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(Ranting and raving or other random comments)
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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is.  For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap.  They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.
This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is.  For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap.  They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.
== Schedule==
Date...........game................Location..........(Advanced attendance)<br>
Date................Day.......................Game................................Attendance Notes
2/13/09.....OAAAA.........[[Ben's Condo]].........Ed likely absent, Gabe absent<br>
01/15/17..........Sunday: 12pm......... [[Lost Tales of Runners Fore]]............ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], [[User:melonberg|Bruce]], Thor<br><br>
2/20/09.....???.........[[Ben's Condo]].........Ben Absent, Matt absent<br>
01/21/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
2/27/09.....???.........[[Ben's Condo]].........<br>
01/22/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave, [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]]<br><br>
3/06/09.....???.........[[Ben's Condo]].........<br>
01/28/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder............ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
3/13/09.....???.........[[Ben's Condo]].........<br>
01/29/17 .........Sunday: 12pm............. [[Star Trek: The Triangle Missions]] ........ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], Dave<br><br>
3/20/09.....???.........[[Ben's Condo]].........<br>
02/04/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
3/27/09.....???.........[[Ben's Condo]].........<br>
02/05/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave, [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]]<br><br>
4/03/09.....???.........[[Ben's Condo]].........<br>
02/07/17..........Tuesday: 6pm.......... Dinner Hangout.. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]], [[User: BenofZongo|Ben]]<br><br>
4/10/09.....???.........[[Ben's Condo]].........Dieter maybe absent<br>
02/11/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
4/17/09.....???.........[[Ben's Condo]].........<br>
02/12/17 .........Friday: 7pm............. [[Star Trek: The Triangle Missions]] ........ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], Dave<br><br>
4/24/09.....???.........[[Ben's Condo]].........Dieter absent<br>
5/01/09.....???.........[[Ben's Condo]].........<br>
== Attendance and Food Preference ==
==Food & Scheduling Talk==
<u>What is Being Scheduled?</u> 1/15, [[Lost Tales of Runners Fore]]<br>
<u>What Time Are We Starting?</u> 3pm<br>
<u>Where Are We Playing?</u> Rumi's<br>
<u>What Are We Eating?</u> Eat lunch ahead of time<br>
'''[[In next week's episode:]]'''  (A brief look at/reminder where the next episode might go, based on player input)
'''GABE:''' Do you miss your balls Brandon?
<li>[[Jason]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:Megami|Rumi]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:melonberg|Bruce]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter]] is bringing: </li>
<li>Thor is bringing: </li>
BEN: barring major changes, I will be out of town next weekend, so no OAAAA on the 20th.  Hopefully Gabe or Jason can host something.
--[[User:Megami|Megami]] 22:45, 23 December 2015 (MST) For early 2016 on Fridays, Rumi will be out on 3.11 and 3.18. Will be out of the country so no alternate dates available for these weeks. :(
ED: one of us should pick up the decks.  Matt, do you want to do supers?  we would need an early yea or nay from Gabe, Deiter and I to reach a quorum of 3 players.  I'll be there.  alternately a one shot from Gabe or Jason's lovecraftian game?  Jason, if you do want to do this, let us know how early we need to get characters done by.  Alternately again, I could host board games at my place.
MATT: I'll be gone friday as well.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 01:53, 16 February 2009 (MST) Well I can do something Friday, I'd only prefer to do it at my place cuz rides after work are hard to come by.  But that said, 2 people are out, Brandon are you out too?
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 10:52, 16 February 2009 (MST) Dieter is down for a one-shot, but would also love a boardgaming night. Just played ''Bootleggers'' with Jason and his crew and it was most enjoyable. Would be down for that, some Betrayal at the House, Carcassone, Kahliss, etc.
==Ranting and raving or other random comments==
ED: Dieter, there is a BSG board game, that the games store guy says is great.  it's a cooperative board game where all players are working together, except for the traitor (a cylon) hidden amongst the players.
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 10:53, 16 February 2009 (MST) Yeah, saw it at PAX, but didn't get to see details on it. I would definitely like to give it a try sometime.
--[[User:Brandon|Brandon]] 14:52, 16 February 2009 (MST) So, my laptop up and broke, real bad.  It looks like it is a hard drive failure of some type or other (i.e., ranging from some bit is bad to BUSTED).  Anyone have any expertise, or friends with expertise, in getting data off of such a hard drive?  I'm trying to decide on whether to mess with it myself or have some professional mess with it. I'd rather pay you or your friend to do it, if it comes to that.
JASON: Does it post?  Does it boot?  What OS?  If it powers up I would suggest getting a hard drive enclosure and hooking it up to another machine and trying to extract the data.  You could even return the enclosure when youre done.
== Other RPG or [[Non-RPG]] or [[Monthly Board Gaming Day]] gaming Events==
==Weekly [[Magic]] Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking==
[http://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/article.aspx?x=mtg/tcg/shardsofalara/spoiler Shards of Alara]
[http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~geduggan/EDH_rules.html Elder Dragon Highlander Rules]
== Next step in [[Super Heroes]] ==
== Next step in [[Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy]] ==
''Current OAAAA XP: 75 base + 168 XP''
ED: 75 + 168xp, is that correct?  Can we get a recap from last session.  please tell me this orc business is over or at least nearly so.
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 11:02, 16 February 2009 (MST) Incorrect. Bonus XP for being awesome. It's now 75 + 169xp. Recap is as follows:
Galen gets taken through orc camp.<br>
Galen spots the Kestrel and yucks it up with him some.<br>
Galen gets audience with Grundbad, things go well enough.<br>
Galen spots out of place hut near Grundbad's pavilion (I swear I saw chicken feet hiding under it)<br>
Galen meets up w/ Tithe and Aeten, minor melee ensues.<br>
The group announces itself (in Aefra's name) to the camp.<br>
The camp moves, but Grundbad meets us on neutral ground and we chat it up.<br>
Group gets jumped by an Imadigo ninja (aka, Sky wannabe) who tries to make off with Tithe's bag which contains Gwyndonlin's letter.<br>
Group beats on ninja (who wickedly stabs Galen in the vitals) and retrieves the bag and letter.<br>
Sasha ferries the group over to Grundbad's new camp.<br>
Group finds mysterious hut again and is invited in by..... DUNdunDUNNNNNNN!!!... ''Jagha''<br>
Tithe is suspicious and gets stuck outside where he slowly freezes and is then turned to stone.<br>
On the inside, Aeten and Galen chat Jagha up, reveal most of our mission.<br>
Tithe is turned back to normal so we can have a discussion and a new accord is reached.<br>
* All of the Auspice Bound (Daenerys and Nate's character included) owe Jagha one task of her choosing (we can all help, and she assured us they would be reasonable).<br>
* Oryxys most desires what Ixymion had, mastery of magic. There exist the Novice Tomes in Csara which can teach anyone magic. We need to go there and get the tomes. We're given 20 days to do it. We can also call on Iyi for help, and Jagha will plain do it herself if we fail to do it by 20 days (we'd prefer to avoid both of the latter two options).<br>
And that's game.
[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] wow, the wiki is running wicked slow today. re the above.... damn you all to hell!!!
==[[Weekday Board Games|Monday Board Games]]==
Click above for results and other, more lengthy discourse.<br>
Date..............Requests...............................................Attendance Notes
BEN: LOL. One important addition: no tasks for Jagha until Daenerys is safe from her current predicament.<br>
10/23: 7pm.......... [http://www.meetup.com/South-Seattle-Gaming-Collective/events/214246182/ TBD]......... [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]]
As for metagame info, if y'all beeline it for the tomes (you only need one of them, there are probably 3-5 copies, distributed by the Achraea school), you should be able to get one by the end of next session. That will leave one session for the return to the island and whatever resolution lies in store for all of you in Book 1. I'm being deliberately vague on that because a.) you guys have quite a bit of freedom about how you approach the situation on the island and b.) because not everything will get wrapped up in that session. This story was, as written on the OAAAA page, conceived as a story in 3 "books", which means that you won't succeed in whack-a-mole-ing everybody. Also, player actions throughout the story have significantly changed what will happen in the last session from my original conception of it. If there are particular things you'd like to see make an appearance in the last session (people or events or things) let me know either here or via email, I'm sure I don't remember every interesting encounter y'all had during the course of the last 12 sessions.<br>
as for what happens afterwards: that's basically up to you guys. We can move on to book 2 or I can step down as GM and someone else can take over: I'm fine with either one.
'''GABE:''' Why are we doing something for the witch?
== Magic Talk == 
--[[User:Brandon|Brandon]] 14:26, 16 February 2009 (MST) A little more information might help clear up the above.  First of all, Tithe wasn't necessarily suspicious, he just can't eat animal stuff, so he wanted to be sure that the potion she gave us to allow access into the hut wasn't made from animals.  Since Jagha wouldn't respond, he got stuck outside.  And he was turned to stone because he tried to dispel the chilling effect outside, which turned out to be from Jagha's hut, which in turn made Jagha mad enough to turn him into a statue.
Secondly, dealing with the witch meant that we have a guaranteed solution to freeing Daenerys (within 23 days) that takes place BEFORE we have to do any tasks for Jagha.  So, even if we all die grisly deaths in pursuit of Jagha's tasks - which she specifically stated would not be the main goal of them - Daenerys would be free of the flame and the poison.  This meant we had, basically three options:
(1) The tower - I'm only putting this one here for Gabe's sake.
== Ranting and Raving == 
(2) The shield - through meeting Grunbad and seeing the whole operation, we decided that getting the shield would be possible, but would involve a lot of time and substantial risk.  While dwelling on this, we were able to meet with Jagha, who offered option 3:
'''Best Trek Movies:'''<br>
(3) Have Jagha supply us with a needed piece in our quest to free Daenerys, in exchange for doing 7 tasks for her (one for each auspice-bound, with certain caveats) AFTER Daenerys was freed.  This seemed attractive, especially since, as Dieter stated, Jagha guaranteed a result within a fortnight and offered us aid in the form of Iyi if needed.  Jagha gave us a choice of helping us to get the shield and getting a novice book (which is what Oryxys most desires).  We chose the latter for various reasons, the most prominent of which is that we might be able to begin reconciliation between Graendel and the elemental world in the process of obtaining the book, which we took to be an admirable task.
Dieter: VI, II, VIII, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V<br>
Jason: VI, VIII, II, IV, IX, VII, III, X, I(?), V(?)<br>
Rumi: VI, VIII, II, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V<br>
Peter: Galaxy Quest
So, yes, we made a deal with a hag queen, but it seemed the best option on the table. And, Jagha seemed to regard us (the auspice bound) as an interesting curiosity rather than primarily as a tool for sinister ends, so that's something. Though, of course, we may very well end up being used for sinister ends. Does that help?
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 12:38, 22 January 2013 (MST)Ladies and gentledudes, I have received an email from Ed and he is officially populating the earth with Edlings. He now has two kids, a boy (Theo) and a girl (Ella). He seems to be doing well, and I continue to be jealous of him. Reckanize.

Latest revision as of 18:20, 15 January 2017

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


Date................Day.......................Game................................Attendance Notes

01/15/17..........Sunday: 12pm......... Lost Tales of Runners Fore............ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Bruce, Thor

01/21/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

01/22/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. Dieter, Dave, Gabe

01/28/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder............ Dieter, Dave

01/29/17 .........Sunday: 12pm............. Star Trek: The Triangle Missions ........ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Dave

02/04/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

02/05/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. Dieter, Dave, Gabe

02/07/17..........Tuesday: 6pm.......... Dinner Hangout.. Dieter, Jason, Gabe, Ben

02/11/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

02/12/17 .........Friday: 7pm............. Star Trek: The Triangle Missions ........ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Dave

Food & Scheduling Talk

What is Being Scheduled? 1/15, Lost Tales of Runners Fore
What Time Are We Starting? 3pm
Where Are We Playing? Rumi's
What Are We Eating? Eat lunch ahead of time

In next week's episode: (A brief look at/reminder where the next episode might go, based on player input)


--Megami 22:45, 23 December 2015 (MST) For early 2016 on Fridays, Rumi will be out on 3.11 and 3.18. Will be out of the country so no alternate dates available for these weeks. :(

Monday Board Games

Click above for results and other, more lengthy discourse.
Date..............Requests...............................................Attendance Notes

10/23: 7pm.......... TBD......... Jason, Rumi

Magic Talk

Ranting and Raving

Best Trek Movies:

Dieter: VI, II, VIII, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V
Jason: VI, VIII, II, IV, IX, VII, III, X, I(?), V(?)
Rumi: VI, VIII, II, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V
Peter: Galaxy Quest

--Jason 12:38, 22 January 2013 (MST)Ladies and gentledudes, I have received an email from Ed and he is officially populating the earth with Edlings. He now has two kids, a boy (Theo) and a girl (Ella). He seems to be doing well, and I continue to be jealous of him. Reckanize.