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[[The Company]] - Name Pending, dur.
[[The Company]] - Name Pending, dur.
[[Mass Effect Recap]]
[[Mass Effect Races]]
[[Mass Effect Races]]
'''NEW!''' - So I'm going to make up a few "advanced classes" the ones you can replace a level up block with.  These will fit the game a bit better.
'''Liberator of Artifacts''' - Sometimes men and women of learning are not content to sit around and read up on things, but get out to where the action is.  This replacement is very Indiana Jones inspired.  It will be available for Adepts and Engs.
'''Krogan Battlemaster''' - A Krogan with Biotics.  If Krogans are normally monsters in combat, these are demons.
'''Saboteur''' - Sometimes assassins need to be able to do more then just shoot someone.  This is open to Scum and Assassins, it gives them a few tech abilities as well as hacking skills.
'''Professional''' - Hey, its not all about guns, books, and building?  Sometimes you have to make a sale.  This class it to help add a more merchant like class to the game.  It is open to all classes except the 3 combat ones.
'''Class Specials'''
Per a suggestion from Dieter (thank you much, I really like it) each class will have at the 4k exp block a choice between two "special" powers.  These are actually chosen from the psychic powers, but they are not biotic abilities in the game.
They work a bit different too.  To use them the character must burn off one temp fortune point (remember, in 40k you get these for the whole night, not every night in game).  No roll is required to see if they go off, they just do.  There is no overbleed though because of this.
'''Adept:''' Glimpse - Next skill check gets +30%.
'''Arbitrator:''' Seal Wounds (self only) - You heal yourself.  1D10+WP bonus.
'''Assassin:''' Divine Shot - Auto hit with range weapon.
'''Cleric:''' Compel - Only simple actions, no self kill actions can be given to target.
'''Guardsman:''' Precognitive Dodge - All ranage attacks against you suffer -30% BS.
'''Scum:''' Enhanced Senses - +20% to any one sense.
'''Engineer:''' Overdrive - By accessing all of the other players' weapons' computers the engineer can make the weapon fire a super charged shot. - Each other player's next dmg roll is a 10.  This means a check is made for further damage.  (Only works on ranged weapons, dur.)
'''Biotic:''' Not really sure, they are already fairly... powerful.  I'm thinking a power that lets you use two powers at once.  Of course burning a temp forturne point.
More to come, wow!

Latest revision as of 19:28, 30 July 2009

For a great source of information on the universe, go here: [1]

Citadel or Space Station Living - [2] + "Artifact" Dealers - Dig up old lost tech and sell it to the highest bidder, tomb raiders. And maybe keep the sweet stuff for yourself.

The Company - Name Pending, dur.

Mass Effect Recap

Mass Effect Races

NEW! - So I'm going to make up a few "advanced classes" the ones you can replace a level up block with. These will fit the game a bit better.

Liberator of Artifacts - Sometimes men and women of learning are not content to sit around and read up on things, but get out to where the action is. This replacement is very Indiana Jones inspired. It will be available for Adepts and Engs.

Krogan Battlemaster - A Krogan with Biotics. If Krogans are normally monsters in combat, these are demons.

Saboteur - Sometimes assassins need to be able to do more then just shoot someone. This is open to Scum and Assassins, it gives them a few tech abilities as well as hacking skills.

Professional - Hey, its not all about guns, books, and building? Sometimes you have to make a sale. This class it to help add a more merchant like class to the game. It is open to all classes except the 3 combat ones.

Class Specials

Per a suggestion from Dieter (thank you much, I really like it) each class will have at the 4k exp block a choice between two "special" powers. These are actually chosen from the psychic powers, but they are not biotic abilities in the game.

They work a bit different too. To use them the character must burn off one temp fortune point (remember, in 40k you get these for the whole night, not every night in game). No roll is required to see if they go off, they just do. There is no overbleed though because of this.

Adept: Glimpse - Next skill check gets +30%.

Arbitrator: Seal Wounds (self only) - You heal yourself. 1D10+WP bonus.

Assassin: Divine Shot - Auto hit with range weapon.

Cleric: Compel - Only simple actions, no self kill actions can be given to target.

Guardsman: Precognitive Dodge - All ranage attacks against you suffer -30% BS.

Scum: Enhanced Senses - +20% to any one sense.

Engineer: Overdrive - By accessing all of the other players' weapons' computers the engineer can make the weapon fire a super charged shot. - Each other player's next dmg roll is a 10. This means a check is made for further damage. (Only works on ranged weapons, dur.)

Biotic: Not really sure, they are already fairly... powerful. I'm thinking a power that lets you use two powers at once. Of course burning a temp forturne point.

More to come, wow!

Tech Abilities: (Pending)

Sabotage: Overheats weapons (only currently equipped weapon(s)). Overheated weapons don't fire.

Level 1 – Guns overheat in AOE for 1 round. AOE = 4 squares Level 2 – Overheat for 2 rounds in AOE. AOE = Cross shaped.

Both can be scaled down to a one square AOE.

Overload: Shuts down shields

Level 1 – 3 damage to shields. AOE = 4 squares Level 2 – 6 damage to shields. Level 3 – 8 damage to shields. AOE = Cross shaped. Level 4 – 10 damage to shields. AOE = 16 squares

Dampening: Shuts down biotics

Level 1 – Will save by bitoics in affected area, if they fail the powers don’t work for 2 rounds. AOE = 4 squares

Level 2 – Will save is hard (-10%).

Hacking: Makes drones or AI go berserk.

Level 1 – Make a tech roll, target(s) go berserk attacking nearest target for 1 round for each degree of success. AOE = 1 square

Level 2 - +10% to the tech roll. AOE = 4 squares

Level 3 – Targets go berserk for 2 rounds for each degree of success.

General Equipment

Weapons: Mass Accelerators, Lasers, Flamers, melee, grenades

Hand to Hand Weapons: Each of these has their own weapon talent that goes along with it.

Basic – Mono: Basic weapons are just that, a dagger, whatever. They are fairly useless against modern armor. Mono allows for a blade to actually be useful.

Mass Effect Field Blades (MEF Blades): This blade has a mass effect field around it which gives it some bite. Basically a blade with a force field around it.

Biotic Blades: A blade that allows a biotic user to channel their ability into a melee weapon. A biotic only weapon.

Stunners: A weapon for when you don’t want to kill someone.

Armor: Armor comes in pretty much the same varieties as in the 40K book.

Shields: All armor has shields except for the most basic of sets. Shields give AR against attacks (only from guns, not lasers, flamers, or some HtH). Each shield has an AR rating, and a body rating. When a shield is hit, subtract the AR from the attack. If the damage left over is equal to or less then the AR of the shield the shield looses one body.

If the damage is greater then the AR, then all extra damage goes to the shield, with whatever is left going to the target.

Once a shield is down, it takes a number of turns to come back up. Various enchantments can decrease this time.

Light Shields: 3-5 AR / Body: 3-5 points

Med Shields: 6-8 AR / Body: 6-8 points

Heavy Shield – only heavy armor can power these: 9-12 AR / Body: 8 points