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=== Clairvoyance ===
=== Clairvoyance ===
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Speed/Delay: 0 (passive)<br>
Speed/Delay: 0 (passive)<br>
''Dice Pool: Focus-Acuity''<br>
''Dice Pool: Focus-Acuity''<br>
This talent acts as a kind of “sixth sense” for the psion, and will trigger appropriate physiological responses one might experience prior to a fight-or-flight response.  When the psion is in the presence of a hidden hazard (such as a trap or a structure that might collapse), or a living being or creature that might turn hostile, the Master should make an activation check for the Hero.  The psion can detect dangers not only to himself, but others around him within speaking distance (about 10m).  If this activation check succeeds, the Master should give some kind of a hint to the player.  This talent doesn’t relay information such as the nature of the danger or visions, just a gut feeling in the psion that becomes stronger with proximity to the hazard.  Even if the hazard triggers shortly after the psion detects it, he gets +4 to his surprise roll.  Range is the psion’s Acuity trait value x Psi Focus: Clairvoyance level in meters, so with this talent a psion would not likely be able to detect a distant sniper, for example.  Also, while this ability allows the clairvoyant to detect hazards from the environment and inanimate objects, if the source of the danger is a psionic null, the psion will get no warning.<br>
This talent acts as a kind of “sixth sense” for the psion, and will trigger appropriate physiological responses one might experience prior to a fight-or-flight response.  When the psion is in the presence of a hidden hazard (such as a trap or a structure that might collapse), or a living being or creature that might turn hostile, the Master should make an activation check for the Hero.  The psion can detect dangers not only to himself, but others around him within speaking distance (about 10m).  If this activation check succeeds, the Master should give some kind of a hint to the player.  This talent doesn’t relay information such as the nature of the danger or visions, just a gut feeling in the psion that becomes stronger with proximity to the hazard.  Even if the hazard triggers shortly after the psion detects it, he gets +4 to his surprise roll.  Range is the psion’s Acuity trait value x Psi Focus: Clairvoyance level in meters, so with this talent a psion would not likely be able to detect a distant sniper, for example.  Also, while this ability allows the clairvoyant to detect hazards from the environment and inanimate objects, if the source of the danger is a psionic null, the psion will get no warning. If the psion is armed with a laser sword or light sword, this talent allows the psion to predict the path of incoming fire quickly enough to allow them a chance to deflect it.  If the weapon is readied and a shot is going to hit the psion, he can choose to try to deflect it.  Each attempt costs 1 CT, with a TN of 7 or the shooter’s attack roll (whichever is greater).  If used to deflect a burst, the psion pays 1 CT for each shot they attempt to intercept and TN is increased by one for every additional shot, which means that the psion may only intercept some of the shots.
''Tara Seven detected the corpsec ambush and draws the light sword she recently found when the crew discovered an ancient ForeRunner site.  A rooftop sniper takes a shot at her and barely hits, rolling a 5.  Tara’s player decides to try and intercept the attack, and rolls a 7.  The energy blade sweeps quickly, causing a spray of copper sparks to lick the air as the bullet is intercepted.  Another attacker leans out of a doorway on the ground floor and sprays her with a burst from a laser rifle.  This attacker gets a bit luckier, rolling an 8, and his action card shows three hits!  Tara’s player spends three CT to try and intercept all of the shots.  With an attack of 8 and two additional shots, the TN to deflect them all is 10!  Tara rolls well, but not well enough.  With a 9, two of the shots are deflected, but one manages to get by, searing her flesh.  She only hopes that Mac and Kovnachuk nearby can hear her scream of pain and come to her aid soon; she doesn’t know how long she’ll be able to hold off this barrage…''<br>
'''Detect Psi'''<br>
'''Detect Psi'''<br>

Latest revision as of 18:40, 21 April 2016

Back to Chapter 8: Psionics


The Bloodhound

The clairvoyant Adept channels his mind to both hone his senses and to see what cannot be seen by normal means. Sometimes he detects the mental intent of others, sometimes he senses the psychic residue left behind on an object or in an area. The most skilled in this focus even have the ability to see through another’s eyes, or send their perceptions outside their corporeal self and observe a location from vast distances as though they were a ghost, or the proverbial fly on the wall. For a clairvoyant adept, the Acuity trait is every bit as important as their Essence trait. The Clairvoyant’s pool of talents is somewhat limited, but some of them can be extremely versatile and useful in the right situations.

Level 1Sense Danger/1, Detect PSI/4

Sense Danger*
CT cost: 1 (passive)
Activation #: 7
Speed/Delay: 0 (passive)
Dice Pool: Focus-Acuity
This talent acts as a kind of “sixth sense” for the psion, and will trigger appropriate physiological responses one might experience prior to a fight-or-flight response. When the psion is in the presence of a hidden hazard (such as a trap or a structure that might collapse), or a living being or creature that might turn hostile, the Master should make an activation check for the Hero. The psion can detect dangers not only to himself, but others around him within speaking distance (about 10m). If this activation check succeeds, the Master should give some kind of a hint to the player. This talent doesn’t relay information such as the nature of the danger or visions, just a gut feeling in the psion that becomes stronger with proximity to the hazard. Even if the hazard triggers shortly after the psion detects it, he gets +4 to his surprise roll. Range is the psion’s Acuity trait value x Psi Focus: Clairvoyance level in meters, so with this talent a psion would not likely be able to detect a distant sniper, for example. Also, while this ability allows the clairvoyant to detect hazards from the environment and inanimate objects, if the source of the danger is a psionic null, the psion will get no warning. If the psion is armed with a laser sword or light sword, this talent allows the psion to predict the path of incoming fire quickly enough to allow them a chance to deflect it. If the weapon is readied and a shot is going to hit the psion, he can choose to try to deflect it. Each attempt costs 1 CT, with a TN of 7 or the shooter’s attack roll (whichever is greater). If used to deflect a burst, the psion pays 1 CT for each shot they attempt to intercept and TN is increased by one for every additional shot, which means that the psion may only intercept some of the shots.

Tara Seven detected the corpsec ambush and draws the light sword she recently found when the crew discovered an ancient ForeRunner site. A rooftop sniper takes a shot at her and barely hits, rolling a 5. Tara’s player decides to try and intercept the attack, and rolls a 7. The energy blade sweeps quickly, causing a spray of copper sparks to lick the air as the bullet is intercepted. Another attacker leans out of a doorway on the ground floor and sprays her with a burst from a laser rifle. This attacker gets a bit luckier, rolling an 8, and his action card shows three hits! Tara’s player spends three CT to try and intercept all of the shots. With an attack of 8 and two additional shots, the TN to deflect them all is 10! Tara rolls well, but not well enough. With a 9, two of the shots are deflected, but one manages to get by, searing her flesh. She only hopes that Mac and Kovnachuk nearby can hear her scream of pain and come to her aid soon; she doesn’t know how long she’ll be able to hold off this barrage…

Detect Psi
CT cost: 1 passive/active
Activation #: 5
Speed/Delay: 0 (passive) 1/0 (active)
Dice Pool: Focus
When beings use psi abilities, they are tapping into specific energies that do not normally exist in our universe. As such, properly trained psions can readily detect the presence of these anomalies, even at great range. Detect Psi works much like Sense Danger above, but it is triggered when another being uses active or passive psi abilities within the detection range of the psion. If the clairvoyant detects psi activity, he can activate this talent to try and obtain a clearer idea of the source. As above, one success gives bearing, and two will give a distance, and a third success will reveal a source or location. Range is 100m x Essence trait value x Psi Focus: Clairvoyance level. The detection range is fairly broad for this talent; if the psion is in a situation or location where psi abilities are more common, he can “tune out” his Detect Psi talent to simple line of sight range.

Level 2Locate Danger/1, True Sight/3, Life Sense/5

Locate Danger*
CT cost: 1 / 2 (general/specific)
Activation #: 7
Speed/Delay: 2/0
Dice Pool: Focus-Acuity
The psion can actively use this talent to try and locate a hazard. If alerted to a hazard with the Sense Danger talent, the psion can use this ability to determine a specific source. Without the passive early warning provided by Sense Danger, this ability is far less useful unless the psion chooses to check every scene and individual constantly (which would drain his CT quickly). When alerted to the presence of a hazard, the psion can use this talent to determine bearing and a rough range. One successful check will reveal a bearing, two checks (or one and a bump) will give a general range. These checks cost 1 CT and have a range equal to the psion’s Acuity trait value x Psi Focus: Clairvoyant level. A final check costs 2 CT with a range equal to the psion’s Acuity trait value in meters. This third check will reveal a more precise source (a tripwire, landmine, carnivorous plant or an assassin’s hidden weapon, for example).

True Sight*
CT cost: 2
Activation #: 7
Speed/Delay: 0 (passive), 1/0 (active)
Dice Pool: Focus-Acuity
This talent is used to see through that which would cloud the eyes or mind of the psion. Passively, the talent can be used to help the psion see through telepathic illusions. As such, he is not affected by the following talents: Aura, Suggestion, Illusion, Delusion and Great Command. Along with these unnatural talents, the psion is less likely to be fooled by mundane visual deception such as disguises. If the psion observes a being who is disguised or attempting to hide their appearance, the Master should make an activation check for the Hero’s True Sight. If the check is successful, the Master should give the player some kind of a hint that the target is truly how they appear to be. The psion may not be able to see through the disguise, but he can detect the deception and investigate further if he chooses. Range of this passive ability is speaking range (roughly 10m). Additionally, True Sight allows the psion to see where he otherwise would not be able to. On a successful activation of this talent, he can see with his eyes closed or blindfolded, in the dark, through smoke or fog or underwater. His clarity will be far from perfect (the effect might be like looking at his surroundings lit by a full moon), but he will have enough vision to move without fear of tripping or running into things, and to carry out combat actions with no penalty. The duration of active talent is one scene.

Life Sense*
CT cost: 1
Activation #: 5
Speed/Delay: 1/0
Dice Pool: Focus
The adept can detect the presence of living beings through the energies given off from their mental auras. Successive uses of this talent can be used to determine (1) the nature of the life readings, (2) the number and (3) the general direction and range. Each bump tells the psion another level of information. Detection range is Essence trait value x 50m. Duration for each activation 5 minutes.

Level 3Detect Aura/1, Detect Lies/3, Mind Shield/5

Detect Aura*
CT cost: 1
Activation #: 7 (cold reading) / 5 (conversational)
Speed/Delay: 2/0
Dice Pool: Focus-Acuity
With this talent, the psion can attempt to read the psychic aura a person emanates. The talent can be attempted “cold,” which means that the psion tries to read the target without interacting with them. This is more difficult than verbally engaging the person to get a feel for them first, even if it is just for a few moments. With a successful activation, the Master should give the psion a brief descriptor to hint at the target’s mood or intent, such as “Silas Stargrave is angry at you.” With each bump, the Master can give a more detailed impression to help flesh out how the target truly feels. For example, a success with two bumps might reveal to our Hero, “Silas Stargrave is angry because the evidence leading BRINT to accuse him of treason was planted…and he was told you were the one that did it.” The effective range for this application is speaking distance (about 10m). The psion can also use Detect Aura to pick certain emotional qualities or thoughts out of a crowd of people. If a clairvoyant chases a robber into a crowd, he might try to pick out “fear.” If the Master agrees that the robber is afraid of being captured, his location might be revealed to the psion. The range for this application is 5m times the psion’s Essence trait value. The psion will know if his talent failed to activate; as such, he can trust that his readings won’t mislead him.

Detect Lies
CT cost: 1
Activation #: 5
Speed/Delay: 0
Dice Pool: Focus-Acuity
With a successful activation, the psion can ascertain whether the speaker believes what he is saying is the truth in regard to the answer to one question or the making of a single statement. Before asking a question or immediately after getting an answer or hearing a statement, the psion can activate this talent to determine if the target is speaking the truth. The psion will know if he failed to activate the talent, but will not be able to tell if what the target is saying is incorrect—even if the facts are wrong, the target may believe them to be true. Range is close conversational range, approximately 2-3 meters, to allow the adept to clearly see all the visual cues the target is giving off. Because this talent is not completely psionic in nature, a psion can attempt to detect lies even if the person is not present (such as watching a recording or a video feed) or if they are a psionic null at a -4 penalty. Likewise, if the psion cannot see the speaker but they are within range (such as if they are wearing a masked helmet or are on the other side of a door), an attempt can still be made at -4 (unless unseen target is also a psionic null, in which case reading them will be impossible).

Mind Shield
CT cost: 2/1 (active);1 (passive)
Activation #: 5
Speed/Delay: 1/0
Dice Pool: Focus
Active use of this talent allows the adept to project a psychic shell around his mind that renders him nearly impervious to telepathic talents for 5 minutes per activation (The adept defends as a Null would). Passively, each 2 levels act as one level of the mental conditioning skill.

Level 4Clairaudience/1, FarSee/3, Locate/5

CT cost: 2/1
Activation #: 5
Speed/Delay: 0
Dice Pool: Focus-Acuity
The psion is able to overhear words spoken at great distances as though he were standing next to the speaker. This ability only affects one target; it is not like having a listening device that picks up all audio in the area. If the psion wishes to hear more than one side of a conversation, he will need to activate it another time for each additional target. The range is the psion’s Essence plus Acuity trait values times 50m. The psion must be able to see the target(s), either with his eyes, through technological means (advanced optics or a video feed), or through the use of other psi abilities. Duration is one minute, maintenance is 1 CT/additional minute.

Remote Viewing
CT cost: 2/1
Activation #: 7/5
Speed/Delay: 0
Dice Pool: Focus-Acuity
This talent allows the psion to project his focus of visual perception great distances from himself. It can be used to get a mental “snapshot” of a distant location (CT cost 2, TN 7) or to allow the psion to see in real-time as though he were looking through binoculars or a telescope (CT cost 1, TN 5). The snapshot method will give the psion a rough, 360-degree mental image of the target area. Each bump to the activation roll will reveal more details. The psion does not have to have line of sight to get this mental image, but he does need to know that the area he intends to observe exists, and where it is located. One could use this ability to see past a door into the room beyond, or observe what is going on in a starship several decks above or below. Failure of the activation roll may simply mean that the psion is looking at the wrong area. This talent can be used in conjunction with other psi abilities that require the psion be able to “see” the target. The real-time version of this talent will allow the psion to see clearly 100m x Essence trait value x Acuity trait value. Duration is 1 minute.

CT cost: 1
Activation #: 7
Speed/Delay: 1/0
Dice Pool: Focus
This talent is a refinement of Life Sense. It can be actively used to pinpoint the position of any mental aura within range, as well as locate any psionic powers aimed at him or anyone in his vicinity. Use of the talent in this fashion is accurate enough that the psion could direct reasonably accurate weapons fire at a located target! Locate acts passively as a kind of “sixth sense,” and will give warning of the presence of an unseen observer. If the adept’s locate talent warns him he is being watched, he can actively use the talent to pinpoint the watcher’s location to within a few meters. Range is Essence die type x 50m.

Level 5PathFind/1, Psychometry/4

Direction Sense
CT cost: 1/5
Activation #: 5/9
Speed/Delay: 0
Dice Pool: Focus-Acuity
A psion can use this talent to either get a sense of where he is in relation to a location he is familiar or to find a path out of a location in which he has become lost. The first application has a cost of 1 CT and a TN of 5. It will give the psion a range and bearing to a nearby location with which he is familiar. The second application will give the psion insight as to a path from his current location to a nearby familiar location. If the way ahead is dangerous, his direction sense may lead him on a safer path, even if it is longer. If there is no “safe” way out of the position he finds himself, the psion may have an uneasy feeling about the path ahead. The pathfinding ability has a cost of 5 CT and a TN of 9, with a duration of 5 minutes x Essence trait value.

CT cost: 2/3/5
Activation #: 5/7/9
Speed/Delay: 2/0
Dice Pool: Mastery-Acuity
Psychometry is the ability to divine details from material objects based on the lingering psychic energies that may have stained them. The simplest information to pick up from an object is who was carrying it (2 CT, TN 5). If the psion is familiar with the person, they will know based on a single successful check. If another being has handled the object, the Master may inform the player and require further readings (or bumps on the initial activation check) to discern further details. Based on the decay of the psychic energy within the object, it may be possible to determine how long ago since they last had contact (3 CT, TN7). A single success will reveal whether the impression is strong or weak; a second will reveal if the impression is fresh or fading. A third will reveal a more accurate time frame since the last contact between the primary owner and/or more recent handlers. A perceptive psion may also be able to pick up how or why an object was used, the intent that was imbued by the person who carried it. (5 CT, TN 9). A single successful check may reveal some basic hints. One or more bumps to the activation roll will reveal more detailed impressions. The energies imbued in an object can vary and sometimes be misleading; it may require several examinations to come to the truth. A clairvoyant can make one reading on an object every scene; if time is of the essence, the clairvoyant may need to channel deep energies (i.e., expend additional CT to boost his activation roll) to conduct an accurate reading. Frequency of contact will carry a great deal of information that lasts; a person that carries a lucky charm will lend a strong impression on that object that will last for a long while after it leaves his possession. Time away from the person who touched it will weaken the impression, especially if the contact is brief or infrequent. Lastly, the strength of emotion tied to an object will alter the reading; a person wearing a blue tie because they like the color blue will collect less of a psychic energy than a hand-made ring that was left to a man by his deceased brother. A knife used to murder a person in a fit of rage will have more of a psychic stain than a knife that is simply a tool or part of a collection. If the person or people interacting with the object are unknown to the psion, increase the TN by 2. If the person is not just known to the psion but very close (a good friend, a love interest or family), decrease the TN by 2. Information gathered by the psion through the Psychometry talent may be in the form of mental images, words spoken in the presence of the object, or visions of actions carried out with the object. Psionic Nulls leave little to no impression on an object, and a clairvoyant will not be able to picture them if one carried or handled the object. Contrarily, a psi-weak being will leave a more recognizable psychic stain on an object; if they carried or handled the object, add 2 to the psion’s activation roll.

Reading the pistol left behind at a checkpoint by the intruders who destroyed a military hospital as a diversion will not reveal to Xenas that it belonged to Braxton Gerrish, but the BRINT psi-op knows who the mutinous Naval officer is and recognizes the images conjured in his mind by handling the weapon. These kinds of high-explosive antics are his exact M.O. Xenas clutches the blaster in his hand. “You’re slipping, Captain,” he whispers to himself. “Or getting cocky. The noose is tightening. I’ll see you hang, yet.”

Level 6Mental Projection

Mental Projection
CT cost: 5
Activation #: 5/7
Speed/Delay: 0
Dice Pool: Mastery
This talent grants the psion the ability to project his mental awareness outside of his body, permeating the immediate vicinity around him. As such, the psion is granted perception without the aid of normal ocular vision. This talent enables the psion to see in total darkness, while blindfolded or even while blinded from defensive weapons or trauma. Using Mental Projection, he will be able to see as clearly as if he were in an illuminated room or full daylight. Using this ability, the psion will be able to see as far as he normally would. The duration is 5 minutes x Mastery level. This talent can be coupled with the Remote Viewing talent. Using other clairvoyant powers coupled with this talent, the psion can even use a sort of penetrating vision that can allow him to see beyond walls or obstructions, or inside of objects and vehicles. The activation TN is 7 and the range is 10m x Mastery level. The duration is 5 minutes x Mastery level.

Level 7Retrocognition

CT cost: 10
Activation #: 11
Speed/Delay: Non-combat only
Dice Pool: Mastery
Retrocognition is a fine-tuned version of psychometry that allows the psion to pick up impressions and visions of events that occurred in a physical location by examining it. A “location” is loosely defined as a single room, chamber, passageway, or other enclosed area. If outdoors, it is considered an area within comfortable speaking distance (an area about 10m all around the psion). One may have to do some mundane investigative or forensic work to determine the correct area for a clairvoyant to target for a reading. As with psychometry, there are several factors that influence the ease of interpretation, the primary one being how long ago the event occurred. Another factor is the area’s traffic; trying to discern a specific event that happened (even recently) on a busy street is more difficult than a secluded alley that sees few visitors. Lastly, the intensity of the events will alter the impression left behind. The safehouse where a crew planned their mutiny will have a greater impression than the boardroom where executives planned a corporate merger. Regular visitors to an area will be more easily identified in the mind of the psion and can be differentiated by those who may be anomalies or newcomers; the homeless huddled in the shadows of the above mentioned alley would be easily separated in the mind of the psion than the two men who fought a bloody duel there the night before. To use this talent, the psion must spend several minutes in deep, uninterrupted concentration in the area, preferably alone. Recent events (within one local day) are the easiest to pick up. Add +2 to the TN for each increasing increment (week, month, year). If an area has been contaminated by the presence of those the psion is unfamiliar with between the time of the reading and the events he is trying to pick up, add 2 to the TN; if it is a high-traffic area, add +4, and the furthest back the psion will be able to read is roughly one day. If the location saw an intense event (Master’s discretion), reduce the TN by 2. Also, if the psion can narrow down a time frame (an hour of the day if within the last day, or a specific day if any time further out than that), reduce the TN by 2. The information the psion receives will be in the form of dream-like glimpses and visions, snippets of dialogue. A basic success will reveal some clues. One or more exceptional successes will reveal more detailed information, up to the point where the psion can practically recall the events as though he had been there. Only one attempt to read a location may be made per day, but a clairvoyant can attempt to read more than one location per day, limited only by time and his energy reserves.

At the scene of the demolished hospital, Xenas stands at the bottom of a smoldering crater left behind by one of the novagun impacts that leveled the hospital. He focuses deeply; a violent action happened at 9:52, local time (base TN 11 for an event within the last day, -2 for a timeframe within an hour’s accuracy and -2 more because an intense event occurred, TN 7 so far). Xenas struggles to filter all the other minds that have polluted the scene such as the employees who worked here and the patients (+4 TN for a high-traffic area). Additionally, firefighters, rescue crews and military investigators have been here between the time of the events and Xenas’ reading (+2 more, bringing the TN to 13!) The intensity of Xenas’ focus nearly causes him to collapse (Xenas’ player dumps several additional CT points into the activation roll), but it pays off! Xenas gets an exceptional success and sees visions of Braxton Gerrish and accomplices wheeling out a patient; he hear’s the mutineer’s voice calling on a comm to “level the hospital in five; Bravo, you’re clear to conduct the raid in ten. We’ve got what we came for.” Xenas’ eyes snap open and he calls out for the casualty list to see which patients are unaccounted for…

Level 8Astral Projection

Astral Projection
CT cost: Special
Activation #: Special
Speed/Delay: Non-combat only
Dice Pool: Mastery
At this level of clairvoyance mastery, the psion is able to entirely separate his locus of perception from his physical body and move it to any point within his sphere of influence. Even at “beginner” levels of mastery, the range is far greater than the size of any planetary body, so a psion can project his astral body to any point on a globe. The range of this ability is measured in light-seconds, however, enabling the psion to detect goings-on deep into space far beyond the boundaries of a planet or starship. This ability will allow the clairvoyant to monitor space around him at the following ranges dependent on the psion’s mastery level:

Level Range
1 100 LS
2 500 LS
3 2,000 LS
4 5,000 LS
5 10,000 LS

To use this talent, the psion must enter a trance state that resembles a coma. He will have no sensory perception from his physical body (so any attempts to rouse the psion will have no effect). Entering this trance consumes all of the psion’s available CT. When the psion enters the trance state, his is able to lift his astral body from his physical body and move his astral self to any location within his sphere of influence. Because of the psion’s link to the tachyon universe, he can move his astral body faster than light—near instantaneously. Whenever the astral body moves to a new location, make a Mastery roll at TN 5. If the check succeeds, the psion finds the new location. If the check fails, the psion’s astral body is lost or distracted for a number of minutes equal to how much the roll failed. The duration of the astral projection is equal to the Mastery level + Essence trait value. The psion will be able to detect the presence of all deep-space anomalies in his sphere of influence (celestial bodies, starships, orbitals, satellites, people in EVA suits, etc.). The astral body can penetrate the anomaly field of a starship operating under maneuver drive, but cannot penetrate mind shields or battlescreens. The astral body of the psion is normally undetectable. However, any technologies that can detect psi energy may trigger at the psion’s astral presence. Likewise, any psi ability that can detect psi or detect observation may be able to locate the psion’s astral body. A psion’s astral presence is immune to physical harm, but mental attacks may target the psion and cause full effect through the psychic link to the psion’s body. At any point the psion may terminate his astral projection, however he will not regain consciousness until he recovers some CT (see page XX for details on healing and recovery).